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1、Structure Passive Voice鲍秋立年级九年时间2014.10.22Aims:1 .Review passive voice.2 .Proficiency in passive voice3 .Study hard to make good use of English.Important& Difficult point:1 .To master the form of passive voice in each tense2 .To understand how to change the active voice sentencesthat have object com

2、plement or double-objects into passive voice.Teaching stepsActivityIntentionStep 1Leading inShow a picture of a book. What was it written by? It was written by Cao XueqinLead passive voice by a sentence.Step 2Show the use of passive voice and make the students repeat.Clear the meaning of passive voi

3、ceStep 3I.Ask the students speak out the form of passive voice in each tense.2.Sum up common forms and write on the blackboard.Master each form clearly.Step 4Team work.Review the form in groups, then check their work.Make sure all of the studentscanunderstand and use passive voice to make sentences.

4、Step 5Explain the key question:How to change a sentence which has causativ verb or double-objects into a passive voice sentence.Emphasize esomething fallible.Step 6.ExerciseSelect some typical questions, specially some questions that have appeared .Contact the senior high school entrance examination

5、.Tomake sure the students can use the knowledge correctly.Step 7Test in class.To check the degree that the students learnt.To check if they have grasped this lessonStep 8Homework1.To change some active voice sentencesinto passive voice sentences.Enhance the students understanding2.Review the details

6、 of this class.BlackboardStructure Passive VoiceBe+p.p.1.双宾语现在过去将来2.宾补am/is/are+ p.p.was/were+p.p .will be+p.p.进行am/is/are being+p.p.was/were being+p.p.完成have/has been+p.p.反思本课为九年级语法复习中的一节,内容为被动语态的用法、各时态结构及主动语态与 被动语态之间的相互转换。由于是毕业学年的语法复习总结课,因此在内容上做了一些取 舍。首先,不再详细讲解被动语态各种用法,只突出其中的主要用途,将各种时态中被动 语态的构成作为重

7、点复习。这是因为学生在学习过各种时态后,综合运用上还存在着一定 程度的混淆、遗忘等情况,在主动变被动中,这种情况就更为明显,因此强调并校准各时 态的结构尤为重要,因此在这个环节中,稍稍多用了一些时间, 从最后做题的效果上看来, 这五分钟设计外的时间用的还是值得的。第二,选取在之前的教学中发现的学生易错的一 些问题,包括问句变被动语态,双宾语变被动语态和含宾补的句子变被动语态,解析其中 易错的点,做难点突破,还是有一部分学生会犯与之前相同的错误,但通常都会自己发现 作出改正,说明后续还需要些时间及练习巩固加强学生的记忆,才能帮助学生真正做到不 混淆不出错。第三,特意选取一些中考典型题,希望能在实战情境下训练学生的思维,是 学生能够更为纯熟灵活的运用语法知识,避免语法结构背得熟却不会做题的现象,同样在 最后的检测中发现,这种方法效果很好。总的来说,本节课的容量虽然较大,但各知识部件间结合紧密,整节课比较完整,效 果也基本令人满意。但这其中仍有不尽如人意之处,比如课堂提问率没有达到百分之百, 个别学生在本节课上没有完全掌握课堂内容,今后在这方面的提高上,仍要多思考,不断 改进教学方法,尽量去提高学生的学习效率。


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