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1、ZEN,CHAN,Chan, is a kind of thought of Buddhism, its meaning is to give up with existing knowledge, logic to solve the problem.Getting the comprehension from hearts is the easiest and the most effective way to solve problems. This method is not subject to any knowledge, any logic, any sense bound, i

2、t really comes from yourself , so solving problems from yourself is the most suitable way.,What is Chan ?,Chan is in everywhere,The heart of the quiet, plain and flawless, the returning of truth, this is searches life, and it is also the zen.( 宁静的心,质朴无瑕,回归本真,这便是参透人生,便是禅),Zen is nature, zen always ex

3、ists with nature , zen does not hide anything. (禅就是自然而然,禅与大自然同在,禅并无隐藏任何东西),Life philosophy from Chan,Life is looking for trouble, when the mind become strong and without anything , like the empty cup, life can be quiet and free. If the mind can exist as lotus (莲花), sun and moon, transcendental insip

4、id(超然平淡), no differentiation(分别心), choices heart(取舍心), the love and hate of heart, the gain and loss of heart, can easily obtain the real happiness and peace. Water flows downwards, cloud floats in the sky, all are natural and harmony to happen, this is common heart. Have a common heart, life is lik

5、e natural cloud and water.This is zen.,Transcendental Meditation,Transcendental Meditation(超觉静坐)is similar to Zazen(禅坐).TM Created by American Indian yoga teacher MaHaLi , like a kind of simple and easy yoga techniques, based on qigong exercise. This method is popular with the western. Because this

6、method can promote our wisdom, health, improve behavior, enhance the initiative and the effect of productivity .,Words from Chan,寒山问拾得:“世间有人谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、骗我,如何处置乎?” 拾得曰:“忍他、让他、避他、由他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再过几年你且看他。” 神秀曰:“身似菩提树,心如明镜台;时时勤拂拭,莫教惹尘埃。” 慧能云:“菩提本无树,明镜亦非台;本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?”,Chan is a kind of life,Thank you,


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