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1、“宝光”真空灭弧室固封极柱安装使用说明书1 . 概述1.1 固封极柱固封极柱就是利用固体绝缘介质将断路器的一次导电部分(真空灭弧室与上下出线端等载流元件)全部密封成一体, 使真空灭弧室的绝缘状态完全不受外界环境的影响, 提高了耐环境性。 固体绝缘既是一次部分的主绝缘,又是它的机械支撑,其电场分布优于各种形状的绝缘隔板结构。2 正常使用条件a) 周围空气温度:上限 +40 下限 -25 (户内) ; -40 (户外)b)海拔1000m及以下(如有更高需求,则另行商议)c) 湿度: 在 24 小时内测得的相对湿度的平均值不超过95%; 在 24 小时内测得的水蒸气压力的平均值不超过2.2kPa ;

2、 月相对湿度的平均值不超过90%; 月水蒸气压力的平均值不超过1.8 kPa 。d)周围空气环境应不受腐蚀性或可燃性气体,水蒸气等明显污染。e)无严重污秽及经常性剧烈振动。3 . 参数 :见各具体产品参数表。4 结构与工作原理4.1 结构固封极柱是将外包覆硅橡胶的真空灭弧室、一次导电的上出线、软连接或滑动导电块、绝缘拉杆(如需要)等零部件,用环氧树脂一体固化而成。其中真空灭弧室内设一对特殊结构的触头(电极) ,动导电杆与动端触头相连并穿过不锈钢波纹管和导向套, 从灭弧室的动端伸出, 伸出端设有与绝缘拉杆相连的内螺纹孔; 静导电杆与静端触头相连并穿过静盖板, 与上出线紧密连接。 动、 静触头周围

3、是固定在陶瓷外壳上用来屏蔽电弧的屏蔽筒。灭弧室内装有吸气剂,用以吸收灭弧室在寿命期内的残余气体。4.2 工作原理电流通过固封极柱的上下引出线,流经真空灭弧室的动、静触头,当操动机构通过绝缘拉杆控制动、静触头分离时, 触头间产生真空电弧 (真空灭弧室内部的高真空状态是固封极柱带电工作时的绝缘介质和灭弧介质) ,并在电流过零时熄灭。由于电极系统采用的特殊结构,电弧电流在弧区产生较强的磁场,通过磁场力对电弧的控制作用, 使触头表面避免了局部被剧烈加热, 提高了灭弧室弧后介质强度的恢复速度, 从而保证灭弧室具有较强的开断、 关合短路电流的能力和较长的电寿命, 另外, 燃弧过程中产生的金属蒸汽被屏蔽筒内

4、表面所冷凝,产生的少量气体一部分为金属表面所吸收,一部分被吸气剂所吸收,使灭弧室内保持高的真空度。固封极柱的环氧树脂既可以保证承受工作电压,保证固封极柱的外部绝缘水平,同时还可以还起到结构支撑的作用,承受短路电流产生的电动力。5 使用方法和注意事项5.1 使用前的检查5.1.1 外观检查固封极柱各部位不应有机械损伤、变形。与机构相连接的零部件,外形尺寸,安装尺寸应符合外形图要求。5.1.2 工频耐压检查检查前用干布或酒精润湿的擦布,清洁固封极柱表面。将固封极柱的触头拉开至额定开距,在上下引出线端面施加额定工频耐受电压,测试电压符合参数表规定。测试规范为 : 在额定开距时,施加额定工频耐受电压的

5、70%,稳定一分钟,然后在一分钟内升至额定工频耐受电压,保持一分钟无指示仪表指针突变及跳闸现象即为合格。5.2 固封极柱产品的安装5.2.1 固封极柱在安装之前用干净的棉纱或绸布把环氧树脂表面擦干净。 并用棉纱蘸少许有机溶剂擦去上下引出线端面的脏物,使其有良好的电接触。5.2.2 将固封极柱安装好后, 仔细检查各螺钉、螺母的紧固状况,并用棉纱擦去固封极柱表面的脏物,然后仔细调整断路器,使断路器的开距和超程调到规定的范围,手动操作几次,再进行电动操作,进行空载操作数十次后,测试其机械参数,应满足固封极柱及整机的要求。5.3 安装中的注意事项5.3.1 安装过程中,固封极柱的外壳不应受到超过 50

6、00N 的纵向压力,也不应受到明显的拉应力和横向应力。5.3.2 检查、 安装和调整固封极柱过程中, 要特别注意绝缘拉杆对固封极柱的同轴度要求。 波纹管不受扭力作用。5.3.3 严禁用坚硬的物体 ( 如工具 )撞击固封极柱外壳。5.4 使用使用中应定期用工频耐压法检查固封极柱产品的耐压水平, 在额定值下1min 工频耐压检查不应出现持续性放电,否则应更换固封极柱产品。6 附件和包装运输6.1 包装箱内应附有的技术文件a) 安装使用说明书一份。b) 产品合格证一份。6.2 包装及运输6.2.1 固封极柱包装方法按照本公司相关包装文件执行。6.2.2 运输应防震、小心、轻放。6.2.3 固封极柱贮

7、存在干燥、通风、无腐蚀性气氛的室内。7 验收7.1 检查固封极柱包装箱是否完好,有无损伤现象。7.2 检查包装箱内是否有产品合格证和安装使用说明书。7.3 检查固封极柱型号是否相符,并按本说明书 6.1 条的规定对产品进行检查。7.4 固封极柱在规定的贮存环境条件下,发生质量问题,又确属制造厂的原因时,制造厂应负责退换。Installation and Operation Instruction for Embedded Pole of BAOGUANG Brand Vacuum Interrupter1. General Description1.1 Embedded PoleThe emb

