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1、男女T台走秀pose篇一:男女照相姿势大全 女士篇: 1. 回眸只是角度不同,人像作品也会变得很不同。 2. 以手抚脸一般人像摄影来说,不会特意拍摄手部,但你可以请模特儿以手抚脸摸头,变成有趣的创作。留意别坦平手掌,亦只应展示双手侧旁。 3. 对角线不要害怕倾斜,让你的模特儿在照片画出对角线吧。4. 亲切坐姿重点是两膝互贴,拍摄时稍稍采用高角度。 5. 侧卧一种感觉较亲近而随意的姿势,尝试从更低角度,例如贴近地面来拍摄。 6. 俯卧以手肘支地,舒适地躺在地上,一般都会拍摄于草地、花园等。7. 基本仰卧很简单,但拍出来会很有感觉的姿势,拍摄时同样需要较低角度,亦要尝试慢慢围绕着模特儿移动,并调整

2、她的头部角度,以拍出最好的作品。 8. 仰卧二也是简单但抢眼的姿势,拍摄时尝试调较不同的手脚位置,另外要注意对焦模特儿的双眼。 9. 俯卧二身体更贴近地面,要选择例如草地和沙滩的地方使用,同样要对焦于模特儿双眼。10. 侧坐感觉很专业及有个性的坐姿。 11. 抱脚而坐感觉亲切可爱的姿势,拍摄时可试多个不同角度方向。 12. 伸展式坐姿主要用来展示模特儿的身型,使用剪影手法也会很不错。13. 随意站姿较随意而弹性的姿势,可要求模特儿转向不同方向、改变双手位置及头部角度。 14. 优雅站姿较优雅的姿势,模特儿上身稍稍转向侧旁,双手插尾袋。 15. 性感站姿稍稍向前倾,以强调上半身的曲线。 篇二:专

3、业模特POSE大全红毯Pose必杀技:10种选择让你惊艳全场! While its always fascinating to see who takes home the Best Actress trophy, red carpet fashion is hands down the most entertaining part of awards season. On these big nights, young starlets and Hollywood regulars work the camera to impress fashion mags and fans across

4、 the world. 每届奥斯卡颁奖礼,除了谁能捧回最佳女主角金像奖令人极其期待外,红毯秀也备受瞩目。在这场盛大典礼上,不论是年轻新星还是好莱坞大牌,都不余遗力地在闪光灯下走秀,迷倒众多潮流杂志和粉丝。 While getting all up and stunning high-end designer gowns is a big part of the equation, striking a fierce pose is just as important. With the help of Judi James, body language expert and author of

5、 The Body Language Bible, check out the hottest poses and what they mean. 美美地打扮起来并穿上高级设计师设计的漂亮礼服必不可少,而夺人眼球的走秀姿势也不可忽视。肢体语言宝典的作者、肢体语言专家朱迪詹姆斯就向大家介绍一下最有范的姿势。 Cool and Casual 落落大方 To give off a laid-back, this-doesnt-me look, stars often opt for directly facing the camera and striking this relaxed and na

6、tural pose. However, this stance seen here on actress Angelina Jolie at the 2021 Oscars can also reveal an alpha-female mindset, James notes. By facing full on, Angelina suggests supreme status, superiority and intellectual confidence. 落落大方、无所畏惧明星们在直面镜头的时候经常选择这种放松而自然的姿势。而且,如图中安吉丽娜朱莉在2021年奥斯卡颁奖礼上,这种站

7、姿能彰显女性的优越心态。詹姆斯写道:安吉丽娜通过直面镜头传达了自己的尊贵地位、优越感和自信。 Arched Back 倚背 Bringing a touch of the dramatic to the red carpet, the arched back pose creates a stunning and confident impression, which is what the always-graceful actress Zoe Saldana - posing at a 2021 Avatar premiere - is doing here. 欠腰倚背的站姿使人看上去神采

8、奕奕、自信满满,可谓是红地毯上的一大法宝,图中是优雅的女演员佐伊索尔达娜在2021年阿凡达的首映式上。 This arched look is pure , stolen from fashion models of the 1950s, James explains, noting that its often a pose struck by those who see themselves as a bit of a , class act. 这一姿势绝对经典,始于20世纪中期的时尚模特。詹姆斯解释说,采用这种站姿的人往往很注重自己的教养,很有淑女范儿。Hand on the Hip 扶

9、腰 Depending on the dress, the facial expression and even the exaggeration of the shoulder, this feminine pose can range from straight-up sexy to girl-next-door. And because everyone knows country-pop star Taylor Swift as Americas sweetheart, this cutesy pose shown here at the 2021 Academy of Country

10、 Music Awards suits her perfectly. 依据礼服、面部表情或者肩部效果的不同,这一站姿既可彰显性感妩媚,又能表达邻家女孩般的可爱俏皮,美国甜心流行歌手泰勒斯威芙特在2021年乡村音乐奖颁奖典礼上的站姿如图。 But stars should be careful, James says: Without a smile to soften the look, it can appear to signal impatience with the red carpet process. And no one likes a diva! 不过,明星们在选用这一姿势时还

11、需慎重一些,詹姆斯说:如果面无笑容,可能会让人误以为你对红地毯秀很不耐烦。 毕竟,谁都讨厌耍大牌! Back Flaunt 秀背 You know what they say: If youve got it, it. And when stars have a gown with breathtaking back detail like Homeland beauty Claire Danes, here at the 2021 Golden Globes they want to show it off, which is where this pose comes in. 俗话说:是金

