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1、Unit4 Lesson2 教学设计我在一条龙英语教学中把每一单元的教学整合为五节课, 即第一节的词汇教学,第二节的听说教学,第三节的语法教学,第四节的阅读教学,第五节的写作教学。今天本节课为九年级下册第四单元 WangWeis Dream 的阅读课。一 .设计理念在本课中, 我根据教材内容, 将第二课和第三课进行整合, 设计出不同课堂活动 , 引导学生进行阅读方法的总结及训练, 并与写作相结合。设置了不同形式的阅读训练来帮助学生掌握四个阅读技巧。学生在阅读过程中不是逐字、逐句地去理解,而是结合自己的预测,在文章中找出有关的信息,来验证自己的预测。既改变了传统的阅读课教学方式只是把课文作为单纯

2、向学生传授语法及语言知识的载体,也改变了阅读理解提问方式只停留在对所阅读文章的表层理解层次上的问题。从阅读方法的积累, 到写作方法的积累 , 形成了阅读积累的输入到写作的输出,培养学生的写作能力,而且还给学生留出思维想象的空间,启发学生动脑用英语思考,发展学生的创新能力。二.教材分析教学内容:本课时的教学内容选自义务教育课程标准实验教科书 EEC 英语学生用书九年级下册 Unit 4 Lesson Two WangWei s Dream地位和作用:Unit 4 是这册书中关于梦想的第一个单元,主要围绕梦想这个中心话题展开的,通过本单元的学习,学生能够谈论他们的梦想,以及他们实现梦想的途径,体现

3、了为梦想而奋斗的中心思想,本模块起着承上启下的作用,在教学中的地位是举足轻重的。重点和难点:重点:四个阅读方法的掌握,了解记叙文写作提纲难点:能够用阅读方法阅读文章,能够从文章中提炼写作材料,技巧,完成写作任务。三 .教学目标分析知识目标:( 1)阅读技巧积累。( 2)分析写作方法,为阅读与写作积累写作方法。能力目标:( 1)听能听懂别人用英语谈论梦想。( 2)说能用英语谈论梦想。( 3)读能够运用阅读策略获取信息,能阅读有关的短文。( 4)写能准确地进行记叙文的写作,描述自己的梦想。情感目标:1)使学生创设自己的美好梦想。2)倡导学生通过完成梦想,培养挑战精神,拼搏意识,乐观向上的心态。四

4、.学情分析:从九年级学生已有的知识储备,生活经验和认知水平来看,他们对英语有着强烈的求知欲和好奇心,再加上如果所学知识和他们的生活较接近的话,他们会有更大的学习兴趣。所以我抓住学生对本课内容的兴趣这一点来通过课堂上一系列教学活动,激发和培养学生的学习能力及文化意识,鼓励学生大胆开口。五.教法学法教法任务型教学法、情景教学法学法学习方法的指导学习积极性的调动学习能力的培养学习策略的指导六.教学过程1引课T: Hello, everyone , I m Chris. I m from HongQiao Middle School. I think we are friends now.Do you

5、 think so?S: Yes!T: I have a secret. When I was little, I wanted to be an excellent teacher. Now, I have realized my dream.Do you have a dream?S:Yes!T:What do you want to be?What is your dream?S:I want to be - My dream is T:Good dreams!Today we will go on the next part -Reading.It s about Wang Wei s

6、 dream.(板书:Lesson 2 Wang Wei dream)设计思路 : 导入新课, 引出话题,为学生创造轻松愉快的学习气氛,激发学生的好奇心。2.新授T:Wang Wei is a high school student,What happened to him?Do you want to know?S:Yes!T:I have an interesting flash to you!Before watching it ,please look at the question,What is the reading about? Read the question about?

