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1、简笔画与 小学英语教学,“Drawing of a human or animal that represents the head by a circle and the rest of the body by straight lines” (Source: http:/ ) 简笔画是一种利用简单的点、线、图形等符号来表现物象基本特性的,简约而直观、形象、鲜明、生动的绘画形式。,Definition,Simple (简单、快捷、易学) Vivid (生动、达意) Interesting (有趣) 教学简笔画是教学中直观生动的快捷演示,即教师在教学中利用黑板,以凝练、概括的图示学生,把文章的

2、重点、难点、中心意义显示出来,使学生更直观、形象地理解内容的一种板书形式。他必须伴随教学内容而存在,他的画面要和教学融为一体,他不在于写实,在于写意传神。,Characteristics of Stick Figure,Three Elements of Stick figures,点、线、形,Principles of Drawing Stick figures,1.The less the better 作画的笔画一定要少。能用两笔表示的不用三笔。,Example,Exercise,More For Your Information,Principles of Drawing Stick

3、figures,2.The more straightforward the better 能用直线不用曲线。,Example 1,Example 2,More For Your Comparison,Characteristics of Stick Figure,3. The simpler the better 能简不繁。 作画时只要能用简单图形,就不用复杂图形。,Example 1,Example 2,Put Into Use,There are many times that you would like to illustrate a page, or tell a story wi

4、thout using too many words. Stick figures can be modified depending on how you want to use them. Start with the basic figure, and make changes as you go along. Learning the art of creating and using them, will open up a new and long line of art.,How to draw a stick figure-a,Draw a circle for the hea

5、d. Draw a line about 3 times the length of the head. Draw two 45 degree lines extending from the base line just under the head. Do the same at the end of the line for the legs .,How to draw a stick figure-b,Work on the face by draw a happy, sad, flat or surprised mouth. Draw two circles above the mo

6、uth and leave room if you want your stick figure to have a nose. Draw a triangle or arrow (depending on the angle) and add nostrils if desired. Add other things such as clothes , hair , sun glasses etc,How to draw a stick figure-c,Use stick figures as a way of telling a story. By linking many togeth

7、er, in different stances, or movements, they can express their meaning with few or no words,How to draw a stick figure-d,How to draw a stick figure,1.Basic figures 基本图形,How to draw a stick figure,2.Putting the geometric shapes together 几何图形的组合,3. Observing and getting the characteristics of the obje

8、ctives. 注意观察归纳,抓住事物特征。,How to draw a stick figure,More For Your Information,How to draw a stick figure,4. composition and proportion 把握布局和比例,意在笔先。,Examples of Stick figures,1.Stationery 学习文体用品,2.Commodity 家具和日常用品,Examples of Stick figures,3.Plants and vegetables 植物果蔬,Examples of Stick figures,4.Tree

9、s and Flowers 树木花草,Examples of Stick figures,5. Clothes 衣着鞋帽,Examples of Stick figures,6.Vehicles 交通工具,Examples of Stick figures,7.Animals 动物,Examples of Stick figures,8.People-a 不同年龄、性别、职业的人物(站七、坐五、蹲三。),Examples of Stick figures,9.People-b Actions 人物动作(全身),Examples of Stick figures,10.People-c Acti

10、ons 人物动作(上半身),Examples of Stick figures,11. People-d Expressions 面部表情,Examples of Stick figures,How Can Stick figures Help Teaching,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣。 丰富教学语言,推进复合式教学。 (边讲边画,视听结合,课堂生成) 集中学生注意力,提高学习效果。 化解教学难点,化难为易。 提高审美能力,潜在美育。,开发学生智力,诱导学生积极思维,使学生主动地学习。,How Can Stick figures Help Teaching,认知测试结果 两种方式相结合的传

11、达方式,其记忆保持率占绝对优势。,How Can Stick figures Help Teaching,象形(名词、动词概念, 单词、句型复习) 示意(变化、关系) 叙事 说理,Directly Perceived Through the Senses,象形,Example 1,象形,Example 2,象形,Example 3,象形,Example 4,象形,Example 5,象形,Example 6,象形,Example 7,What is this? This is. What are these? These are.,More For Your Information,What

12、can you see? I can see.,More For Your Information,What do you think it is? I think it is.,示意,叙事,说理,Composition of A Picture,Teaching Aid of Stick figures,粘贴式、遮挡式挂图 钟表(旋转)式教学挂图 翻页式教具 折合式单词卡片,How to Design Stick figures,设计(构思过程): 明确教学目标 设计过程与思路决策方法与手段 录像 (媒体辅助教学) 录音 投影 简笔画,简笔画用笔简约而内蕴丰富,作画快速快而表现力强,是一种简明扼要高度概括的绘画形式。 简笔画用于课堂教学,可增添教学内容的直观性和生动性,激发学生的兴趣,吸引学生的注意力,还能诱发、培养学生的思维和想象能力,“传道、授业、解惑”均可收到事半功倍的良效。,Summary,Thank you!,&,Best Wishes!,


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