12、子就发出光来!如果明星能驾驭露背礼服,那肯定少不了炫耀一番,上图为国土安全美女克莱尔丹尼斯在2021年金球奖颁奖典礼上。 Not only does it show off the dresss and the stars goods, but its also an attention-grabbing stance. Its a way of parading sexuality without employing or even trashy devices like cleavage or thigh, James notes. 露背不仅秀出了美裙,也秀出了美背,相当有回头率。这种姿势

13、不仅彰显了性感,也避免了露乳或露大腿这种俗气的手段。詹姆斯写道。 Popped Leg 屈腿 This pose is a way to show off every curve on the stars rockin bodies, James explains. This Miss World-style popped leg shows an eye for shape, lines and design and ensures a full-length shot, she says. 屈腿的姿势绝对能凸显明星的玲珑身材,詹姆斯说道。这种世界小姐式的站姿确保在镜头面前全方位展示体型、曲

14、线以及服装设计。她说。And because actress Anne Hathaway shown here at the 2021 Golden Globes is angled away from the camera, she gives off a warm, friendly and open , instead of one that is challenging or aggressive, James says. 如图是安妮海瑟薇在2021年金球奖颁奖典礼上)虽然镜头有点偏,但这种姿势还是让安妮海瑟薇显得温暖可亲,而不是生硬高傲。 Over the Shoulder 瞥肩 T

15、o throw a and look into the mix, many actresses - like Black Swan star Mila Kunis, here at the 2021 Oscars - love to work the over-the-shoulder pose. It gives off a carefree yet come-hither air while artfully showing off the details on the back of the celebs dress. 许多明星都偏爱瞥肩这一妩媚撩人的姿势,上图是黑天鹅演员米拉库尼斯在2

16、021年奥斯卡颁奖礼上,这一动作看似随意却又诱人,并且巧妙秀出了礼服的后背。 Its all about old-fashioned flirting, as it accentuates and personalizes the eye gaze, suggesting a very direct invitation to be followed, which works well with fans, James says. 詹姆斯说。 Wide Leg 开立 When celebs want to make a bold, confident and strong statement

17、and look like they own the place, they strike a grounded, wide-leg stance, like the one actress Sandra Bullock is pulling off here at a premiere for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. 如果明星想表现得大胆自信、暗示自己的地位,通常会采取开立的站姿。女星桑德拉布洛克在非常响非常近的首映式上就选择这个站姿。 Although this look is powerful, the somewhat manly po

18、se actually signals a down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach to the red carpet process, as James sees it. 虽然这一动作看上去比较强势,但其实能在红地毯上产生实在干练的效果。 詹姆斯解释道。 Crossed Ankle 交叉双腿 While confident poses strike a note with some celebrities, others lean toward softer stances, often opting for the crossed-ankle approac

19、h. 有些明星偏爱自信的姿势,而有些明星则倾向更为温柔的姿势交叉双腿就是。Although seasoned red carpet pros are less likely to use this pose, newcomers like model and TV personality Alexa Chung - featured here at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival - are regularly seen in this cute, somewhat-shy stance. 虽然老牌明星已不常在红地毯上摆出这种姿势,但新人还是经常采用这种可爱娇羞的站

20、姿的,上图为模特兼电视主持人艾里珊钟在2021年戛纳电影节上。 Alexas signature look suggests a desire to be liked and to avoid criticism or rejection via appearing cute. Some may see this pose as timid, but it can often result in a photo thats quite charming. 艾里珊的站姿表明她希望被人喜欢、不想被拒绝或批评,所以站姿比较可爱。有人可能会觉得这个姿势比较刻板,但从照片上看还是很迷人的。 Physic

21、al Comedy 夸张俏皮 Sometimes stars - like girls - just want to have fun! Thats when they go for silly, goofy and even cheesy poses like the one actress Piper Perabo is striking here at the 2021 Golden Globes. However, when a star is wearing a statement-making dress like Perabos, the pose can be a way of

22、 using humor to deflect criticism, James explains. 有些明星(比如女孩儿们)只想玩得开心,所以会摆出各种傻乎乎甚至有点俗的姿势。好莱坞女星派珀佩拉博在2021年金球奖颁奖典礼上就是这样。不过,要是有人穿着像佩拉博这样的裙子,这个古怪的动作反倒能幽默地避开对衣着的批评,詹姆斯说。 In some cases, though, it simply shows that the demands of Hollywood havent stripped away a fun-loving attitude. 有时候这也表明好莱坞需求并没有剥夺有趣可爱的

23、风格。 Sideways Glance 侧瞥 Everyone knows that stars work their booties off to get into shape for movie premieres, TV appearances and awards shows. And sometimes they cant resist flaunting the results of all that hard work. 众所周知,为了在电影首映式、电视节目以及颁奖秀上绽放魅力,明星们总是使尽浑身解数。而且,对于辛苦磨炼出来的好身材好容貌,他们也会禁不住炫耀一番。 This ki

24、nd of sideways pose is often prompted by a desire to show off months of honing and toning in the gym, resulting in a straight back and flat stomach, James says. When you look as great as actress Emma Stone - shown here at the 2021 Golden Globes - who can blame her for being a little self-indulgent?侧瞥这一姿势恰好体现了想要展现数月来在健身馆奋战成果的愿望,显得挺背坦腹。 詹姆斯说。图中是艾玛斯通在2021年金球奖典礼上。如果你看上去像艾玛斯通一样光彩夺目,谁还敢说你有点自恋呢? 男女T台走秀pose


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