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1、心肝纸书版番外阅读篇一:纸质书与电子书辩论自由辩部分 电子书主要论据 1、获取资源的过程方便快捷,容量大,资源丰富。 the abundant resource guarantee a convenient access to get the right resource we right need.Comparing with traditional books,ebooks download and upload information online that make it easier to find current time information. 2、节省资源,保护森林: ebo

2、oks can save money and protect forest. ebooks can dramatically reduce the consume of paper and prevent wasting resource.So we hold the view that ebooks are better than paper books. 3、节省空间,便于携带。 Ebooks are convenient to take and they can save space.Comparing with heavy paper books, ebooks can be read

3、 everywhere and anytime,and you wont be tired. 4、更加时尚个性化。 Ebooks are fashionable and personalized .Its popular to read ebooks ,with cellphone,pocket computer or MP5,maybe on the bus,in the office.We can set background and mode on the software for reading. So we are firmly believed that ebooks are be

4、tter than paper books. 一辨 Honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,I am glad to stand here to say our opinions which are that ebooks are better than paperbooks.+定义,限制在20词内 Here are our main reasons:Firstly, ebooks have abundant resource and it is convenient to search.Secondly, eboo

5、ks can save money and protect forest. ebooks can reduce the use of paper, avoid the waste of resources.Thirdly,ebooks are convenient to take and they can save space Compared with heavy paper books, e-books can be read at any time and any place.Finally, ebooks are fashionable and personalized.It is b

6、ecoming a lifestyle.So,we are firmly believed that ebooks are better than paper books. 自由辩: 性价比高 Ebooks have high quality and reasonable price ,we can have a library by a mobile device.It is much more cheaper than paper books.Id like to say,could you afford a library? 对方回答并反问电子书不够普及,学生上课都用纸质书? 我方数据阐

7、释。我方反问:纸质书难道不是对木材的浪费吗? Im afraid you are wrong.According to the fourth reading investigation made by Chinese institute of publishing science,traditional reading rate continued to decline for six years,and the amount of people reading ebooks is 7.5times more than before. Another point is that the was

8、te to forest.Each new book can be only made by wood,recycle cant solve the problems completely.wellwhat do youthink? 对方回答并反问:电子污染,重金属污染如何解决。 我方回答:提到电子设备的污染问题,对方辩友难道因为污染而不用手机吗,会因为污染而不打电子游戏吗?与打dota想比,看电子书不是更有意义吗? When it comes to pollution,I want to say,can you give up playing your mobile phone becaus

9、e of pollution?Can you promise not to play computer to protect our environment?Isnt it more meaningful to read ebooks comparing with playing dota? 对方拿道具举例,绿茶和冰红茶,感觉问题,文化气息。 我方回答:我们读的是内容,看的是文字,与借助的载体无关。 We think, we read the content, see the word, it has nothing to do with carrier. As we want to drin

10、k water, is it a very important question to use a bowl to drink or a cup to drink ? 对方反问:电子书主要是网络小说等等,没营养。 我方回答:名著都会有电子版。反问对方搜资料问题 Famous books also have electronic editions.If you want to read,you are bound to find it.I want to ask my fellow debaters,dont you search informations from the Internet?N

11、ever?Arent there any useful information?Really?Dont you seek something about debate before class? 对方拿吉米和平板电脑做对比,反问说看电子书容易不专注。 我方回答:I think it is your personal problems,what you said is too far from our topic.If you ask a学霸to read ebooks,he also can read patiently.I agree that electronic devices have

12、 some disadvantages,but it has no connection with ebooks. 对方反问眼睛损伤,视力下降 我方回答: 损坏视力跟用眼习惯有关。看纸质书看久了也会对视力不好。 对方辩友敢确保看纸质书不会近视眼吗?敢问对方辩友是如何近视眼的呢?难道对方辩友在上大学之前一直在看电子书所以导致近视的吗? bad eyes-using habits are significant influencing factors for shortsightedness,it will also damage you eyesight if you read a paper

13、book for a long time.Other friends defense you can guarantee that reading paper book will no cause shortsightedness in anyway?Does it mean before you go to university,you get you eye spoiled all by using ebook? 对方做出假设,如果看电子书眼睛早就瞎了。反问辐射问题 我方回答: 从长远角度来看,随着科技的发展和技术的革新,电子产品的辐射即使无法消除,也会尽可能降到最低。反问:电子书不易被损

14、坏,纸质书容易变旧。 OK,its a problem.But this negative impact can be reduced by some technical measure.In the long run,with the development of science andtechnology,radiation from the electronic product can be reduced to fairly low if can not be eliminated. Ebooks cant be damaged easily,and paper books are e

15、asily become old.How do you see it? 对方回答并反问,你们书有坏的吗,电子设备容易坏掉没电。 我方回答:我方相信,我学院许多同学的吉米多维奇已经破损坏掉了。 没电只是特殊状况。反问:电子书携带方便,纸质书能做到吗? I want to say,many students吉米多维奇has been shabby in our institute.I think it is a special situation when ebooks is out of power.Moreover,going out with five mobile power out th

16、ere will not be harder than with a paper book.It is convenient to carry ebooks ,can paper books be so convenient either? 1、我们阅读电子书可以设置各种各样的背景,随时调整屏幕亮度以适应环境光线,试问纸质书可以吗?Whats more,We can adjust the screen brightness to adapt to the environment light, can paper books do this?电子资料可以复制查询备份Electronic reso

