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1、福建省高考英语口语考试应试宝典福建高考英语口语考试备考须知:成绩评定 评分等第为优、良、及格、不及格。一般情况下高校的要求要在良以上。评分标准:优:语音、语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停顿、连读、节奏等方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。良:语音、语调比较准确,朗读流利,对重读、意群和停顿、连读、节奏等把握较好,基本上能回答主考所提出的问题。及格:语音、语调基本准确,虽有些错音,但能模仿出正确读音,朗读较为流利,能回答主考所提出的部分问题。不及格:口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重或有其他先天性发音障碍(即可评为不及格),语音语调差,且无法模仿出正确的读音,朗读文段不流利,几乎回答

2、不了主考所提出的问题。一般的学生达到良的水平基本都没有问题,考官培训的时候也都被要求放低标准,尽量不卡考生的前程。所以大家放松心情,一定要自信,你们都很棒!考试内容: 福建省高考英语口试主要由两大内容组成:1,朗读短文;2,回答问题。一,短文。在短文朗读过程中,将着重考查考生的语音、语调、流利度、重读、意群、连读、节奏等基本的语音技能。所以应在1分钟准备的时候一边快熟朗读,一边读懂短文,有利于正式考试的时候能够按照意群朗读达到理想的效果。同时,文章中还会出现若干个非常见人名、地名,遇到读不出来的单词,你可带电子词典在准备时查一下,或根据词型,大概发音就行,不要卡在那了,关键是流利。还要注意序数

3、词,2nd, 3rd 等以及较长数字如754,000,000的准确读法。另外,值得注意的是朗读和回答不必求快,从容自然的表现不仅给人留下良好的印象,也有利于你与考官的交流。二,问题。问题将由教官口头提出。考生将见不到考题的文字。这也是同时在考查考生的听力能力。毕竟,听、说不分家。考生如果没有听清问题,可以请考官重复问题。口试过程中有些紧张,有时考官提出的问题不太明白,你可请他再重复一遍,用诸如这样的问话 Im sorry! I dont quite follow you. Would you like to repeat your question?/ Could your say it ag

4、ain?/ I beg you pardon! 思考过程中的思维流停顿、反复,是可以被接受的。如果需要做思考再回答的,可以说:“Let me think it over for a second.”并作短暂思考。同时,口头交际中常出现的语音词、衔接语也是可以,并应该适当使用的。如:“Mmm”,“I say,”,“well”等。 回答问题时,往往需要考生进行适当的解说,而不是只回答问题本身。这才能达到交际的目的。也就是说回答的时候尽量不要只说一句话,至少要有3,4句显得有话可说。并且要尽量在头脑中组织好再说。回答问题属于考试中较难部分,请大家继续认真看以下例子:例1, 当考生听到,“Do you

5、 like music?”时,“ Yes, of course. I think music plays an very important role in life. It makes me calm down when I feel upset and I always recall the good memories when I listen to my favorite music. 例2, 如:考生回答“Who is your favorite English teacher?”时,可以回答,“I like Miss Wu best. In her class, I learnt

6、a lot of useful things in interesting ways. And she is very kind, and helpful. She comes to my help whenever I am in trouble.” 例3,“can you something about your best friend?”你可以从外形,性格,爱好等方面去描述。例4,“Say something about the Job you Want to Do in the Future”假如考生选择的职业是:教师、如果泛泛而讲教师这一职业多么好,多么有意义,多么地喜欢,就会显得比

7、较杂乱,难以组织,也很容易变得言之无物。而聪明的做法则是从中选取了一个角度:喜欢当教师的原因。然后分为三点:1.她的妈妈是老师,因此对教师的职业很亲切,也很有好感;2.教师这一职业具有很重要的意义;3.她的性格适于教师这一职业的特点。例5“What is you favorite novel/ sports star?”你觉得这个话题不好发挥,你不妨回答说“As a matter of fact, I dont really like novel/ sports. Instead I like newspaper and magazine better.(instead I have my f

8、avorite film star/singer in my heart.) 这样有利于将话题转向自己熟悉的话题。所以考前要就对常见话题做好准备有利于顺利完成考试。考试内容出处: 短文主要是节选于适合于中学生水平的英语文章或小说中。基本上都是记叙文体。故事性强,所用词汇多已为中学生所基本熟悉,句子结构也适中。适宜考生发挥。 问题都是有关考生个人学习、生活的问题,主要涉及以下几个方面:(建议大家就常见话题思考一下如何组织语言,到时就可以从容应对了) 1,学校生活:Can you say something about your learning habits?Can you say someth

9、ing about your school life?Can you say something about your senior school?What kind of school activities do you like best? Why? 2,家庭生活:Can you tell us something about one of the members in your family?Can you say something about your family?What birthday present will you give to the members of your

10、family? Why? 3,身边人物:Can you say something about one of your classmates?Who is your favorite English teacher? Why?Do you like helping other? Why/why not? 4,个人兴趣爱好:Which film star do you like best? Why?Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/why not?What animal do you like best? Why? 5,其它:

