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《COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划.ppt(52页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Multiplying the Power of Persuasion,TOTAL BRANDINGSM 全方位创建品牌,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,倍增说服力,Who Are The Three Most Important People You Talk To? 与你交谈的三个最重要的人是谁?,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,How Do You Communicate With Them? 你如何与他们沟通?,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,How Did You Learn The Best Ways To Communicate With

2、 Each of Them? 你如何学会与他们每一个人沟通 的最佳方式?,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,What Is The Most Important Conversation Youve Ever Had, And Whom Did You Have It With? 你所经历的最重要的谈话 以及与谁进行的?,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,“Will You Marry Me?” “你愿嫁给我吗?”,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,CONCLUSION结论,You already know how to do this, you just

3、need to do it more often at work. 你已经知道如何做了, 你只需在工作上更多这样地做。,Yesterdays prevailing rule昨日的流行规则,“If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” 如果你只有锤子, 那么任何东西对你 来说都是钉子。,Old Thinking Based on Two Fallacies两个传统的错误想法,1.We only make ads 我们只作广告 2.The consumer is a stationary target for me to hi

4、t 消费者是静止的靶子,我可随时 击中。,Hit Her Here. 在此击中她。,Consumer 消费者,No Response? 没反应?,Consumer 消费者,Hit Her Harder. 再使劲出击。,Consumer,Consumer 消费者,Guess what? 猜一猜? Shes fluid.她是流动的。,But in truth, shes not a static object waiting to be hit! 事实上,她并非一个静物 等待你去击中! Shes always moving in process of persuading herself full

5、 of communication opportunities requires many different messages along the way 她总是不停移动的 在劝说她的过程中, 有许多沟通的机会, 需要许多不同的信息。,Total Branding全方位创建品牌,Tenets: 原则: 1)There are many contact points where the consumer and persuasive communication can intersect. 消费者和具劝服性的沟通会在许多接触点相互交遇。 2)Advertising is only one of

6、 these possible intersections. 广告只是其中一个可能交遇。 3)Selling messages communicated via a variety of disciplines creates greater synergy and Multiplies the power of the persuasion exponentially. 通过不同方式传播的销售信息能产生更 大的增益及 更快倍增说服力。,Find New Ways To Talk To Her. 寻找新的办法与她交谈。,Consumer 消费者,Total Branding全方位创建品牌,Le

7、arning Curve详细曲线,1.At first, ads do it all (youve still got a hammer) 最初,广告包办了一切(你仍拥有锤子。 2.Followed by an urge to use every discipline for every task (dont worry, your pocketbook will stop you) 然后,就会强烈地希望每一项任务都要运用所有的传 播方式(不用担心,你的支票簿会阻止你这么 做。 3.Practice and knowledge of each disciplines role will res

8、ult in a balanced, effective plan. 通过对每一方式的作用进行实践和了解,最后可形成 一个平衡的、有效的计划。 4.Eventually, it becomes a way of thinking, a way of developing communication solutions. 最后,它会成为一种思维方式,一种发展沟通办法的 方式。,TOTAL BRANDINGSM 全方位创建品牌,COMMUNICATION PLANNING 传播计划,Thompson Total Communication PlanningThompson 全方位传播计划,Whic

9、h people offer the best return on investment ? 哪些人提供投资的最佳回报? What behaviour change offers the best value? 何种行为的变化提供最佳价值? When, where and what context offers the best opportunity to connect with them? 何时,何地以及何种情况提供与他们联系的最佳机会? How can the Branding Idea be used in stimulating new ways to achieve this?

10、品牌意念如何被用于激发新方法以达到目的? Which vehicles offer the greatest efficiency at reaching these people and the best effectiveness for this communication? 哪些传媒能提供最大功效传递给人们最有效的传播信息? What total communication program yields the best return on investment? 何种全方位传播计划产生出最佳投资回报?,Which offer the best potential ? What can

11、 communications do to realise this? When and how can they be reached most effectively? How should marketing funds be invested across time/vehicle? 哪一个提供最大的潜力? 为实现这潜力,沟通可起什么作用 ? 何时及如何最有效地与他们接触? 市场推广的资金应如何在时间上分配 和各种媒体 上使用?,Consumer Buying System,COMMUNICATION PLAN传播计划,动机,考虑,寻找,经验,购买,选择,Consumer Buying


13、 of a Branding Idea or inventive use of a Target Audiences media consumption can be highly effective 创造性地使用一个“品牌意念” 或 创新地利用“目标顾客”对媒体的使用习惯 会十分有效,CREATIVE MEDIA USE创意性的媒介运用,Innovative use of a Branding Idea or inventive use of a Target Audiences media consumption can be highly 创造性地使用一个“品牌意念” 或 创新地利用“目