17、urces can be copied,seek,backup,statistic and so on.在移动设备上阅读电子书给我们带来新鲜感。Reading on mobile devices is fresh for us.阅读电子书更有趣,内容丰富多彩。There are many electronic magazines do good sound and color,vivid pictures,seeing this kind of ebooks is better and has much fun.Besides,they are rich in contents with be

18、autiful colors and interesting sounds.市场的调查结果显示电子书更受欢迎.当今.是一个信息化篇二:电子书与纸质书的利与弊 EBooks or Paper Books: The Pros and Cons Recently, it has become a prevalent trend for people reading ebook, a kind of digitalization book, which is spread by internet, and by using the computer and other electronic devic

19、es to download and reading. While people are enjoying the convenience of ebook, some people argue that we shouldnt attach so high importance to ebook that ignored the value of traditional paper book. However, it is undeniable that the emergence of ebook has indeed generated significant impact to tra

20、ditional paper book since 1987. But whether the strength of the impact is subversive or not, in other words, just as some people worry that will the paper book is obsolete and will become a kind of object cherished only by collectors. Apparently, the pros of ebook made it is overwhelmingly prior to

21、traditional paper book. Firstly, we can instantly and swiftly get the ebook we wanted from the internet. So, comparing with paper book, the cost of obtaining ebook is dramatically cheap. Secondly, it is convenient to us to use ebook, by utilize its versatility such as searching, retrieving, page tur

22、ning, adding annotations, and bookmarks, underlining and hinging and so on. Last but not least, ebook is a benefit to environmental production by reducing the number using of paper to print. Moreover, by using the web to publish not only eliminate the link of print, storage and transportation, but a

23、lso diminish the expense of consumers. So, in my opinion, it is too early to conclude that the traditional paper book will be substitute by ebook. Because as the current situation, as china, the development of ebook is not so splendid as we can see. Under the wonderful performance of ebook, there ar

24、e concealing some bottlenecks which cant break out in a short period. On the one hand, reading ebook long time will induce harm to your eyes even affect your health by exposing to the radiated circumstance. On the other hand, while a man can take his favorite book and reading at any time, we reading

25、 ebook are limited by the electronic power or other faults induced by electronic devices. From these perspectives, ebook can never replace paper book and they will still coexist for a long time in the future.篇三:电子书与纸质阅读书本有啥不同 电子书与纸质阅读书本有什么不一样?常常有家长跟我反映,家里读中学的孩子整天挂在网络上,劝他们多看点书不要沉迷于计算机,结果常常被孩子反驳:“我在网络

26、上搜寻阅读的数据也像是书啊!甚至比书的讯息更新、更实时呢!” 阅读网络上的数据与印刷出来的书到底一样不一样?我想,首先得先区分书的媒介,不管是用纸印刷,或者用竹简,用羊皮,或者是电子书,只要经过编辑处理过正式发行的书,都算是书,与网络搜寻的数据是不同的。 不管是用什么媒介,只要是经过处理的书,都有成本,除了作者殚精竭虑的写作之外,还经过层层的编辑筛选与讨论,修正校订然后才会出版发行,基本上是有构架、有层次、有想法与目标,即便百科全书,只要经过编辑处理发行,都会有其独特的观点与架构。 当我们要学习一个新的学问,一个新的领域,必须找到那门学问的几本经典书籍,仔仔细细地从头读到尾,在脑中建立起完整的

27、轮廓,这种轮廓也可以称作知识的基本架构,有了这样整体的认识之后,后续找到的许多资料与琐碎的细节才能适当地安放在那个架构里,也才能形成有意义的了解与记忆。没有对那个领域的整体了解,网络上搜寻到无穷无尽的数据不仅没有帮助、浪费时间外,甚至有害,会使我们淹没在讯息的大海中。许多在大学任教的朋友感慨,现在学生的报告内容似乎非常丰富,旁征博引找了许多数据,但是却抓不到重点,结论也非常模糊,甚至搞不清楚作业的问题到底是要他们回答什么。 换句话说,如果没有自己的观点,也不清楚问题的来龙去脉,前因后果,即便花了一大堆时间在网络上漫游,剪剪贴贴,但其实还是无法形成真正的收获与了解。 当然,网络搜寻还是有好处!

28、最大好处是当我们很明确地知道想找什么数据时,帮助最大,以前可能要耗费数周埋在图书馆与积满灰尘的古老文献或期刊中奋斗,现在可以舒舒服服且很省时间地通过各种网络的数据库找到答案。但是别忘了前提是我们知道要找什么,知道该提出什么问题。我们都知道,对一门知识没有彻底了解,很难提出有意义的好问题。 资深出版人詹宏志就曾比喻:“Internet就像是一本非常大又丰富的书,有一万页,但是没有编码又散落一地,没有好的训练,网络的帮助其实很小,只会让人迷失。”真正要通过网络做学问,需要高阶的训练(与利用网络购物或查哪里有好吃的餐厅这种低阶的使用需求完全不同),这些训练必须从阅读一本又一本的书来建立,没有快捷方式可以走。 网络上的讯息你能找得到的,别人也可以找得到,真能让我们胜出的关键在于你如何去界定这些讯息之间的关系,如何用自己的想象与专业知识去利用这些讯息,因此,还是要一步一脚印地从书本阅读起吧! 心肝纸书版番外阅读


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