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1、精品文档Book 1 Unit 2I can do it!(第一课时教学设计)一、教材与学情分析本课是高教版基础模块1 第二单元的第一课时,该课的具体内容主要是描述个人能力的词汇,有关个人能力的描述,询问和谈论能力的语句。该课为整个单元的学习活动做好了语言和知识的准备,通过个人能力的描述及向别人了解能力等系列活动还利于教师挖掘学生的多元智能,增强学生的相互了解。该课的内容贴进学生生活,词汇量少,句型简单易学。职业学校的学生普遍英语基础薄弱,学生英语的积极性不高,能主动开口说的学生就更少。但职业学校的学生具有思维活跃,好奇心重,集体荣誉感、竞争意识强,接受能力快的特点。为此我对教材的内容进行了整

2、合,依据教学目标增减、改动了一些教材内容。整堂课的设计如下:二、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1 )学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers。(2 )学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如:Can you sing English songs?Yes, I can.No, I can t.2. 能力目标(1 )学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。(2 )学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。3. 情感目标学生能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。三、教学重、难点1. 教学重点(1 )掌握描述个人能力的词汇(2 )情

3、态动词 can 的用法(肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其回答)2. 教学难点通过与个人能力描述相关的词汇和句型的学习,学会采访同学,并写出能力报告。四、教学步骤Step One: Lead-in1.Showstudents somesentencesfrom the song “I believe I can fly ”, and askstudents to pay attention to the word”can ”If I cansee it, then I cando it随意编辑精品文档If I just believe itTheres nothing to itI believe I

4、can flyI believe Ican touch the sky2.Show students a group of pictures, and ask students to answer the questions:T: Who is he?Ss: He s Yao Ming.T: What can he do well?Ss: He can play basketball well.(设计意图 : 以优美的歌曲及以学生所熟悉的人物吸引学生注意力,拉近师生距离,自然引出本课的教学重点)3.Show students the learning objectives of this le

5、sson.知识目标(1 )学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers。(2 )学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如:Can you sing English songs?Yes, I can.No, I can t.能力目标(1 )学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。(2 )学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。情感目标学生能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。(设计意图 : 直截了当地呈现本课的学习目标,让学生明确这堂课该掌握哪些知识点,具备哪些能力。用汉语呈现主要是考虑到学生的基础较薄弱。)Step Two

6、: Vocabulary teaching1.Show students a group of pictures, and ask the students to answer the questions:T: What can the girl do in picture1?Ss: She can draw picturesT: What can the men do in picture?Ss: They can repair computers.2.Show students the vocabulary of describing abilities, then ask them to

7、 read the vocabulary together.drive a caruse the computerswimplay basketball开车使用电脑游泳打蓝球teach Englishserve visitorsread in Chineserepair computers教英语服务客人用中文阅读修理电脑ride a bikesing English songsdraw picturesspeak Chinese骑自行车唱英文歌画画说汉语3.Tell students a group competition will be held between them. The firs

8、t round is: Act and guess. Teacher introduces the rule of Round 1 to the students.随意编辑精品文档比赛规则如下:听录音 1 完成对话。听录 2 回答问题。每段录音播放 2 遍后,各组均有 30 秒的讨论时间, 30 秒后各组在 5 秒钟内选出 1 名选手将答案写在黑板上, 每对一个可为本组获得 1 分。(设计意图 : 教师呈现有关能力描述的图片,通过看图回答问题的方式可以锻炼学生的细致观察能力,以及语言表达能力。小组竞赛利于培养学生的团队合作和公平竞争意识, 可以大大调动学生学习的积极性,激发他们的课堂表现欲,巩

9、固句型词汇的学习。)Step Three: Grammar teaching1.Show students the sentence patterns of describing abilities. Teacher explains the grammar and asks several students to answer the questions:T: Can you use the computer?S1:Yes, I can.T: Can you repair the computer ?S1: No, I can t.T: Can he use the computer?S2:

10、 Yes, he can.T: Can he repair the computer?S2: No, he can t.T: What can he do?S3: He can use the computer.2 Teacher introduces the rule of Round 2 to students.比赛规则如下:最先站起来并做出正确选择的同学可为本组获得1 分。(1) Can your brother speak English?A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, he can.C. Yes, you can.(2) _?They can sweep the floo

11、r.A. What can they do?B. What do they do?C. what they can do ?(3) What can you do?I _ basketball.A. can to playB. can playingC. can play(4) What can she do?She can ride a bike, butA. She can t drive a carB. She can drive a carC.I can drive a car.(5)Can your mother swim?A. No, I canB. No, she can tC.

