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1、WkSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY平网磁棒印花机导带压紧装置朱红军寇恒梅(连云港鹰游纺机有限责任公司.江苏连云港222062 )摘 要:本文阐述了一种平网磁棒印花机导带压紧装賈,它骨于版框架上.包括旋合式上下离合套、 螺纹座、联接杆、压缩弹簧、导向块、导带压块、橡胶套、长螺杆及版框架。当版框架下降时.导带 压块通过圧缩弹簧的反作用力即可牢牢压住导带.防止导带位移而造成花型错位。当需要版框落下对 花型时,只需旋转离合套-角度,便能快捷地抬离导带压块,实现了版框落下对花的问题0 关键词:磁棒印花机;导带压紧装置;版框;版框架;导带压块中图分类号:TS194.4V3.1 文献标识码:A

2、Belt Clamping Device for Flat Screen Magnet Printing MachineAbstract This paper describes belt clamping device for flat screen magnet printing machine, which is placed on the frame version, including the upper and lower clutch set screw type, thread Blocks, connecting rods, compression springs, guid

3、e block, the conduction band clamps, rubber sleeve long screw and a version of the framework When a version of the framework falls, the conduction band of the read ion force of the compression spring clamps (o firmly hold the conduction band, prevenl displacement of the conduction Irnnd pattern caus

4、ed dislocation. When you need to fall on the flower box version, just rotate the clutch cover an angle, we will be able to lift off the fast conduction band briquetting and achieve edition box fall on the registration ijwme.Key words magnet printing machine; belt clamping device; edition box; frame

5、of edition box; conduction band bricfuHting1比较本装置改变了以往导带压紧装置所带来的诸 多缺陷。以往装置(1):普遍采用的气缸压板结构, 它置于导带下(图一),设有独立控制程序,版 框架抬起后执行压板抬起,检测到压板全部抬起 后导带方可运行。此种装置不仅效率低,故障多, 且气缸置于导带下面容易因为印花浆料腐蚀而卡 死气缸导柱,使动作不能连续运行而停机。当今在毛毯行业,平网磁棒印花机普遍采用 气缸压板结构,网框架抬起后执行压板抬起,检 测到压板全部抬起后导带方可运行。且汽缸置于 导带下面容易因为印花浆料腐蚀而卡死汽缸导柱, 往往使动作不能连续运行而停机C也有采用网框架上安装压板装阻,当网框架 下降时.压板装置紧压在导带上,当需要网框对 花时,压板装置无法抬起,即无法移动网框,造 成对花不准确,效率低。本导带压紧装置与现有技术相比.能快速让 导带压块脱离导带,从而实现花框在纵向横向均 可移动,它不仅减少r印花过程中的动作指令, 提高了印花效率而且方便快捷,成本低廉。图一投稿日期:2013-09-08JIANGSU TEXTILE 江苏纺织49


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