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1、英语节开幕式主持词篇一:英语节开幕式主持稿 Good morning, honorable leaders and teachers, my dear students. Thanks for coming to the Opening Ceremony of our English Festival. 尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,早上好!非常感谢你们能莅临本次英语节的开幕式。 It is a great honor for us two to be the hostesses of the opening ceremony. First , please allow us to int

2、roduce ourselves. 我们俩很荣幸能成为本次开幕式的主持人。首先,请允许我们做个自我介绍。 Based on our schools principle of “learning in activities”, in order to eich students campus life and extend our English learning experience, our school decides to hold the fourth English Cultural Festival. It is hoped that students will improve t

3、heir English in a relaxed atmosphere and feel the charm of English in some funny activities. 秉承我校“活动育人”的办学理念,本次英语节旨在丰富校园文化生活,拓展教学空间,为学生提供锤炼英语能力的舞台、增强学生英语学习实践与体验,丰富学生的英语学习经历,将学生带入快乐的英语世界。 This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival.First, lets welcome vice-principal Mr. Zh

4、ou to address the opening speech with warm applause. 今晨,我们在这聚集庆祝本次英语节的开幕。首先,有请周校长致开幕词。掌声欢迎! We Will Rock You is a song popular with many young people. Lets enjoythe song sung by our high school students. We Will Rock You是年轻人中一首脍炙人口的歌曲,让我们一起欣赏中学生给我们带来的这首歌曲。 If you are happy, just show it. The primary

5、 students will bring us the song If You Are Happy. Lets enjoy and sing with them. 小学部的学生将为我们带来一首If You Are Happy,让我们一起唱出我们的幸福吧! During the festival, we promote a campaign called “100 English ambassadors to help in class”. First of all, lets welcome Mr. Zhou to explain the objectives of this campaign

6、 and its rules and regulations. 本次英语节将启动“百名英语大使进课堂”项目。 首先欢迎周校宣读“百名英语大使进课堂”的活动目的和规则 Our ambassadors are made up of 68 student ambassadors and 32 teachers of English. Here are the names of the 68 student ambassadors. Please come to the front. 百名英语大使包括68名学生大使和32位本校英语老师和外教作为英语大使。现在我将宣读入选的68位“学生英语大使”名单,请

7、依次登台到.台前。 Lets welcome our teachers to present student ambassadors with red wristbands and letters of appointment. 请英语老师给所有学生英语大使颁发聘书及红色手环。 Here are many blue wristbands for each of you to have one in memory ofthe festival. Now, our ambassadors, please go to classes to issue wristbands. 大家都可以拥有一个蓝色的

8、英语节纪念手环。现在,有请学生英语大使到各班给每个学生颁发纪念手环。 (The last part of the ceremony: )I declare the opening of the fourth English cultural festival! 现在,我宣布第四届英语节正式开幕!篇二:英语节开幕式开幕主持词 英语猜词大赛主持词 第二届届英语节开幕式主持词(双语) 开场音乐 Good afternoon. Leaders, teachers and all the friends. 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好! Its our great honor to w

9、elcome all the guests. Thank you for joining us . 欢迎各位尊贵的来宾光临我们的大赛 Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence. 各位的到来给我们送来了一份鼓励,一份信心。 请允许我们代表我校全体师生对于你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎。 (鼓掌) The chilly winter is fading away,and here comes the refreshing spring! 寒冬已经蹒跚远行,春天迈着舞步正悄然临近。 With the bright sunshine

10、, Anshan Huayu Branch School is celebrating her second English Festival. 伴随着明媚的春光,我们鞍山市华育分校迎来了第二届校园英语节。 It is said that spring is the golden time of the year,when we should be working hard. 常言道:一年之计在于春,春天正是我们努力耕耘的好时节。 we will prove to the society,with our diligence and innovation,that Huayu Branch S

11、chool will be better in the near future! 我们会用自己的勤奋刻苦创新向.证明:华育分校的明天一定会更加辉煌!First of all , Please welcome our Headmaster Mr. Peng to give us an opening-ceremony speech. 首先 ,欢迎我校彭校长致开幕辞。 (校长致辞) Thank you. We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourself today 谢谢。同时也感谢您来参加我们的开幕式,并祝您今天

12、过的愉快。 Now lets welcome the English teacher Aileen to introduce all the activities during the festival 接下来让我们有请Aileen老师介绍本次英语节的活动安排。大家欢迎! (刘琳讲话) Thank you for being a part of the competition. 谢谢。谢谢你和我们在一起。 The English Festival is an opportunity for the students to show their various abilities, and a

13、happy moment for the teachers to witness their harvest. 英语节是同学们展示才华的节日,也是老师们收获喜悦的节日。 The English Festival is a time when the teachers and students develop together. Lets work hard! 它是我们全体师生共同成长的节日,让我们一起努力! Listen to English bravely, Listen to your happiness! 大胆听英语,听你的快乐! Speak English bravely, Speak

