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1、特色材料EE或年级上册阅读课教学设计Unit 7 Lesson 2Reading My House哈尔滨市道外区东园学校郑菲菲教材:EEC 六年级上册课题:Unit 7 lesson 2 Reading - My House教学目标: 1、能比较准确、流利地朗读课文,解决主要的发音问题2、能理解课文主要内容,知道每一段写了哪些内容3、能仿照课文,运用课文中的句式仿写自己的房间教学重点:理解课文主要内容,仿照课文描述房间学情基础: 1、认识了本单元的词汇2、学习了本单元语法项目,能够初步运用there be句式和简单的方位介词3、能够说出一些简单的动词短语课前准备: 1、把学生划分成4 个学习小

2、组2、调设好课文朗读的录音3、给全班学生编号,用硬纸板制成签,以待抽签时使用4、按课文内容,画一张包含4 个房间的大图和表示各种家具的 14 张小图,给每个小组各准备1 份5、让学生设计一个自己的房间,制作出房间图画6、制作多媒体课件教学过程:Step 1:引入Show some pictures with the computer: living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom. Point to each picture and as:k What room is it? Students can answer the questions freel

3、y.After that, ask them another question: How many rooms are there in your house?Choose 3 kids to answer.Show a big house on the screen. Ask studen:tWs hat s this? Can you describe it?Students maybe describe like this: It s white/ big/ beautiful. It s an American house. The windows are bright. Then,a

4、sk them: Guess: How many rooms are there in it? Let them give thenumbers of the rooms freely.Tell them: This is Susan s house. Susan invites Li Jun to go to her house. Lest follow Li Jun and visit Susan s house.Step 2:课文朗读和理解一读:Have students open their books and turn to Page 50. Play the tape of the

5、 text. Have students read the text following the tape. Then ask: How many rooms does the reading introduce to us? What are they? Students should answer it as quickly as they can. Write the answers on the blackboard.二读:Play the tape and have students repeat the text again. Then show 3 questions with

6、the computer:Q1: What does Susan s family do in the living room every evening?Q2: Where is the refrigerator?Q3: What s on Susan s bed?Ask students try their best to answer the 3 questions in full sentences. Tell them to use “her” instead of “my” in Q1 and Q3. Have students practice answering the 3 q

7、uestions in pairs. They can discuss with each other. Then choose 3 pairs. One reads the question, the other gives the answer. Correct the answers with the whole class. After that, show the following on the screen:A1 : Every evening her family gets together in the living room.A2 : The refrigerator is

8、 next to the door in the kitchen.A3 : There is a cute teddy bear on her bed.Have the boys read the questions, and the girls read the answers together.三读:Have students read the text with their partners. They can correct the wrong pronunciation with each other.Give students 5 minutes to finish the exe

9、rcises on Page 51. They should do the exercises individually.Group Work:Have students check their answers in the group. If someone has wrong answers, other members need to help him or her to find the corresponding sentences in the text.注意: 各组完成此项任务后, 老师要调查共有多少学生的答案是完全正确的; 错 1-2 个、3-4 个的各有多少。让学生总结一下出

10、错的原因,是没有读懂(哪里没懂、为什么没懂),还是读题不认真(哪里看错了)。四读:Have students read the text freely and loudly. If they have problems of pronunciation, they can ask for help from others or the teacher.Group Work:Give each group a big picture. There are 4 rooms on :ita living room, a kitchen, a dining room and a bedroom. Gi

11、ve each group 14 small pictures as well (sofa, television, piano, photograph, stove, microwave, refrigerator, vase, table, 2 desks, books, teddy bear, dog).Have each group put the small pictures on the corresponding places according to the text. All the groups need to finish it quickly. Then check t

12、he work together.注意: ( 1) The photo should be above the piano.( 2) The fridge should be next to the door in the kitchen.Step 3:仿写训练段落写法分析:Show Paragraph 2 with the computer. Sentence 1(This is the living room.) is in red font. Sentence 2 (Every evening my family gets together here.), Sentence 3 (We

13、often sit on the sofa and watch television.), and Sentence 5 (Sometimes I play it for my family.) are in blue. Sentence 4 (There is a piano in the living room.) and Sentence 6 (There is a family photograph on the wall above the piano.) are in purple.All the students read Sentence 1 together. As k 这一

14、句在全段中起什么作用?Studentsanswe门t.(板书:总领全段)Choose a kid to read Sentence 2, 3, 5. Ask: 这三句用什么句式介绍了什么? Students give their ideas freely. (板书: “sb. does sth. +频度副词”介绍人物活动)Choose a kid to read Sentence 4, 6. Ask : 这两句用什么句式介绍了什么? Students answer it.(板书:there be句式介绍物体和方位)句式练习 1:Show a picture of a room with the

15、 computer. Have students describe the room with in/ on/ under/ above/ near/ next to. They should describe like th:isThere is a desk in the room. There is a light above the desk. There is a computer and some books on the desk. There is a chair next to the desk. There is a bed near the wall. There is

16、a white cat under the chair.句式练习 2:Ask : What do you usually do in your living room/ kitchen/ bedroom? Students can share their ideas freely. Provide students with the following pictures to open their mind:s( talk with parents, read newspapers, wash dishes, play the computer, drink tea, cook food, m

17、eet friends, draw pictures, listen to music)Encourage students to use different subjects and frequency adverbs to describe their activities in different rooms.运用以上句式描述自己的房间:Have students take out their own designs of their favorite rooms. Give students 5 minutes to practice. They can try to describe

18、 their own works with 3 kinds of sentence:s1) This is my room. 2) sb. does sth. + frequency adverbs 3) There beThey can also exchange the designs with any other member in the same group and describe them.Choose some students to share their descriptions.活动方式:抽签,念学号,被抽中的同学对自己或他人设计的房间进行描述,要合理运用黑板上的三个句式,说话要有条理。Step 4:总结总结黑板上的三个句式和功能;总结My House 的写法。作业布置:书面表达:仿照课文描写属于你自己的房子My House,至少50词。板书设计:Lesson 2 Reading - My Houseliving roomThis is the room.总、领全段Susad s Housekitchen dining room sb. does sth. + frequency adverbsA 物活动bedroomthere be + in/on/above/under 物体和方位


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