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1、A quick review of,Unit 3,Translate the following into English,地标 闷热潮湿 湿热的,粘的 高楼 狂欢节 夜生活 保守的 运河 旅游者 社会保障系统,地标 landmark 闷热潮湿 hot and humid (humidity) 湿热的,粘的 sticky 高楼 high-rise buildings 狂欢节 carnival 夜生活 nightlife 保守的 reserved 运河 canal 旅游者 tourist 社会保障系统 social security network/system,Unit Four,Diet,A

2、ctivity 1: Discussion,Warm-up questions 1. How do you understand the term “diet”? 2. What is a balanced diet? What should a balanced diet include? Listen to the recording and note down the meaning and usage of diet.,The definition of diet,n. the food and drink taken by a person or a group of people

3、- The Japanese diet is said to be very healthy. n. It means when someone eats less of certain foods so they can lose weight - to go on/to be on a diet. v. = to go on a diet. It means to eat less in order to lose weight. A balanced diet is a diet which includes a large variety of different foods, bec

4、ause no single food will provide all the essential nutrients that the body needs to be healthy and function efficiently. A balanced diet is most likely to provide all the essential nutrients.,Put the following list of food into the appropriate place in the pyramid. 1. Vegetables and fruits 2. Oil, f

5、at and sugar 3. Rice, bread, pasta, etc. 4. Fish, poultry and meat 5. Dairy products (e.g. butter, cheese, yoghurt),-,-,-,-,Activity 2: Listening,Task 3 on p32 You will hear three conversations. Some people are talking about the food and drink they are having at different places. Listen to the recor

6、ding and complete the table with what you hear.,Words and expressions,Ooh: said when you think sth. is very beautiful, unpleasant, surprising etc Ooh, thats nice! Ooh, this is really spicy, isnt it? Whew: used when you are surprised, very hot, or feeling glad that sth. bad did not happen Whew, it wa

7、s hot outside. (do) you know what/sth.? (used to start talking about sth. or make sb. listen) You know what? I think hes lonely. Hey: a shout used to get sb.s attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance Hey, wait a minute! Wow: used when you think sth. is very impressive or surprising Wow!

8、 Thats a great car!,Listen: used to tell someone to pay attention to what you are going to say Listen, I want you to come with me. Listen, is it OK with you if we ask for the check now? Ugh: the sound that people make when something is extremely unpleasant Ugh! Thats disgusting! guess what/youll nev

9、er guess etc: used before you tell someone something that will surprise them Guess what! Bradleys resigned. Youll never guess who I saw today. Listen to the recording of Task 3 again and see how these expressions are used.,Here are some words which you can use when talking about food.,Condition Fres

10、h Rotten Pass its sell-by date Raw Undercooked Overcooked,Verbs Cook Bake Boil Fry Roast Stew,Taste Bitter Hot/Spicy Sour Sweet Salty Tasty Bland /tasteless,Quantities A bar of chocolate A loaf of bread A lump of sugar A piece of cake a pint of beer/milk a slice of meat/ cheese,Activity 3: Video wat

11、ching,Choosing Chinese The dos & donts for enjoying your favorite dishes. Double whammy(晦气): 双重灾难 Broccoli: n.椰菜 Sponge: n.海绵, 海绵体 calory /calorie卡路里 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 broth n.肉汤 carbohydrate intakes 碳水化合物的射入量 seafood n.海产食品, 海味 shrimp n.小虾 imitation crab meat 人造蟹肉 the fortune cookie幸运甜饼,Questio

12、ns,Complete the following table with what you see or hear.,Organization of the talk,1. A problem is identified double whammy: extra oil and sauce A lot of vegetables act like tiny little sponges and absorb all that extra fat. 2. Ways to solve the problem 1) Order food steamed, get sauce on the side,

13、 and use the fork method 2) Order hot and sour soup, pour on steamed dish, and mix it up for saucy flavor and texture 3) Order seafood/vegetable soups What Chinese dishes do you think foreigner like?,Top ten Chinese dishes favored by foreigners,第一:糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour Pork,第二:宫保鸡丁Gong Bao Chicken,第三:

14、春卷 Spring Rolls,第四:炒饭 Fried rice with egg,第五:麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Bean Curd,第六:饺子 Dumplings,第七:馄饨 Won ton Soup,第八:烤鸭 Roast Peking Duck,第九:炒面 Chow Mein,第十:腰果虾仁 fried shrimps with cashewnuts,Activity 4: Listening,Task 4 on p33 You will hear two short conversations. Some people are ordering food at a restaurant.