14、 out your school life!大胆说英语,说出你的校园生活! Read English bravely, read at every corner of the world! 大胆读英语,读遍世界每个角落! Write English bravely, write out the songs of truth,goodness and beauty by your side! 大胆写英语,写出你身边真善美的歌! Come on,teachers and friends !Lets tell about our happiness in English! 老师们,同学们,来吧!让我

15、们一起用英语讲述我们的快乐生活! Dear leaders, teachers and friends,the opening ceremony for the Second English Festival of Anshan Huayu Branch School is falling now.Thank you very much! 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,华育分校第二届校园英语节开幕式到此结束。接下来是紧张刺激的猜词大赛。有请参赛队到候场区准备。 猜词大赛主持词 Good afternoon, everyone. 大家下午好 Welcome to the Guessing

16、bee 欢迎大家来到猜词大赛的比赛现场 At first, with great honor, wed like to introduce the judges at present. 首先,我很荣幸的介绍本次比赛的评委。 Theyre all our English teachers. Welcome. 他们就是我们的英语老师。掌声欢迎。 To start with, wed like to introduce the rules of todays competition. 在比赛开始前,请允许我简单的介绍下比赛规则。 每班派出1只代表队共4人参赛。两人合作用英语描述所看到的单词,另外两人

17、合作完成猜词。每组_个单词。限时3分钟。每个单词10分。按得分数由高到低依次排名,得分计入最后的团体总分。 注意:只能使用英语进行解释,不能使用汉语,不能出现该单词。可配合一定的动作,但不能只有动作。否则单词作废。 After the competition rules, lets meet our contestants. Today we have 7 outstanding teams here. 公布规则之后,让我们来认识下今天参赛的7个杰出团队。 Now they stand in order, lets welcome them. 比赛开始前,所有参赛队已经抽好签。现在让我们来介绍

18、他们。 They are Class_ Grade _ (口号)Class_ Grade _ (口号) Class_ Grade _ (口号) Class_ Grade _ (口号) Class_ Grade _ (口号) Class_ Grade _ (口号) Class_ Grade _ (口号) Every team have shown us their great passion and self-confidence. 每个团队都向我们展示了他们对英语学习的热情和必胜的信心。 We all look forward to your wonderful performance, an

19、d we wish you the best of luck. 我们也期待着你们的精彩展示,并预祝你们好运。 Now, the Guessing bee formally start. 现在,我宣布,猜词大赛正式开始。 Please welcome Team No.1 . Please give a big hand to Contestant No. 1 -. Good luck. 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号团队,祝你好运。 Judges, please show / give your scores. (老师宣布分数) Let me announce, the score of Team

20、1 is_. (串场Thank you / thank you so much / thanks / thanks for your work / thanks for your sharing) Lets welcome Team No.2 Team No. 3. welcome篇三:英语节节目主持词(1) Manuscript of the 4th English Festival 第4届英语节主持稿 一 开场白 男: Good morning , dear leaders ,teachers and students , welcome to our English Festival .

21、 (尊敬的领导,老师,亲爱的同学们大家早上好!欢迎来到我们的英语节。) 女:with the holding of the English Festival ,well find a platform to show our talents. And we also find a way to improve our English. (借英语节的举办,我们将找到施展自我的平台,也将找到提高自身英语素质的根本途径。) 男:Looking back on the course of our studies , we should say that our gain comes from our

22、growing of environment . (回顾成长的历程,我们的每一份收获,得益于我们成长的环境。) 女:Lets say thank you to our school , to all the teachers , to everybody who pays attention to our growth. (感谢学校,感谢老师,感谢所有支持我们,呵护我们成长的每一位仁人志士。) 二、 外教致辞 男:First of all , welcome our dear foreign teachers to give an opening speech. 女:首先 ,欢迎亲爱的外教致开

23、幕辞。 三、节目开始 男:Ok, lets begin our performance , first lets welcome the show from Grade six , the Phonetic symbol gesture exercise . 演出马上开始,首先欢迎六年级组的同学,他们带来的是音标手势操。 男:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance with English. Lets earnestly apprecia

24、te their wonderful performance:you raise me up . 女:我们小学部有一支出色的合唱队。他们以和谐的音色及优美的动作把英语与音乐完美地结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音you raise me up . 男:Then , lets enjoy the song from Grade seven. (接下来,欢迎七年级组的同学,他们带来的歌曲是_ 四、结束语 男: Thank you for your hard work and wonderful performance. Lets clap for them again。 (谢谢大家的努力和精彩的表演。

25、让我们再一次把热烈的掌声送给他们。) 男:The English Festival has been our carnival of English learning and become a traditional event of school culture. Your wonderful singing, dancing, performing, smiling and laughing in the past English Festival are still echoing in my mind! I firmly believe the English Festival this year will be more fascinating! 英语节已经成为我们英语学习的狂欢节,成为我们校园文化的传统。上届英语节中,你们精彩的歌唱、舞蹈、表演以及你们的欢声笑语依然回荡在我的脑海中!我坚信,本届英语节会是更加精彩! 女:At last, I would like to wish the English Festival a great success and I hope you will enjoy yourselves! 最后,我预祝英语节取得圆满成功,也希望大家能享受英语节的乐趣!合:Thank you very much英语节开幕式主持词


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