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1、图书馆学专业攻读硕士学位研究生培养方案一、培养目标基于创新能力和素质教育的理念, 本专业将努力培养具备扎实的现代信息资源管理理论基础、 灵活运用现代信息技术知识, 具有深厚的图书馆学情报学基础理论和基本能力, 思维 活跃、创新能力强、能够熟练掌握现代信息技术进行信息资源收集、组织管理、检索利用、 分析咨询、 管理系统开发与设计以及能够从事相关领域科研、 管理和教学工作的图书情报领 域的应用型和复合型的高级专门人才, 以适合图书馆学教学、 科研及各级各类图书馆建设和 发展的需要。二、学习年限硕士研究生的学习一般为三年。三、研究方向1数字图书馆理论和技术研究2信息资源组织和管理研究3网络信息咨询研

2、究四、课程设置(见表)五、论文工作1修满规定学分后,可进入论文工作阶段。图书馆学专业硕士研究生应于第二学年,在导师指导下完成学位论文选题及论文撰写计划,作一次开题报告,由本专业35 名具有高级职称的教师评议,论文选题及内容必须要有一定的学术价值。2硕士研究生在论文撰写过程中,应积极参加导师主持的科研项目,提高研究能力,并在图书馆学专业核心刊物上发表1 2 篇论文,达到上海大学研究生科研成果量化指标的要求, 论文完成后, 经包括导师在内的 3 名具有高级职称的教师认可, 组织校内外同行专家评审答辩。3论文通过答辩后,根据 中华人民共和国学位条例 、 上海大学授予学位工作细则规定,经评审后授予学位

3、。图书馆学专业硕士研究生课程设置类另IJ课程编号课程名称学时学分开课 学期备注学位课政治 理论课001000701科学社会主义理论与实践3021001000703马克思主义经典著作选读6032A外国语001000704公共英语10031、2021000701专业英语4024专业 基础课 专业课021202701数字图书馆技术与理论4042021202702现代信息检索研究4041021202703信息资源组织与管理4041必修课义献 阅读 研讨课021202901图书馆管理与用尸研究4042021202902现代信息技术研究4043021202903网络参考咨询服务4043021202904图

4、书馆学理论前沿研究4043021202905文献信息资源建设4044021202906图书馆学方法研究4044丹 研讨课2The Program about Postgraduate of Library Science Degree1. The ObjectivesBased upon the idea of creative and diathetic education, this program will foster the senior professionals who master the theoretical foundations of modern informatio

5、n management, information technology, as well as library and information science. They will be charactered by active mind, strong creative ability and will be skillful in applying modern information technology to information acquisition, information organization, information retrieval, information a

6、nalysis, information consultation, and design and development of information management system. They can be engaged in scientific research, management and instructional career in library and information domain, to meet the development need of very various kinds of libraries.2. The study periodThree

7、years3. Research direction(1) Research on theory and technology of digital library(2) Research on organization and management of information resource(3) Research on webbed information consultation4. CurriculumSee the attached table5. Working papers( 1) The candidate can not do the thesis work until

8、he/she finishes his credits. He/she should do the thesis topic selection, thesis plan and commencement report under the advisor in the second academic year, which will be evaluated by 35 professors and the topic and contents of the thesis should be of academic value.( 2) The candidate should train t

9、he research ability through actively participating in research projects of the tutor, and should have one or two papers published in the library journals, in reaching of the postgraduate research quantified indicators by the Shanghai University. When the thesis is completed, it should be peered by t

10、hree professors including the tutor, and should be reviewed and defenced by experts inside and outside the university.( 3) When the thesis goes through defense, the candidate can be rewarded the Master degree according to the Academic Degree Regulations of PRC, and the Academic Degree Grant Rule of

11、Shanghai University.CurriculumCategoryCourse numberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarkGradPolitical courses001000701The Theory and Practice of ScientificSocialism3021001000703Marxist Classics6032ForeignLanguages001000704Public English10031,2021000701Professional English4024uate school cla, Basic andsp

12、ecializedcourse021202701ssesThe Theory and Technology of Digital Library4042021202702Study on Modern Information Retrieval4041021202703Organization and Management of Information Resource4041PointLiterature reading Seminargraduate class021202901Library Management and User Research4042021202902Study on Modern Information Technology4043021202903Study on Webbed Information Consultation Service4043021202904Study on Theoretical Frontiers of Library Science4043esisclpfflesStudy onReconstruction ofDocument andInformation Resource4044021202906Study on LibraryScience Methodology40442


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