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1、Keeping in A Good Mood,A Good Mood,As the competition in the modern world is more and more fierce , the pressure from education ,career ,or family is more and more severer.,Four advantages of keeping a good mood,1. Keep fit,Keeping a good mood is conducive to ones physical and mental health. As a pr

2、overb goes, a cheerful heart is the best medicine to ones mind and body. Research shows that people who constantly keep themselves in a good mood are happier and healthier than those who have a gloomy disposition.,2. consider things more positively,When one is in a good mood, he will be more willing

3、 to face up to any challenge and other forms of pressure in life. He will not give up easily in times of trial. He will optimistically cope with any difficulties that arise in life and work. He is confident that he will reach the apex of his career sooner or later.,3. Effectively infect people aroun

4、d you,Keeping a good mood may give you a hand in maintaining good relationships with people around you.It will make them feel comfortable.,4. make the most of pressure,As we know, pressure is only bad when there is too much of it. People with a good mood can put the pressure in perspective and clear

5、ly realize that he should not push himself too hard and aimlessly. As a result, a person can work efficiently and tackle with pressure.,Follow Me!,Properly Manage Emotions Distract Attentions,Hold back some impulsive words and actions.,Escape from sorrows and cut down the growing impact of negative

6、emotions.,Peace of Mind,Spend a little time each day alone to keep the peace of mind.Its also a kind of pleasure.,02,To be confident,a prerequisite前提 for success,Good Good Exercise Day Day UP,Jogging Time,Jogging every other day is better . Produce Endorphin to create a good mood.,Not before the sun

7、rise in winter. With your partners,03,Water,6 or 7 glasses of water.,Meat,Fruit,Energy and taste,Slowing aging and losing weight.,04,Enough,Not too much nor too little. 7 hours.,On Time,Bedding,11:30 p.m.-12.00 p.m.,Two silk quilts and good pillow.,05,Conclusion,In a word, it is really important to keep a good beginning. We should do it from every beginning, for a good mood ,which can not only benefit ourselves but also be good for people around us.,


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