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1、KPS评分表临床症状分(百分法)正常,无症状及体征,无疾病证据100能正常活动,但有轻微症状及体征90勉强可进行正常活动,有某些症状或体征80生活可自理,但不能维持正常生活或工作70有时雪人扶助,但大多数时间可自理,不能从事正常工作60需要一建的帮助和护理,以及给予药物治疗50生活不能自理,需特别照顾及治疗40生活严重不能自理,有住院指征,尚不到病重30病重,完全失去自理能力,需住院给予积极支持治疗20病危,临近死亡10死亡0Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?I Analysis of teaching materials:This unit is aro

2、und Holidays and vacation to carry out teaching activities.Students should learn to use past tense to talk about holiday activities The content is close to students lives, its also a topic that students are willing to discuss and share with others .So in teaching process ,wc can consolidate the key

3、sentences Where did you go on vacation? Did you -How -through different methods such as pair work acting , reporting and interviews Students can consolidate and study further about the past tense on the basis of original.Students can also use the past tense to write a diary about their vacations.II.

4、 Teaching Aims:l. Knowledge aims: Ss talk about travel activities correctly using where and how. Ss master questions with auxiliary didand the answers to the questions Ss learn to express their feelings correctly.2. Abilitv aims::Ss can ask and answer questions about the things in the past using the

5、 past tenseSs can use description words to express their feelings. Ss can record a vacation in a form of a diary and express their feelings about the vacations 3Eniotional aims:Ss get to know more about each other through the exchange of what they have seen, heard and felt.Ss learn to express their

6、feelings in a better way.III. Teaching important and difficult points1、Ss master and use the vocabulary and expressions2、Ss master general questions and special questions and the answers to the questions3、Ss master the past tense of regular and irregular verbs IV Teaching arrangements1 Section A la2c2. Section A 2d3c3. Section B la-le4、Section B 2a-2e5. Review of Unit 1 3a-Self check 2


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