7、Who can read it?S:(选项A,B男生女生分开读)(课件展示)T:Is it interesting?S:YesT:Now look at the computer,Who can answer the question?S:Choose BT:Why do you choose B?S: A is from Paragraph One.But B is about the whole passage.T:Yes!You are right!Now in this lesson I will show you 4 writing keys.I think if you can u

8、se them better, you can open the reading door!This is the first key. Together read it!S: (展示课件,学生齐读)T:If you do the question like this,you can use it . Do you want to know next key?Let s look at the computer,I have five questions.Would you like to know how to answer them more quickly?设计思路 :使学生体会到跳读的

9、方法,找到这篇文章的中心思想。T:OK,this is the second and the third keys.( 展示课件,教师读)The red words are the key words.Read them together( 学生齐读 )Now open your books,and read the text with the key words and he questions.(给学生时间读课文)T : What is you r ideas?Number one ,who can answer the question S:Choose B.T:Why do you c

10、hoose B,how do you do it?S:B is from the first paragraph !T:Which sentence?S:(学生读出句子,之后展示课件)(以此类推其余四个问题进行同样的活动)设计思路 使学生体会到寻读的方法,通过完成课后习题,指导学生通过抓住关键的信息词,带着问题读文章,会提高阅读速度,培养学生阅读时获取信息的能力,让学生边读边寻找答案并进行简单的课文理解。T:We have learned the second and the third keys. You should read the passage with the key words

11、and the questions.T:Now I ll show you the last key.Please read the article in groups, discuss how many parts there are in the passage( 展示课件 )S:(学生讨论)T:Ok,tell me the answer.S:There are three parts.T:What are they?S: Paragraph 1 is Part 1.Paragraph 2 ,3,4 are Part 2. Paragraph 5,6 are Part 3 T:Wonder

12、ful !Please tell me the reason ,how did you do it?S:According to the main idea of each part.T:Here is the main idea of each part.Can you match them?( 展示课件 )S:(学生说答案老师连线)T:Which is the most important part of them?S:Part 2T:There are three paragraphs in Part 2.Here are the main idea of each one,can yo

13、u match them?( 展示课件 )S:(学生连线)T:Now let us analyse the Part 2.Please read Paragraph 2 and you can discuss which ones belong to it?( 展示课件 )S:(学生讨论且回答)T:This time please read Paragraph 3and4 and then discuss which ones belong to them ?(展示课件 )S:(学生讨论且回答)T:We have known the main idea of each part.( 展示课件

14、)Part 3 tells us WangWei realized his dream.Part 2 tells us WangWei tried his best to realize his dream.But Part 1 tells us he realized his letter.So its different from the usualway of narration.We call it inserting,but we write the narration with along narrates as usual.T:If we rewrite the passage

15、,which part will be the first one ?S: Part 2T:And the next and the last?S:Part 1 and Part 3T:This is the usual way,we call it Along narrates.Here I have a passage like this ,please fill in the blanks on your paper.(学生做题,教师核对答案)设计思路 在细读中,小组合作阅读,对文章进行结构分析,体裁分析,对文章的主体部分进行段落分析(整合第三课内容) ,培养学生从整体上把握文章的脉络信

16、息。帮助学生在阅读时理清作者思想发展的脉络。提炼各个段落的内容,理清各个段落是如何形成文章的有机整体。T:Now ,let s analyse the passage .Look at the Paragraph 1,it tells us Wangweisdream.So in this paragraph,we must write straight to the point.From Paragraph 2,we can know the events about WangWei s dream.So in Paragraph 2,we always show some events.N

17、othing is impossible if you put your heart into it,here is sublimation.( 展示课件 )This is the outline of WangWei s dream.设计思路 通过对文章的改写,指导学生完成文章主要内容。帮助学生感知记叙文的写作顺序,为学生语言的输出进行铺垫T:If you understand the passage deeply, grasp the main clues of the passage ,then you will know how to read and write.( 展示课件 )T:

18、We have learnt four keys to reading ,let s review them together.(学生齐读)T:Let s have a check(示课件)设计思路 帮助学生掌握四个阅读技巧T:From WangWei ,what do we learn ?S:We have learnt that we should keep up the good work.T:Yes,you are right.OK,I think Life is just like a ladder , if we can climb it step by step, we will

19、 reach our dream easily! Life is just like a key ,if we can use it better, we will open our dream door successfully !Don t you think so?S:Yes!T:OK,I hope you can go to the dream high school next year.Todays homework:If your English is OK ,please collect some words and phrases about dream! If your En

20、glish is better , please write a composition about your dream! OK?S:OK!T:I m very glad we had a good lesson today,thank you , goodbye everyone!S:Goodbye teacher! 设计思路 设立了分层布置作业的形式,使不同层次的学生都能完成作业,感受写作业的快乐。板书设计Lesson Two WangWei s DreamKey 1 Read an article overall.Key 2 Read an article with questions.Key 3 Read an article with key words.Key 4 Read an article with clues.


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