8、edded pole is a solid unit in which the primary conducting part of vacuum circuit breaker (vacuum interrupter, main circuit conductive components such as upper/lower terminal) is capsulated into an integrated unit by using epoxy resin which makes the insulation conditionof vacuuminterrupter against

9、from impact by exterior environment. The solid insulation is not only the main insulation of primary conducting part but also its mechanical support. Its electric field distribution is better than that of various insulation partition.2. Normal service conditionsa) Ambient temperature:Upper limit: +4

10、01:. Lower limit: -25 七(indoor ); -40 C ( outdoor )b) The elevation should be no higher than 1000m.( consultation is needed if thereis any higherrequirement ).c) Relative Humidity:The average humidity of a day should be no more than 95%.The average saturated vapor pressure of a day should be no more

11、 than 2.2kPa.The average humidity of a month should be no more than 90%.The average saturated vapor pressure of a day should be no more than 1.8kPa.d) Ambient air condition should be free from corrosive or flammable gas, water vapor etc.e) No serious pollution and frequent severe vibration.3. Parame

12、terSee the parameter list for each product.4. Structure and Working Principle4.1 StructureEmbeddedpole is madeby solidifying the silicon rubber outside the vacuum interrupter, upper terminal of primary conducting part, flexible connection or sliding conducting block, insulating pull rod as a whole w

13、ith epoxy resin. In the vacuum interrupter, there is a pair of contacts with special structure. Moving conducting rod is connected with moving contact and extended from moving terminal via stainless steel bellow and guiding bushing. At the extended part there is inner hole of screw thread which is c

14、onnected with insulating rod. Fixed conducting rod is connected with fixed contact and upper terminal via the fixed cover board. The shielding tube is fixed on the ceramic enclosure surrounding the moving and fixed contacts. The getter in vacuum interrupter is used to absorb the residual gas of inte

15、rrupter during its life.4.2 Working PrincipleThe current flows through the moving and fixed contacts via upper and lower terminal of embedded pole. Vacuum arc appears between contacts and disappeared at zero current when moving contact isseparated from fixed contact by insulating rod of operating me

16、chanism. Due to the special structure of electrode system, arc current can cause higher magnetic field at arc area which can prevent contact surface from being locally heated and increase recovery speed of post-arc electric strength so as to ensure the interrupter with strong ability of breaking and

17、 making short circuit current and longer electrical endurance. Furthermore, the metalvapor which produced during arcing has been condensedby inner surface of shielding tube. Part of small amounts of the gas has been absorbed by metal surface and part of them has been absorbed by getter so as to main

18、tain high vacuum degree in the vacuum interrupter. Epoxy resin not only can ensure the embedded pole to withstand working voltage and keep its external insulating level. but also can act as insulating support to withstand electrodynamic force caused by short circuit current.5. Application and Matter

19、s Need Attention5.1 Inspection before putting into use5.1.1 Outer inspection Each part of embedded pole must be free from deformation and mechanical damage. Outline and installation dimensions of the parts which connected with mechanism should meet the requirement of outline drawing.5.1.2 Test of po

20、wer frequency withstand voltageClean the surface of embedded pole with dry cloth or alcohol damped cloth before testing. Open the contacts of embedded pole to the rated clearance between open contacts then apply power frequency withstand voltage on both end surfaces of upper and lower terminals. Tes

21、ting voltage should be accordance with the data specified in parameter list. The normal way for testing is as follows: At the rated clearance between open contacts, apply with 70 percent of rated power frequency withstand voltage and keeping for 1 min. And then increase it to the rated power frequen

22、cy withstand voltage within 1 min. The embedded pole will be qualified if there is no sudden change and trip phenomena on the pointer of indicator meter within 1 min.5.2 Installation of embedded pole5.2.1 Clean the epoxy resin surface of embedded pole with clean cotton cloth or silk cloth before ins

23、tallation. Wipe off the dirt on the end surface of upper/lower terminal so that it has good electric contact.5.2.2 Carefully check the tightness of each bolt and nut and clean the surface of the embedded pole after it has been installed. Adjust the circuit breaker and set its contact separation and

24、the over-travel to specified range. Electrically operate it after several times of manual operation.After dozens of no-load operation, test its mechanical parameter to meet the requirement of embedded pole and breaker.5.3 Matters need attention during installation5.3.1 The enclosure of embedded pole

25、 should be subjected to neither longitudinal pressure of more than 5000N nor obvious tensile stress and transverse stress.5.3.2 During checking, installing and adjusting the embedded pole, pay more attention to the axiality of insulating pull rod to embedded pole. Twisting force is unacted on bellow

26、 .5.3.3 Striking the enclosure of embedded pole with hard objects (such as the tool) shall be strictly prohibited.5.4 OperationCheck the level of withstand voltage of embedded pole by testing of power-frequency withstand voltage regularly during operation. Continuous discharge should not appear duri

27、ng testing of 1 min power frequency withstand voltage at rated value. Otherwise replace the embedded pole.6. Enclosure, packing and transportation6.1 Technical data should be put into packing box.a ) One copy of Installation and Operation Instructionb) One copy of Certificate.6.2 Packing and transpo

28、rtation6.2.1 The packing method should be in accordance with relevant packing documents of our company.6.2.2 Transportation should be carefully handled and shockproof.6.2.3 Embedded pole should be stored in the room that is dry, ventilated and having no corrosive gas.7. Inspection7.1 Check the packi

29、ng box for intact.7.2 Check if there are Certificate and Installation and Operation Instruction in the packing box.7.3 Check the type of embedded pole according to clause 6.1 of this Instruction.7.4 The manufacturer should be responsible for exchanging the embedded pole which has any quality problems at the specific storage conditions.8. 8.1


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