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1、名师精编优秀教案Unit Me and My ClassLesson3 Getting to know you(New Class)【Learning Aims】I Master the words: crop; immediately; glad; ahead; pancake; lemonII Language points:Go ahead; play the voilin; also,too ,either 的用法FoundationI Free-talk: Is it easy to make new friends ?why or why not ?Key Words:II New

2、 words: Write as the following, then read.eg. rather ?r a :e? adv. 相当;宁可1 immediately2 glad3 ahead4 pancake5 lemon6 pizza7 hate8 eitherDirectionI Listen to Danny s report and circle the words in the chartAll about SandraShe likes she doesnt likehe likes to he hates toGreen rain play the piano set th

3、e tableRed snow play the violin comb her hairFoods Monday ride a bike get up earlyFruit pink clothes go for walksDinasours purple clothesII Read the lesson and ask the questions1. What task did Ms Cox give to the class?2. How did Danny feel about the interview3. What question did Danny ask Sandra?II

4、. listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.1 .Jack wants to be a2 .Jacks brother wants to be a3 . Mike wants to be a4 .Mikes brother wants to be aSelf-check I选出正确的答案1.1 like to the music.A to listen B to listening C listen2 he hates for walks.A to go B to going3 He always plays voilin .A a B an

5、C theII选用适当的形式填空1. He has many(interest).2. This is an very(interest)book.3. He is very(interest) in this book4. I feel very(interest)about this(interest)book【ConsolidatiorlI Read again to have a further understanding and see if you have any other questions. Expansion1 用 also,too, either 填空1.I like

6、apples, he likes apples,2.I like apples, he likes apples3.I dont like apples, he doesnt likeAssignment1 Finish Part 3 on page7.2 Preview Lesson 4.3 Recite the words and read the text.Lesson 4 Best Friends (New Class)【Learning Aims】I Master the words: pea; pod; copy; surprise ; angrily; lend II Langu

7、age points:two peas in a pod; spend in doing; to one s surprise; make a dealFoundationI Free-talk: who is your best friend? what do you like about him/her?Key Words:II New words:Write as the following, then read.eg. rather ?r a :e? adv. 相当;宁可1pea2 pod3 copy4 surprise5 angrily6 lend7cheat8 following9

8、gym10 embarrassed11enemyIII Translate the following phrases.1 two peas in a pod2 spendin doing3 to ones surprise4 make a dealDirectionI Listen and number the sentences in the correct order1. They parted and went their own ways2. They stopped talking each other3. The two boys saw each other at the gy

9、m4. Patrick and Grant are best friends,They are like two peas in a pod5. They made a deal. They would do their own homework and play basketball later.The correct order isII Read and answer.1 What did Grant like to play after class?2 Why did the two boys stop talking to each other?3 What made the two

10、 boys become friends again4 What agreement did the boys make?Self-check Translate the sentences.1 They are like two peas in a pod2 No way, I can t help you like that3 What a friend!4 Grant immediately came over and held out his hand.5 That day two boys made a deal【ConsolidatiorlRead again to have a further understanding.Expansion1Translate the following sayings about friends1. A friend in need is a friend indeed2. Friends must part3. A friend is easier lost than foundAssignment1 Finish off Part3 on Page9.2 Preview lesson53 Recite the words and read the text.4 5


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