15、 Listen to the recording and complete the chart with what you hear.,Please see the vegefruit.ppt and try to remember as many vegetables and fruits as possible.,Some vegetables and fruits,白菜 Chinese cabbage 白薯 sweet potato 菜花 cauliflower 豆角 bean 佛手瓜 chayote 胡萝卜 carrot 辣椒 pepper 萝卜 radish,草莓 strawberr

16、y 橙子 orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit 木瓜 pawpaw 柠檬 lemon 葡萄 grape 圣女果 cherry tomato 西瓜 water melon 香蕉 banana 椰子 coconut,蘑菇 mushroom 南瓜 pumpkin 茄子 eggplant 豌豆 peas 洋白菜 cabbage 洋葱头 onion 椰菜 broccoli 油菜 rape,Activity 5: Listening,Task 6 on p35 You will hear five short extracts. What kind of food and/or drink are/

17、is talked about in each of them? Listen to the recording and note down your answers to fill in the table.,Activity 6: Listening,Task 7 on p35 You will hear an interview with two people about their particular diet. Listen to the recording and complete the chart with what you hear. Words and expressio

18、ns Tournament 锦标赛 kick-boxing 跆拳道 Monk 僧侣 Crisps 土豆片 Protein 蛋白质 Mushrooms 蘑菇 Gorgeous (extremely beautiful),Some expressions,believe it or not: used when you are saying something that is true but surprising He enjoys school, believe it or not. be dying for something/to do something: to want somethi

19、ng very much Im dying for a cup of coffee. No way: used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something Are you going to offer to work over the weekend? No way!,Activity 7: Discussion and listening,Task 11 on p39 What is your definition of pleasure? Discuss in pairs. pleasure: the fe

20、eling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience From: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Listen to the interview about pleasure and complete the talk with no more than 3 words.,I: “Pleasure is the beginning and the end of living happily.” Those are the words of

21、 the Greek _1_ Epicurus, who lived 2,300 years ago. People have always tried to find pleasure and today we have _2_ pleasures than the Ancient Greeks had. And yet we still dont know a lot about this important part of life. Here in the _3_ is Dr. Jonathan Shamberg. Good evening, Dr. Shamberg. D: Good

22、 evening. Its a _4_ to be here. I: Yes, indeed. Well, what things give people most pleasure? D: We dont all enjoy _5_ . Pleasure means different things to different people. Some people get pleasure from _6_ out of aeroplanes or driving at 200 kph. For others pleasure comes from _7_ in a hot bath or

23、playing with children. Doing a crossword or _8_ the car give other people pleasure. I: Whats the purpose of pleasure? Why does it exist?,D: Well, if pleasure didnt exist, we wouldnt exist. Pleasure is important for human _9_ . If we want to survive, we have to do three thingseat, have children, and

24、_10_ each other. If these things give pleasure, we want to do them. So we survive. Thats why we get so much pleasure from food, being in love, and _11_ . I: But what is pleasure? D: Pleasure is a _12_ in the brain. When we do something that we enjoy, endorphin (内啡肽 ) and noradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) are p

25、roduced. These _13_ pleasure centers in the brain. I: And is pleasure good for you? D: Oh, yes. The happier you are the longer you will live. But it isnt the _14_ of pleasure that are important. Happy people enjoy the ordinary everyday things of life, like cooking a meal, going for a walk or _15_ wi