11、Whats the date today?Do you like to study in a university in our province? Why/why not?考试程序须知 一,考试前半个小时,考生需到各自考试候考室候考,并抽签决定考试顺序。未到本人考试顺序,不得离开候考室;考试结束后,不得重回候考室。这是为了避免考试内容被传递给未考考生。 二,进入考试室。当前一考生考完离场,后一考生将紧接着进入考试室。进入考试室后,可以用英语和考试老师进行适当的问候。如:”Good morning / afternoon.” “Hello!”等。但建议不应过于热情或过于正式。如,”Its my

12、 great honor to be here today.”之类的话语并不合适。 三,朗读短文。进入考试室之后,将会由三位考官中的一位拿出分别写有一篇120 200词的短文的三张试卷让考生抽取其中一份。考生抽取完考题之后,可以坐到考生座位上,并默读短文一分钟做准备。在考试过程中,有不少考生对这一步骤很茫然,不知道该做什么。更多的考生则没有好好利用这一分钟的准备时间。仓促间就开始朗读。建议考生应当事先了解考试步骤,做好准备。 四,回答问题。一般情况下,朗读短文时,不需要考生将全文从头到尾朗读一遍。主考官会在他认为合适的时候示意考生停止。这时,进入了回答问题的阶段。这时主考官将会口头提问1-3个

13、问题。考生应当根据实际情况作答。考官将根据考生回答的情况决定提问的问题的数量及顺序。之后教官将示意考生考试结束。 至此,该生口语测试全部结束,考生应离开考试室、考点。福建省历年高考英语口语考试题和部分参考答案福建省历年高考英语口语考试题(1) 第一套 (一) 1、Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not? 2、Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How? 3、How are you getting along with your classmates? (二) 1、What kin

14、d of music do you like best? 2、What do you think of your English teacher? 3、Who is your best friend? Say something about himher. (三) 1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English? 2、what date is your birthday?3、How do you like your mother? 第二套 (一) 1、Do you often play football/table tennis/v

15、olleyball/ Why? Why not? 2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies? 3、Please say something about your family. (二) 1、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not? 2、Whats your favourite subject? 3、What do you often do on Sundays? (三)1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays? I b

16、uy a bunch of flowers on Mothers Day or Fathers Day. 2、What sport do you like best?3、What are you going to do during summer holidays?第三套 I、 1、Please say sth about your hometown. 2、Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not? 3、What is your favorite university?Why? II、1、How do you spend your spare

17、time? I listen to music, watch movies, read books, have a picnic, do some sports or surf the Internet. 2、Please say sth about one of your good friends 3、Do you love your school? Why/Why not? III、 1、Do you like to have a part-time job?Why/Why not? 2、How do you find your English teacher?3.What is your

18、 favorite subject?Why? 第四套 I、 1、How do you practise your spoken English? 2、Do you remember your parents birthday?How do you celebrate them? 3、What season do you like best?Why? II、 1、Would you please introduce your family? 2、Do you like fast food?Why/Why not? 3、Do you think friendship is important to

19、 you?Why/Why not? III、 1、Do you share your feelings with your friends?Why/Why not? 2、Are you ready to help others?Why/Why not?3、How do you improve your spoken English? 第五套 I、 1、Do you keep any pets?Why/Why not? 2、How will you spend your holidays this summer? 3、Do you like traveling?Why/Why not?福建省历年

20、高考英语口语考试题(2)第一套 I、 1、Do you like music? Why/Why not? 2、What subject do you like best? Why? 3、Why do you learn spoken English? II、 1、Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not?2、Do you listen to music while you are studying?Why/Why not? No, I dont. Because music can make me fail to focus on my study.3、W

21、hat will you do if you have a lot of money? I will give some of them to my parents to make them live a better life, do some travellings to visit some most beautiful places I have ever dreamed of, then do some charities. III、 1、Do you think friends are important to you? Why/Why not? 2、Please say sth

22、about one of your best friends.3、What TV programme do you like best? Why?第二套 I、 1、Do you often watch TV? Why/Why not? 2、What are your hobbies? Please say sth about them. 3、How do you celebrate your birthday? II、 1、How do you spend your weekends? 2、Whats your favourite sport? Why? 3、Do you think mone

23、y is very important to you? III、 1、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not? 2、What is your favorite food? Why?3、Do you like animals? Why/Why not?第三套 I、 1、Please say sth about your hometown.2、Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not? No. because it is a waste of time and money p

24、laying computer games And it also distracts us from study. 3、What is your favorite university?Why? II、 1、How do you spend your spare time? 2、Please say sth about one of your good friends 3、Do you love your school? Why/Why not? III、1、Do you like to have a part-time job?Why/Why not? No, I dont. Becaus

25、e as a student I should concentrate on my study 2、How do you find your English teacher?3.What is your favorite subject?Why? 第四套 I、 1、How do you practise your spoken English? 2、Do you remember your parents birthday?How do you celebrate them? 3、What season do you like best?Why? II、 1、Would you please

26、introduce your family? 2、Do you like fast food?Why/Why not? 3、Do you think friendship is important to you?Why/Why not? III、 1、Do you share your feelings with your friends?Why/Why not? 2、Are you ready to help others?Why/Why not?3、How do you improve your spoken English?第五套 I、 1、Do you keep any pets?Wh

