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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Shes very nice.,clever 聪明的,naughty 淘气的,What is the elephant like? 这只大象看起来怎么样? Lets listen and find.,Hello.These are my friends.,Xiaoyong,Maomao,?,Panpan,1.Listen and watch 听一听,看一看 2.Answer the question Who is Panpans another friend? 盼盼的另一个朋友是谁呢?,Who is Panpans another friend?,Parrot

2、鹦鹉,1. Listen the text again. 再次听录音 2.Talk in groups: What are they like? 他的朋友都有什么特点呢?,This is _.He/She is very_.,What is she like? 她是什么样的人?,This is Maomao. Shes very nice. 友好的,亲切的,But shes a bit shy. 害羞的,腼腆的,five5; kite风筝; nine9; bike自行车; ice cream冰激凌,my我的; fly飞; cry哭,What is he like? 他是什么样的人?,But h

3、es a bit quiet. 文静的,This is Xiaoyong. Hes very clever. 聪明的,mother妈妈; father爸爸; brother哥哥弟弟; sister姐姐妹妹; teacher老师; driver司机; her她的,What is he like? 他看起来什么样?,This is Parrot. Hes very,very naughty. 淘气的,retty漂亮的,可爱的,优美的; beauty美丽的; 美人;美好的 city城市,nice 友好的,亲切的,shy 害羞的,腼腆的,quiet 文静的,clever 聪明的,naughty 淘气的

4、,always 总是,一直,a bit 稍微,有点,him 他,lazy 懒惰的,kind 和谐的,nice, nice, very nice clever, clever,very clever naughty, naughty,very naughty help, help, always help shy, shy, a bit shy quiet, quiet, a bit quiet friend, friend,another friend make, make, make e-cards him, him, we like him,Chant,1. Listen again. 再

5、次听录音 2.Read after it. 跟读模仿,This is _.He/She is very_.,clever,nice,shy,quiet,naughty,复述课文,Whats he (she ) like?,Maomao,B.nice, a bit shy,Xiaoyong,A.clever, a bit quiet,Parrot,C.naughty,This is a _ .,Hes very _ .,bird,clever,This is_.,He is very_.,Doudou,clever,Doudou,This is_.,He is very_.,Sam,shy,Sam,This is_.,She is very_.,Lanlan,quiet,Lanlan,This is _. She/Hes_. But(And) she/Hes _.,Can you introduce your friend?,nice clever naughty shy quiet good lazy kind 友好 聪明的 淘气的 害羞 安静 好的 懒惰 和谐,Homework,Copy the words 3 times. Listen and repeat the text at least 3 times. Try to recite the text.,


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