26、th a friend. I: I see. Well, lets talk some more about your research into pleasure.,I: Pleasure is the beginning and the end of living happily. Those are the words of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who lived 2,300 years ago. People have always tried to find pleasure and today we have many more plea

27、sures than the Ancient Greeks had. And yet we still dont know a lot about this important part of life. Here in the studio is Dr. Jonathan Shamberg. Good evening, Dr. Shamberg. D: Good evening. Its a pleasure to be here. I: Yes, indeed. Well, what things give people most pleasure? D: We dont all enjo

28、y the same things. Pleasure means different things to different people. Some people get pleasure from jumping out of aeroplanes or driving at 200 kph. For others pleasure comes from relaxing in a hot bath or playing with children. Doing a crossword or repairing the car give other people pleasure. I:

29、 Whats the purpose of pleasure? Why does it exist?,D: Well, if pleasure didnt exist, we wouldnt exist. Pleasure is important for human survival. If we want to survive, we have to do three thingseat, have children, and get on with each other. If these things give pleasure, we want to do them. So we s

30、urvive. Thats why we get so much pleasure from food, being in love, and socializing. I: But what is pleasure? D: Pleasure is a chemical reaction in the brain. When we do something that we enjoy, endorphin and noradrenaline are produced. These stimulated pleasure centers in the brain. I: And is pleas

31、ure good for you? D: Oh, yes. The happier you are the longer you will live. But it isnt the great moments of pleasure that are important. Happy people enjoy the ordinary everyday things of life, like cooking a meal, going for a walk or chatting with a friend. I: I see. Well, lets talk some more abou

32、t your research into pleasure.,Video watching: Smile could save your life,Words and expressions Content 知足的 Contagious 感染性的 Obscure 不知名的 Physiological 生理的 Hormones 荷尔蒙 Coronary 冠状的,Questions,1. What is said about happiness? 2. How many people did Dr. Davidson survey in her 10-year study? 3. What doe

33、s the study reveal about happy people? 4. What takes place when you experience happiness/satisfaction/ enjoyment? 5. Why is the study important? 6. What is said about heart disease in most industrialized countries?,Suggested answers,1. What is said about happiness? It is contagious . 2. How many peo

34、ple did Dr. Davidson survey in her 10-year study? More than 1,700. 3. What does the study reveal about happy people? They are 22% less likely than unhappy people to have a heart attack or suffer from symptoms of heart disease. 4. What takes place when you experience happiness/satisfaction/ enjoyment

35、? Your stress hormones go down and something cultural barrier reflex system is actually up regulated. 5. Why the study is important? It is the first to show an independent relationship between positive emotions and coronary heart disease. 6. What is said about heart disease in most industrialized co

36、untries? It is the leading killer of men and women.,It is said that happiness is contagious . The supporting evidence is everywhere: from the streets of Rio during Carnival to more obscure celebrations elsewhere in the world. But long-term happiness may also be healthy. New York researcher Dr. Karin

37、a Davidson certainly thinks so. Dr. Davidson is a lead researcher in a 10-year study of more than 1,700 healthy men and women. The study revealed that people who are happy and content with their lives are 22% less likely than unhappy people to have a heart attack or suffer from symptoms of heart dis

38、ease. We know that there is a direct physiological impact on the body of experiencing happiness or satisfaction or enjoyment. So, when you sit and watch a movie, say, or read a book that you really enjoy, your stress hormones go down and something cultural barrier reflex system is actually up regula

39、ted. We know an animal study said those things across time actually protect the heart.,The observational study is the first to show an independent relationship between positive emotions and coronary heart disease. But Dr. Davidson stresses that more work and clinical trials are needed before any tre

40、atment recommendations can be made. She says, though, that the study is the first step in providing doctors better insight and how to interact with their patients. I think this may eventually shift healthcare providers to thinking about how we can help patients make sure that the things that make th

41、em happy stay in their routine. Because that is protective of your mental health for sure and this is one of the first studies to show it may also protect your physical health. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in most industrialized countries. Dr. Davidson says she hopes her report will shine a light on a new approach for prevention. Ben Gruber, Reuters.,


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