12、 Yes, she can t.(设计意图 : 帮助学生系统掌握情态动词can 的肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其回答,学会运用 can 来表达任何人称会做能做的事情。抢答的方式可以锻炼学生的快速反应能力以及短时记忆能力,将枯燥无味的语法学习有趣化、生动化。 )Step Four: Listening teachingTeacher introduces the rule of Round 3 to students.1.Ask students to fill in the blank after listening.随意编辑精品文档Xiano nian: Can you speak _1_?Be

13、n: Yes, a little. But I canin tChinese2.Xiano nian: _3_ you drive?Ben: Yes, _4_ can.Xiano nian: Can you teach Chinese?Ben: No, I _5_ .But I can teach English.2.Ask students to answer the question after listening.What can Zhang Qing do?Zhang Qing can use the computer.Zhang Qing can serve visitors.Zha

14、ng Qing can drive.3.Teacherintroducestheruleof Round4 to students.Ask studentstowatchthevideo and find out the abilities which are mentioned in the video.drivea car.surftheinternetswimridea bike.drawpictures.mooeat grassspeak English.make milkuse a phone4.Ask students to watch the video and find out

15、 what the cow can do and cant do.The cow can moo eat grass and make milk.The cow cant drive a car surf the internet and use a phone.6.Tell students that men cant be perfect, everyone has his own gift. They shouldlearn to appreciate other people and themselves.The cow can make milk, but it can t use

16、a phone.Mr. glasses can drive a car,but he can t eat grass.The bird can fly, but it can t swim.The fis h can swim, but it can t fly.(设计意图 : 听力训练及观看视频主要训练学生的听力和加强学生筛选信息、 快速捕捉所需要信息的能力。色拉英语 Abilities 幽默搞笑,主持人和牛形象生动的表演吸引学生注意力,让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,在轻松愉快的氛围中复习情态动词can 的用法。同时通过观看视频引导学生要懂得欣赏自己,欣赏别人。)Step Five: Appli

17、cationNow, I d like you to write down what you and two of your best friends can do.Teacher introduces the rule of Round 5 to students.比赛规则如下:给选手 1 分钟时间写下自己及所采访的二位好友所具备的能力。站起来汇报的同学可为本组获得 1-5 分。Nameswimplayusetheride a bikesing English songs随意编辑精品文档basketballcomputerReportI am_, I have two good friend

18、s.I can _ and_ but I can t _ can _ and _,but he can t_._ can _ and _,but she can t_.We can do something useful.(设计意图 :让学生挖掘自身及了解他人的优点及不足点,既锻炼了学生的写作和拼写能力,又加深了老师与学生们及学生与学生之间的了解;起身朗读所写内容,锻炼了口语能力,增强学生的了自信和胆量。)Step Six: Summary1.T: Today we havelearnedthevocabulary and sentencepatternsofdescribingabiliti

19、es, nowpleasefinishthe exercise: Self-check. Tick thepointsthatyouhavemastered.I learned:() drive a car() use the compute() swim() play basketball() teach English() serve visitors() read in Chinese() repair computer() ride a bike() sing English songs() draw pictures() speak ChineseI can:() talk abou

20、t abilities.() use“ can ”.(设计意图 : 通过自检的方式,让学生明确自己是否已完成学习目标,有助于学生课后可有目的地加强学习与巩固。)Step Seven: Homework1. Recite the vocabulary of describing abilities.2. Write down what you can do after three years.3. Watch the video:abilities and listen to the song: I believe I can fly.(设计意图 : 温故而知新,对所学的知识进行适当的重复,有助于掌握及加深理解课堂上所学的知识。把课堂教学延伸到课下,满足个性化学习的需要,学生去自主学习体验,能更好地实现教学目标。)随意编辑精品文档随意编辑


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