外贸函电Unit 12 Claim And Settlement.ppt

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《外贸函电Unit 12 Claim And Settlement.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸函电Unit 12 Claim And Settlement.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12,Claim And Settlement,Reasons of Complaints,The wrong goods have been sent; The goods have been delivered damaged or late; The quality is not satisfactory; The prices charged are not as agreed; The buyers try to escape from their contracts,Outlines of making a complaint,Begin by regretting th

2、e need to complain. Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery ad the goods complained about. State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation. Refer to the inconvenience caused. Suggest how the matter should be put right.,Rules to deal with a complaint,The first thing t

3、hat has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified. If so, then you have to admit it readily, express your regret and promise to put the matter right. If the complaint is not justified, point out politely and in an agreeable manner. It would be a wrong policy to refuse the claim offhand. If

4、 you cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into it and that you will send a full reply later.All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.,Letter 1 Claim for Inferior Quality,1. claim n.索款(作为赔偿、保险金等);索要的金额 claim for+原因 claim for+金额 claim on+标的(货物) claim against+对象 v.凭保单要求赔偿,索赔 US $ 10,000 on the goods from the underwriters for improper packing,


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