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1、跨文化交际辅导练习题跨 文 化 交 际Section : Language Appropriacy and Accuracy Instructions; There are altogether 15 statements below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choose the most appropriate one and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. When the home m

2、arket is already glutted with wheat, blindly importing wheat means not only carrying coals to Newcastle, but also bankruptcy of local farmers.A. gilding the lilyB. building castles in SpainC.having a big mouthD.casting pearls before swine2. -Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!-Dont believ

3、e everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.A. teasing you B. cheering you up C. ridiculing you D. dragging your leg3. What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We haven t been in theblack for two months in a row.A. lack of money B. in the dark night C. needing money D

4、. gaining money4. I do think her presentation is wonderful. I simply cant _ the flaw in her argument.A. lay a finger on B. keep my hand inC. put my finger on D. hold my hand in5. Bob, I need your help. The whole thing seems to be freaking out. Whateer I do, itis getting worse.A. funny B. declining C

5、. losing control D. happening6. Ill have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.A. finished it unsuccessfully B. finished with my mouth shutC. barely succeeded in finishing it D. rarely shut my mouth when finishing it7. He was discovered in the act of cheat

6、ing by looking up his textbooks in the exam.A. caught red-handed B. caught white-handedC. caught black-handed D. caught green-handed8. I dont think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. Hes too green.A: shy B. inexperienced. C. timid D. nave9. We know that the dog is regarded as mans bes

7、t friend in the West, but sometimes dogs also have negative associations, such as _ .A. A top dog B. Get the dog C. He worked like a dog D. Lead a dogs life10. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. Female names tend to be longer with more syllables.B. Female names tend to have higher perc

8、entage of names with stress on a syllable other than the first.C. Male names tend to make more use of /i/ sound, such as Steve, Peter, and Keith.D. Female names more likely end with vowel sound, while male names with a plosive sound.11. Nobody can persuade him to do that. He is very stubborn.A. as s

9、tubborn as a mule B. as stubborn as a cowC. as stubborn as a goose D. as stubborn as a duck12. Which one in the following expressions is Not True?A. as meek as a lamb B. as foolish as a donkeyC. as wise as an owl D. as strong as a cow13. Dont behave rudely with me, young man. Im sorry. I didnt mean

10、to offend you.A. freak out B. hit it off C. go bananas D. come it14. Which idiom or saying below shows peoples positive attitude towards dogs?A. A jolly dog. B. He worked like a dog.C. Lead a dogs life. D. Treat someone like a dog.15. I do think her presentation is wonderful. I simply cant _ the fla

11、w in herargument.A. lay a finger on B. keep my hand in C. put my finger on D. hold my hand in16. That was only a harmless lie. I didnt wan, .0 hurt her. I know if she knew the truth, she would do something silly.A. a green lie B. a white lie C. a gray lie D. a blue Lie17. Which of the following grou

12、ps are family names?A. Thomas, Richard, Robertson B. William, Smith, ClarkC. Taylor, Anthony, Watkins D. George, Edwards, Jackson 18. Its no use worrying about a remote happening.A. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.B. Dont have too many irons in the fire.C. Dont change horse in mid-s

13、tream.D. Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.19. In a Western meal, you re offered a second helping, but you have already hadenough. What would you say?A. No, thanks, I dont like it. B. No, I dont want any.C. No, Im terribly full. D. That is delicious, but Ive already had plenty, thanks.20. We

14、know that the dog is regarded as mans best friend in the West, but sometimes dogs also have negative associations, such as _ “A. A top dog B. Get the dogC. He worked like a dog D. Lead a dogs lite21. Which one in the following expressions is Not True?A. The Gang of Four B. A flock of cootsC. A schoo

15、l of birds D. A pack of wolves22. The uncle encouraged the boy not to be _ saying that he should fight back the bully.A. as slippery as an eel B. as timid as a hareC. as meek as a lamb D. as majestic as a lion23. Which one in the following expressions is Not True?A. as meek as a lamb B. as foolish a

16、s a donkeyC. as wise as an owl D. as strong as a cow24. He tried to answer the teachers questions, but he was out in the left field.A. was not able to do soB. gave a totally wrong answer which had no relevance to the teachers questionC. could not express himself completelyD. had a soar throat and co

17、uld not speak25. Which idiom or saying below shows peoples positive attitude towards dogs?A. A jolly dog. B. He worked like a dog.C. Lead a dogs life. D. Treat someone like a dog.26. I always think Im a lucky dog. But this deal has turned out to be a dead duck.A. terrible mistake B. complete failure

18、 C. lion in the way D. fly in the ointment27. I dont think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He is too green.A: shy B. inexperienced. C. timid D. naive28.In different culture, the ways of thought may differ. Americans are_, stressing the need for action. However French are _. playing

19、 great weight on careful thought and logic.A. psychomotor-oriented, affective-orientedB. psychomotor-oriented, cognitive-orientedC. affective-oriented, cognitive-orientedD. affective-oriented, psychomotor-oriented29. Which one in the following is Not an idiomatic expression?A. as cunning as a fox B.

