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1、用那么那么写一句话篇一:怎么写好句子 英语文章句子间的要求:连接的好、简练、多样、条理清楚、前 后一致等。 比较两个句子(学会连词的运用): A. Tom saw the advertisement about an expedition organized by Sir Earnest. He decided to join it. B. Tom saw the advertisement about an expedition organized by Sir Earnest and he decided to join it. 改写句子: 1. I tried to give him a

2、dvice. He didnt listen. 2. he didnt listen. 1. I dont like smoking. I dont like drinking alcohol. 2. I dont like smoking drinking 3. I like drinking alcohol. 1 He was an amateur. He hid secretly aboard the ship. 2, he hid secretly aboard the ship. 1. The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was af

3、raid of the dog. 2. The child hid behind his mothers skirt, he was afraid of the dog.1. He is a kind person. He likes helping others. like helping others A. On January 18th, 1915, because the ship got stuck in pack ice, it crushed. B. (不用连词) 1. There is a girl who is sitting between us. 2. between u

4、s. 1. Because I have finished all the work, I am free now. 2.all the work, I am free now. 3. 1. Alice is fond of playing table tennis, so Alice practices playing table tennis every day. 2. Alice is fond of playing table tennis, every day. 1. Mary went to the party and I went to the party went to the

5、 party.1 They were optimistic and persevered. They were rescued. 2, they were rescued. 3, they were rescued.(用连词) He went home late, so his mother was angry. He explained that there was an accident on the road, so he met a traffic jam.(修改一下连词的用法,让句子更加合理) 对比句子(学会用一些结构来连接句子): 1 I dont agree with you o

6、n your plan. I dont think it is of great use for our company. It is not very practical. 2 On the whol., I dont agree to your plan. For one thing, I dont think it is of great use for our company. For another, it is not very practical 1 A tortoise was walking in the beach. He found a stone in the beac

7、h. 2 Walking in the beach, a tortoise found a stone. 1 He felt curious. He kicked the stone.2 Feeling curious, he kicked the stone. 3 With great curiosity, he kicked the stone. 1 It was another tortoise. It was having a rest. 2 It was another tortoise having a rest 3 Much to his surprise, it was ano

8、ther tortoise having a rest. notuntil/It is/wasthat强调句 1 I didnt realize I was wrong until you told me. 2 Not until you told me did I realize I was wrong. 3 It was not until you told me that I realized I was wrong. 4 Wanghai left the classroom after he closed all the windows. 5 Wanghai didnt leave t

9、he classroom until he closed all the windows 一with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 1.The old man led the way and we had no trouble finding the house. 2.With the old man leading the way, we had no trouble finding the house. 二too young/old to do Mike is very young . He cant move the heavy box. -Mike is too young to move

10、 the heavy box. 三祈使句, + and / or + (一般将来时)陈述句 If you think hard, you will answer it. - Think hard, and youll answer it. 四bothand/neithernor My mother didnt agree with me and my father didnt either.- Neither my mother nor my father agreed with me. 五I dont think/ believe/ suppose He wont come, I think

11、. - I dont think he will come. 六Its no good doing Eating too much is not good. - Its no good eating too much. 七what/when/how/why/whether to do篇二:句子用英语怎么说 句子用英语怎么说 句子:sentence 示例用法: 1. 标题写作是练习写句子的好方法。 Headline writing is good practice for sentence writing. 2. 这样的句子通常都没有结尾。 The sentence was not usuall

12、y completed. 3. 一个句子的力量是巨大的。 The power of a sentence is tremendous. 4. 我觉得 I found that an intriguing sentence. 5. 决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。 Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence. 6. 重新读最后一个句子一遍. Read that last sentence again. 7. 怎样写句子:且怎样解读一句话 How to write a sentence: and how to read one

13、 8. 且一个句子不可能没有动词却合乎语法。 And a sentence cannot be grammatically correct without a verb. 9. 在这个句子里试试你的名字吧“一下。” Test your name in this sentence: _ it. 10. 外延意义(denotative meaning)句子的意义是它的所指。 Denotative meaning-the sentence means what it is about. 11. 对于fish来说一个优秀的句子就像优秀的体育表演。 For fish a great sentence i

14、s like a great athletic performance.12. 每句句子的开头是“我因为而怨恨你。” Start each sentence with I resent you for. 13. 在这种情况下,段落和句子之间的区别是无关紧要的。 The distinction between paragraph and sentence in this case is irrelevant. 14. 意图意义句子的意义为写作者希图其表达的。 Intentional meaning-the sentence means what the author intended it to

15、 say. 15. 内涵意义句子的意义为读者读它时想到的。 Connotative meaning-the sentence means what readers think about when they read it.篇三:有没有那么一句话说到你的心坎里的 你可以沉默不语,不管我的着急, 你可以不回信息,不顾我的焦虑, 你可以将我的关心,说成让你烦躁的原因, 你可以把我的思念,丢在角落不屑一顾, 你可以对着其他人微笑, 对我爱理不理 你可以给别人拥抱, 对我只留背影 你可以对全世界好, 却忘了我一直的伤心 你做什么都可以, 不过是因为仗着我喜欢你, 而那, 却是唯一让我变得卑微的原因。

16、2. 有些事,一转身就是一辈子。 3. 年轻时我们放弃,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是一生。 4. 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 5. 哀莫大于心不死。 6. 我很好,不吵不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道。 7. 朋友们都羡慕我,其实羡慕他们的人是我。 8. 爱你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开你了,比很久很久还要久 9. 我失恋了,你怎么可以把我弄丢了。 10. 那些被允许任性的年代,叫做青春 11. 我在过马路,你人在哪里? 12. 忘却,是最无奈的爱。 13. 你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。 14. 如果我转过身,就不会有人看见我的眼泪了

17、吧? 15. 我们经过那么多考验,最后还是回到了原点 16. 让你在没有我的地方疯狂,让我在没有你的世界坚强。 17. 每一天,允许自己放纵一次,哭一次,只一次其余的时间,就开开心心地笑着过。 18. 对自己狠心,才会让你幸福。 19. 我是好人,别伤害我。 20. 我是由影子保护的。 21. 我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在? 22. 当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错。 23. 爱那么短,遗忘那么长 24. 等待,是一生最初的苍老 25. 一个人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。 26. 童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。 27. 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。 28.

18、 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 29. 要有多坚强,才敢念念.。 30. 看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。 31. 我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。 32. 不被理解的弱小只好一直坚强。33. 不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。 34. 我在怀念,你不再怀念的。 35. 请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真的。 36. 一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 37. 我们每一步,都走的太早了啊.在学会爱之前陷入,在学会体谅之前分手,在学会面对之前结束 38.我一生中最幸运的两件事: 一件,是时间终于将我对你的爱消耗殆尽 .一件,是很久很久以前一 天, 我遇见你 39. 感情不是够付出够努力,就能留住幸福 40. 来年陌生的是昨日最亲的某某, 总好于那年没有遇见过某某用那么那么写一句话


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