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1、Lesson 79 Ugh,Lesson 80 Theres a.Theres some,New words,ugh h (表示嫌恶、恐怖的感叹声)唷,啊,呸 sugar ug糖 taste teist尝,辨(味) coffee kf咖啡 milk mlk牛奶 pot pt . 罐;壶;锅 bow bo 碗 kitchen ktn厨房,bottle btl .瓶 jug dg 大壶 glass gla:s玻璃杯,Sandy :Is there any sugar in my tea,Sue? Sue:Taste it,Sandy.,Sandy:Ugh!Its not very nice.Thi

2、s isnt tea! Its coffee! Mother :Sandy!What are you drinking?,Sue:Hes drinking dads coffee,mum. Mother: Give me that cup please, Sandy. Sandy :Its not very nice,mum. There isnt any milk or sugar in it.,本课小结,词汇 ough “呸,啊 ” 表示厌恶,恐怖时发出的声音 suger 食糖 “sweets” “candy” 是糖果 taste “放在嘴里尝,辨味” smell : 闻 sound :听

3、 look:看 coffee 咖啡 tea茶 milk 牛奶 lemonade 柠檬水 pot 罐,锅,壶 ,常用于构成复合名词,如:teapot(茶壶) coffeepot(咖啡壶) .bowl 碗 a bowl of soup 一碗汤 .kitchen 厨房 in the kitchen .jug 大壶,罐 ,指有嘴,盛液体用的大壶,大罐 A milk jug 牛奶罐 a water jug 水罐 .glass 玻璃杯 a beer glass 一只啤酒杯 a glass of water 一杯水 短语 a cup/glass of in the kitchen a bowl of,重要句

4、子 Is there any auger in my tea ? This isnt tea, its coffee! Sandy, what are you drinking ? give me that cup,please . give sb. Sth . Its not very nice. There isnt any milk or suger in it. Is it a hill ? No,it isnt . Is it coffee ? Yes,it is .,二选择 ( )1. I s there _suger in my tea ? A.some B.any C.it,(

5、 )2.Its not very _. A.nice B.nicely C.nicly ( )3.What are you _?. A.drinking B.drink C.drinks ( )4._me that cup, please . A.Giving B.Give C.Gives ( )5.There _any milk . A.is B.isnt C. are,阅读,判断正误。 Sandy : What are you doing ? Sue: Im drinking dads coffee . Sandy: Is there any suger in your coffee? Sue: No,there isnt . Sandy: Ugh! Its not very nice . This isnt coffee, its tea . 1.Sue is reading a book. ( ) 2. There is some suger in Sues coffee.( ) 3.Sandy is drinking dads coffee ( ) 4. This isnt coffee. ( ) 5.It isnt tea .(),Homework,单词三英一汉,背会。 课文读五遍,抄写一遍。背会。 家长签字。,


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