20、 as wise as a monkeyC. as blind as a bat D. as majestic as a lion30. Which of the following groups are family names?A. Thomas, Richard, Robertson B. William, Smith, ClarkC. Taylor, Anthony, Watkins D. George, Edwards, JacksonSection :VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box belo

21、w to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the words.Communitywhite liesDutch couragegrey areas kin terms vocationbelow the beltbuying a round live and let live trouble and strife foot the bill recreatio

22、n 1. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different _. Answer: vocation2. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would _.Answer: foot the bill3. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some_that needed explanation. Answer:

23、grey areas4. There are many different_used when talking about peoples relationships in China.Answer: kin terms5. Mike! Meet Jane, the_. Answer: trouble and strife6. Ok, the argument is over. Lets forget it, _you know. Answer: live and let live7. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British p

24、ub culture, especially the system of_which all members of the group are expected to join in. Answer: buying a round8. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit_ when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman. Answer: below the belt9. In China there is a real sense of_in social

25、 situations. Answer: communityknockout play childrens games twist his arm behind the eight ballhoop a straight shooter shoot from the hip shoot his mouth offstick face the music buy a round 10. Come on, dont feel so bad. Youve done your job perfectly. Just now I suddenly realized what went wrong. Il

26、l _.Answer: face the music11. A moment later, Chen Gang said to David, “David, we are not _. Before we find out the proper reason, we shouldnt relax our efforts.”Answer: play childrens games 12. Idioms, then, must be entered into our mental dictionaries as single items. Fortunately they often _in th

27、e memory as a result of the vivid images they conjure up.Answer: stick13. If a player throws a ball through the _so precisely that it doesnt even touch the rim, the shot is called a swish from the sound the ball makes going through the net.Answer: hoop 14. Dont believe him. He was just _.Answer: sho

28、oting from the hip15. She commanded such amount of attention that she was a real _.Answer: knockout16. Joe didnt want to contribute to the charity, but we _ and finally he gave us ten dollars.Answer: twisted his arm17. Hes always _that he knows many VIPs and nothing is too difficult for him.Answer:

29、shooting his mouth off18. The project has been _. All the members involved are anxious to find out the exact reason.Answer: behind the eight ball19. He is _, and hence has offended a lot of people. But there are still many people who appreciate his character very much.Answer: a straight shooterSecti

30、on Reading Comprehension Read Passage and then answer Questions briefly. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Passage One Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his le

31、gs is nothing like the way an American male does it. In talking, Americans are apt to end a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the eyelids. They wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a lifting of the chin, or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb they often ge

32、sture with a forward movement.There are regional body languages, too: an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, ethnic Aground, social class, and personal style all influence your body language. The person who is truly

33、bilingual is also bilingual in body language.Usually the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the nonverbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often its a case of not what he said but the w

34、ay he said it. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has devised this formula: total impact of a message = 7%verbal +38% vocal +55% facial. The importance of the voice can be seen when you consider that even the words 1 hate you can be read to sound special.Experts in kinetics the study of communication thr

35、ough body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gesture. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. For example, when a student in conversation with a professor holds t

36、he older mans eyes a little longer than usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a subtle challenge to the professors authority; or it can be something else entirely. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture.31. What is mainly discussed

37、in the opening paragraph?Answer: Every culture has its own body language.32. How can an expert in kinetics tell whether a person is a native of Wisconsin or not?Answer: By the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation.33. According to the writer, what factors affect ones body language?Answer: One

38、s sex, ethnic background, social class, and personal style all influence ones body language.34. What is the function of nonverbal communication?Answer: It acts to qualify the words.35. Can we get a precise meaning through one particular gesture?Answer:NoPassage Two In Australian families the central

39、 reationship is usually that between husband and wife, with children being thought of as independent individuals from an early age. The central relationship around which Chinese families revolve is quite different. Here the stress is placed on the relationship between parents and children. Couples w

40、ith children view the roles of mother acid father as coming before those of husband and wife. It is the parents, usually the father, who make all important decisions for children. It is the father, for example, who will usually make decisions concerning what and where the children should study. This

41、 is in marked contrast to Australian families where children play an increasingly important role in deciding such matters as they grow older. This independence is also shown in the Australian custom of children leaving home to live independently of their parents long before marriage. There are few i

42、f any opportunities for young people to set up independently in this fashion in China. Indeed, the Australian practice in this regard can seem from a Chinese perspective to indicate that Australians do not care about their families. Australian children are more likely to be expected to work while th

43、ey are studying than their Chinese counterparts. This can also apply to household chores, with Chinese parents expecting their offspring to devote their time to their studies. Children may be excused such duties right up to marriage, so that married life can sometimes come as a rude awakening to the

44、 need to cook and clean. Whereas in Australia students may work during the holidays or part-time during term, such activity is rare in China. The situation has changed somewhat since the end of the 1980s, with some students taking work as tutors or providing various services such as dressmaking. But

45、 the initial public reaction was one of shock. It is, then, still viewed as primarily the parents responsibility to support their children while they are pursuing their education. Money spent in this way is under no circumstances regarded as a loan, to be repaid when the children finish their educat

46、ion and have secured a job. University students in Australia also receive financial assistance from their parents and there is in some families an understanding that this will be repaid once they are financially independent. To many Chinese this may smack of lack of love and family feeling. ;The Aus

47、tralian emphasis on fostering independence in children from an early age runs counter to the Chinese view. Chinese children are not expected to be autonomous of their families to the same extent, with dependence on parents up to the time they are married. The protection and care of their children is the duty of parents. Chinese parents would look upon the failure to fulfil this duty as violating the most bas


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