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1、基于JSP的餐饮管 理系统的设计与实 现范本12020年5月29日文档仅供参考诚信申明本人申明 :我所呈交的本科毕业设计(论文)是本人在导师指导下对四年专业知识而进行的研究工作及全面的总结。尽我所知 , 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中创新处不包含其它人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得北京化工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而已经使用过的材料。与我一同完成毕业设计(论文) 的同学对本课题所做的任何贡献均已在文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。本人签名 :年 月 日基于 JSP 的餐饮管理系统的设计与实现摘要随着国民经济的快速发展,国内

2、餐饮业得到了长足的发展,为了在激烈的竞争中发展壮大,提高餐饮业的竞争实力,迫切的需要先进的管理手段 ,拥有餐饮管理信息系统是企业现代化的标志,另外,餐饮管理信息系统对于提高劳动生产率,降低成本,提高服务质量和管理水平,促进经济效益至关重要。餐饮管理信息系统正是为此而设计的。本文结合餐饮管理信息系统的开发过程,详细介绍如何针对饭店的需求,将先进的软件应用技术融入现代餐饮管理系统中,开发出功能更完善的餐饮管理信息系统。本系统运用SQLServer数据库系统和JSPW序语言开发实现,包括了基础信息、辅助工具、系统维护、系统设置、营业状况分析、退出等系统模块,实现了开台、取消开台、点/ 加菜、消费查询

3、、结账、顾客反馈等功能,具有操作简单、界面友善、灵活性好、系统安全性高、运行稳定等特点。本文简要介绍了基于JS喀饮管理系统”的项目背景和意义,着重阐述了该系统开发实现过程,对系统的需求分析、模块设计、数据库设计等各个环节进行了详尽的分析和描述。重点介绍了餐饮管理信息系统所采用的关键技术,包括数据库技术和JS陶程技术。本文最大的特点在于理论与实践相结合,创新之2020 年 5 月 29 日文档仅供参考处在于比较客观准确地分析、识别了餐饮信息管理系统的需求问题,在调查分析的基础上,经过对餐饮服务的业务流程提出了一套有效的数据 处理方案。本系统采用当前流行的 B/S体系结构,将餐饮管理系统各方面信息

4、 集中存储于SQLServer数据库,实现了信息的实时共享,适合餐饮业发展 的需要。系统具有运行稳定、数据结构严谨、稳定性强等特点。关键词:餐饮管理 JSP SQLServerThe Design and Implementation of Restaurant Management SystemBased on JSPAbstractAlong with the rapid development of national economy, catering industry has grown rapidly development, in order to develop in the c

5、ompetition, improve the small restaurant industry competitive strength, it is urgent to advanced management method, with restaurant management information system is the enterprise as the symbol of modernization, in addition, catering management information system for improve labor productivity, redu

6、ce the cost, improve the service quality and the management level, promoting economic benefit is very important. Small restaurant management information system is designed for this purpose.Based on the small restaurant management information system development process, the paper introduces how to ai

7、m at small hotel demand and advanced software application technology into the modern catering management system, developed function more perfect restaurant management information system. This system using SQLServer database systems and JSP program language explore, including basic information, auxil

8、iary tools, system maintenance and system set-up, exit founding etc system module, realized the founding, cancellation, founding, HP/add food consumption, inquiry, check-out and other functions, is characterized by simple operation, friendly interface, flexibility is good, the system has high securi

9、ty, stable operation, etc. Paper briefly introduces small restaurant management information system the project background and significance, and emphatically expounds the system exploitation process, the system demand analysis, project demonstration, module design, database design and so on each link

10、 for a detailed analysis and description. Mainly introduces small restaurant management information system to the key technologies, including database technology and JSP programming technology. Paper is the greatest characteristic of combining theory with practice. This paper work done and innovativ

11、e points is more accurate analysis to identify a small catering management information system demand of the survey, based on the analysis of, get the catering services business process, this paper puts forward a set of effective data processing scheme.The system uses the current popular B/S architec

12、ture, will small-sized management aspects information for centralized storage in SQLServer database, realizing the information share real-time, suit the needs of the development of catering industry. System has stable operation, data structure rigorous, strong stability etc. characteristics.Key words: Restaurant Management JSP SQLServerIV2020年5月29日


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