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1、Unit8 Wheresthe post office ?SectionA (二)班级:姓名 组 号主备人:康静 参与者:张蕾 田永平 审核人:一.认定目标1 .知识与技能词:(1) 单词与短语: neighborhood,just,straight,turn,left,down,right,on the right(2)重点句型:Go straight and turn left.Its down Bridge Street on the right.Its next to a supermarket.2 .情感态度与学习策略在理解课文的基础上,同学们互换有关生活、学习等区域的信息,进行实际

2、交流,提 高语言的运用能力。二.预习检测1 .根据音标试读单词表中的单词2 .单词检测,依照汉语意思,写出下列单词及短语 (1)。中心街道 (2).邮局3 3).投币式公用电话 (4). 在.对面(5).在. 前面 (6)在. 之后 在. 附近 (8). 紧靠.三.共同探究1 .阅读3a并找出方位介词。2 .大声朗读然后小组间练习对话。3 .再次朗读对话并找出Paul和Nancy在图画中的位置,看谁找的又快又准。4 .根据3a完成3b5 .小组活动完成4中的游戏。四.归纳总结1 .巩固记忆本节重点词汇2 .怎样问路和指路说说并写出相关句子五.拓展提高1 .翻译下列短语。1. between t

3、he bank and the park 2. on Green Street3. next to the supermarket4. across from Mingshan Hotel 5. near the restaurant2.用方框中的介词或介词短语填空。across from, behind, between, in front of, next to, near, on1. A: Is there a pay phone here?8: Yes, there is a pay phone Center Street.2. A: Wheres Xinghua Park?8: It

4、s Hongqi Supermarket and The Bank of China.3. The restaurant is the post office.4. The library is the pay phone.5. Forest Hotel is of the park.6. The pay phone is the small supermarket.3 .看地图,完成对话。The People;s ParkHotelFirst AvenueBankSupermarketLibraryRestaurantPostoffice1. A: Where is the Peoples

5、Park?8: .2. A: Where is the library?8: .3. A: Where is the bank?8: .4. A:?8: Its between the library and the post office.5. A:?8: Its across from the post office.4 .填空。A: . Where is the park?B: Its here the neighborhood. Just and right. Its New Street right. Its to a hotel.A: Thank you very much.B: You re.C: D:


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