27、y/Why not? 2、How will you spend your holidays this summer? 3、Do you like traveling?Why/Why not? II、 1、How do you spend your pocket money? 2、Where would you like to travel?Why? 3、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English?Why/Why not? III、 1、What kind of music do you like? 2、What

28、do you do to improve your English? 3、Say sth about your hobby,please. 福建省历年高考英语口语考试题(3) 第一套 I、 1、Do you like music? Why/Why not? 2、What subject do you like best? Why? 3、Why do you learn spoken English? II、 1、Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not? 2、Do you listen to music while you are studying?Why

29、/Why not? 3、What will you do if you have a lot of money? III、 1、Do you think friends are important to you? Why/Why not? 2、Please say sth about one of your best friends.3、What TV programme do you like best? Why? 第二套 I、 1、Do you often watch TV? Why/Why not? 2、What are your hobbies? Please say sth abou

30、t them. 3、How do you celebrate your birthday? II、 1、How do you spend your weekends? 2、Whats your favourite sport? Why? 3、Do you think money is very important to you? III、 1、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not? 2、What is your favorite food? Why? 3、Do you like animals? Why/Why not

31、? 第三套 I、 1、Please say sth about your hometown. 2、Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not? 3、What is your favorite university?Why? II、 1、How do you spend your spare time? 2、Please say sth about one of your good friends 3、Do you love your school? Why/Why not? III、 1、Do you like to have a part-ti

32、me job?Why/Why not? 2、How do you find your English teacher?3.What is your favorite subject?Why? 第四套 I、 1、How do you practise your spoken English? 2、Do you remember your parents birthday?How do you celebrate them? 3、What season do you like best?Why? II、1、Would you please introduce your family? There

33、are four people in my family, namely, my father,my mother,my brother and I. My father is a worker, a breadwinner of the family. He always tries his best to support the family. My mother is a housewife. She does the cooking, washing and cleaning.And she always puts the house in a good order. My broth

34、er is student who likes playing basketball. I have a happy family.2、Do you like fast food?Why/Why not? No, It is junk food.3、Do you think friendship is important to you?Why/Why not? Yes, I think so. Without friendship, We would feel lonely. III、1、Do you share your feelings with your friends?Why/Why

35、not? Yes, I do. Because sometimes I feel upset, if I share this feeling with my friends. I will feel better. 2、Are you ready to help others?Why/Why not?3、How do you improve your spoken English? 第五套 I、1、Do you keep any pets?Why/Why not? Yes, because they are our good friends. 2、How will you spend you

36、r holidays this summer? 3、Do you like traveling?Why/Why not? II、 1、How do you spend your pocket money? 2、Where would you like to travel?Why? 3、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English?Why/Why not? III、 1、What kind of music do you like? 2、What do you do to improve your English?

37、3、Say sth about your hobby,please. II、 1、How do you spend your pocket money? 2、Where would you like to travel?Why? 3、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English?Why/Why not? III、1、What kind of music do you like? I like country music because it makes feel at ease. 2、What do you do

38、to improve your English?3、Say sth about your hobby,please. I like playing basketball best because i think basketball is a very exciting gameand I can make myself stronger and stronger by playing basketball.福建省历年高考英语口语考试题(4) 第一套 (一)1、Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not? Yes , I do . Becaude she li

39、kes to help others2、Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?Yes,she is very strict with me。She regards us as her own children。3、How are you getting along with your classmates? All of them are my good friends. We are happy together. (二)1、What do you think of your English teacher?

40、 She is knowledgeable, friendly and patient. All of us like her very much. 2、Who is your best friend? Say something about himher. (三)1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English? Yes, I do. Especially when I meet with new words. 2、what date is your birthday?3、How do you like your mother? M

41、y mother is one of the best mothers in the world. She is beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted. Most importantly, She loves me and I love her.too. 第二套 (一) 1、Do you often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why? Why not? 2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies? 3、Please say somet

42、hing about your family. (二) 1、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not? 2、Whats your favourite subject? 3、What do you often do on Sundays? (三) 1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays? 2、What sport do you like best? 3、What are you going to do during summer holidays? 第三套 (一) 1、 Do you of

43、ten listen to English programs? Why? Why not? 2、What do you do in your spare time? 3、Do you like your school? Why? Why not? (二)1、Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not? Yes, I do. I am a couch potato. Every day after lunch, I just sit in the couch watching TV one hour after another because I cannot res

44、ist watching TV.2、What are you going to be in the future? I am going to be a doctor in the future because I want to save more lives and this makes me happy.3、Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her. I Like my Englishteacher best. He is so cute and funny that we cannot help

45、laughing in his class. (三) 1、How do you usually spend your weekends? 2、Do you have any penfriends? Please say something about him/her?3、What do you usually do in your spare time? 第四套 (一) 1、Do you like sports? Why? Why not? 2、What did you do after the collage entrance examinations? 3、Please say something about one of your good friends. (二) 1、Do you think collecting stamps


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