14、标顾客”对媒体的使用习惯 会十分有效,Think outside the 超出 的思考,CREATIVE MEDIA USE 创意性的 媒介运用,CREATIVE MEDIA USE 创意性的 媒介运用,A chewing gum that helps to prevent travel sickness 旅行者的口香糖 可以防止旅行时晕车船,旅行者口香糖,Sick Bag 晕机袋,美国航空公司,Print, POS and on-pack leaflet 平面、售点广告及随产品附赠的单页,Posters 海报,Web Site 电脑网址,Blimp 飞艇广告,Developing a Com

15、munications Plan 发展一个传播计划,Total Branding全方位创建品牌,Audience 顾客对象 All Motorists 所有使用机动车辆的人 Fleet Managers 车队经理 Media/Opinion Leaders 传媒/领导舆论者 Staff/Garage Managers 职工/车库经理,Reposition Esso as the oil major that offers quality fuel at unbeatable prices 重新确立埃索公司提供价廉质优的石油的定位,Overall Objective 总体目标 Transform

16、 overall image 改变总体形象 With the Fleet Card, demonstrate the new value of the ESSO service 用车队卡展示埃索服务的新价值 Lead the debate 带头运行辩证 Reinvigorate and excite 注入活力,焕发生机,All Motorists Transform overall imagePriority HighestOpportunities Mass media and ESSO sites所有使用机动车辆人士 改变总体形象优先次序 最优先机会 大众传媒和埃索基地,All Motor

17、ists Transform overall imagePriority HighestOpportunities Mass media and ESSO sites所有使用机动车辆人士 改变总体形象优先次序 最优先机会 大众传媒和埃索基地,All Motorists Transform overall imagePriority Highest所有使用机动车辆人士 改变总体形象 优先次序 最优先,Fleet ManagersDemonstrate new valuePriorityMedium 车队经理 示范新价值 优先次序 媒介,A simple discipline 一个简单的做法,Th

18、e Task and Tool Grid 任务和工具表,COMMUNICATION PLAN 传播计划,Overall Communication objective总体沟通目标.,Communication Plan: Task and Tool Grid传播计划:任务和工具表,For each audience, set out the overall objective then break this into specific tasks before choosing the best tools for each 对每一个对象,制定出总体目标,把目标分为具体的任务,然后再选择对每位

19、对象使用何种工具。,Target Audience目标顾客.?.,Overall Communication objective总体沟通目标 Expand Everyday Indulgence Appeal 扩大每日享用的诱惑,Typical Communication Plan 典型的传播计划,Target Audience 目标顾客 Current users of Philly目前使用Philly的人,Overall Communication objectiveImportance of Everyday Routine 总体沟通目标日常工作的重要程度,NutriGrain Comm

20、unication Plan 传播计划,Target Audience 目标顾客 Current Eaters 目前食用者,Overall Communication objective Importance of Everyday Routine,NutriGrain Communication Plan,Target Audience Current Eaters,Overall Communication objective Importance of Everyday Routine,NutriGrain Communication Plan,Target Audience Curre

21、nt Eaters,Overall Communication objective Importance of Everyday Routine,NutriGrain Communication Plan,Target Audience Current Eaters,Communication Plan Project沟通意念,For your brand:- 针对你们的品牌: Set down two audiences you wish to communicate with 确定两组你们希望与之沟通的目标消费群 For each set down the key communicatio

22、n tasks 每组确定一个沟通任务 Select the best media vehicles to achieve these 选择最佳媒介手段来达到目的 Use the task and tool grid as a way of setting this down 运用任务和工具作为确定的一个方法 Come up with at least one innovative media idea 提出至少一个原创的媒体构思,Vogue Calendar 时尚日历 for European sophistication,Packs that reflects the overall Vis

23、ion 表现总体视觉的包装,Communication Program 传播计划,Caf/restaurant 咖啡厅,餐馆 merchandising 的商品推销 (Placemats , sugar wrappers) to build presence and caf credentials,Business Cards 名片,Leaflets单页 to build coffee authority and Brand provenance,Film program 电影节目 (advertorials, sponsored film evenings, film cards) to s

24、hare caf conversations.,建立品牌的威信和原产地,用软广告,赞助电影之夜,电影卡来传播“咖啡”话题,餐垫,食糖包装,建立咖啡资信度,BUILDING CLOSER CONNECTIONS 建立 更近的联系,ATTRACTION,Magazine Advertisement 杂志广告,魅力,Airport Poster 机场海报,安全,ATTRACTION,Magazine Advertisement杂志广告,自然,IN BAR PROMOTION 酒吧促销 The J&B World Cup J&B 世界杯,酒保形象,青苹果出品 必属精品 http:/ 淘宝店:http:/ 联系QQ:1404173290,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料 / 企业管理人力资源全套 / 品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,


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