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1、外研版(三起)六年级英语下外研版(三起)六年级英语下 M1M1 测试题及答案测试题及答案 一、用所给字母组合成正确的单词(10) 1.a i t w r e s s2.h m b r u m r g e3.l l o a d r 2.4.r i d n k5.n e j o y6.o l c a 7.n t e c8.n e e t t i r h9.m u e n10.c c h i k n e 二、英汉短语互译:(10) 1.a hot dog_2.three dollars and five cents_ 3.多少(钱)_4.给你_ 5.have our favourite dish_6

2、.用餐愉快_ 7.Idont know_8.请坐_ 9.进来_10.want to drink_ x kb1.c o m 三、写出下列单词的相应形式: (10) 1.know( 同 音 词 )_2.hambueger( 复 数 )_3.for( 同 音 词)_4.cent(同音词)_5.dont(完全形式)_ 6.too(同音词)_7.here(同音词)_8.dish(复数)_ 9.our(主格)10.cola(复数)_ 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空: (10) 1.Does he_(want) an apple? 2.My father_(want) a cola and I_(want)s

3、ome milk. 3.Do you want_(eat) noodles? No. 4.Can you help_(we)? 5.Lets go and help_(he). 6.I want_(find) a pen friend in China. 新 课 标 第 一 网 7.He and I _(be) at school now. 8._(not close) the window,please. 9.All our food_(be) very very nice. 五、选择:(10) ()1.Do you want some rice?A.Yes ,I want.B. Yes,

4、I do.C. No,you dont. ()2.How_hot dogs do you want? A. muchB. manyC. some ()3.How_are they?Theyre 12 dollars.A. muchB.manyC.any ()4.-What do you want_?-A cola.A. to eatB.to drinkC.to take ()5.Amy wants three_, and you?A. colaB. colasC. colaes ()6. How much is it?-_.A. Its three dollars and seventy-fi

5、ve cents. B. Its three dollar and seventy-five cent.C. Its three dollars and seventy-five cent. ()7.-What does the girl want? She_ a hot dog. A. wantB. wantsC.wanted. ()8.The present isyou.A.toB.inC.for ()9.Enjoy your meal.A.Thank you.B.OKC.Bye! ()10.These food is 100. A.dollarB.dollarsC.cent 六、根据汉语

6、意思完成句子:(10) 新 课 标 第 一 网 1.你想要吃点什么?_do you_to _? 2.我想要些米饭和鸡肉。I want some_and_. 3.它看起来不错。It_good! 4.总共是 13 美元 25 美分。Its_dollars and twenty-five_. 5.它真的是一只狗吗?_it_a dog? 七、连词组句:(15) 1. you, do, what, drink, to, want,(?)_ 2.cola, how much, a, is(?)_ 3.want, I, chicken, please, some( .)_ 4.what, does, eat

7、, Daming, to, want( ?)_ 5.dollars, cents, thirteen twenty-five, and, is, it( . )_ 八、改写下列句子:(15) 1.Its twentyyuan.(划线部分提问)_? 2.He wants two hamburgers and a cola.(划线部分提问)_? 3.Do you want orange juice or milk?(作出回答)_. 4.There is some rice in the bag.(改为否定句)_. 5.The man in the car is my uncle. (划线部分提问)

8、_? 九、选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整: (10) A:Can I help you? B: A:Ok. B:Coffee,please. A:Thats 15 dollars. B: A:Thank you. 新课标 第一网 A.Here you areB.And what do you want to drink? C.Enjoy your meal.D.How much is it? E.I want some fish and rice. 参考答案: 一、1.waitress2.hamburger3.dollar4.drink5.enjoy6.cola7.cent 8.thirtee

9、n9.menu10.chicken 新课标 第一网 二、 1.热狗2.三美元五美分3.how much4.Here you are.5.请吃我们喜爱的 菜6.enjoy your meal 7.我不知道8.have a e in10.想喝 三、1.no2.hamburgers3.four4.semt5.do mot6.two7.hear8.dishes 9.we10.colas Xkb 1. Com 四、1.wemt 2.wants,want3.to eat4.us5.him6.to find7.are8.Dont close9.is 五、BBABBABCAB 六、1.What,want,ea

10、t2.rice,chick3.looks4.thirteen.cents5.Is,really 七、1.What do you want to drink?2.How much is a cola?3.I want some chocken,please.4.What does Daming want to eat?5.It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. Xk b 1. Com 八、1.How much is it?2.What does he want?3.I want orange juice/milk. 4.There isnt any rice in the bag.5.Who is the man in the car? 九、EBDAC www.x kb 1.c om 十、


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