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1、必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics知识清单核心单词1. survive yj.幸存;幸免;生还2. select w.挑选;选择I I I II3. design n.设计;图案;构思w.设计;计划4. fancy 讪.奇特的;异样的想象;设想;爱好5. decorate以装饰;装修I6. remove移动;搬开7. doubt仏怀疑凝惑.怀疑;不信1& worth值得的湘当于的价值.价值;作用奶.古值钱的I;9. explode vj爆炸10. sink下沉;沉下111,111. valuable udi. 贵重的;有价值的12. style比.风格;风度;类型核心单词13.

2、 reception n.扌妥待;招待会;接4攵14. localadj.本地的;当地的15. evidence n.根据;证据16. sailor兄 水手;海员;船员17.informal adj. 非正式的18, debaten.争论;辩论vi.争论;辩论重点短语 searchof寻找2.belongto属于 return作为扌艮答;回扌艮4atw ar处于交战状态5.lessthan少于6.takeapart拆开 worthdoing值得做8.think highly of看重;器重9. ratherthan而不是 usedto dosth.被用来做某事

3、11 .try to do sth.尝试做某事12.toone?s surprise使某人惊讶的是经典句型1 .Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imaginedthat his greatest gift to theRussian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓 特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一 段令人惊讶的历史。2. This was a time whenthe two countrieswere 吐炖这是在两国交战的

4、时期。3. There is no doubt thatthe boxes werethen put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea。毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥 尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。实战演练I 单词拼写1 .Yesterday we visited the zoo,where I saw some mre (稀有的) animals.2.1 don,t quite like the design (设计)of the house,bu

5、t it,s located in a good place3.The room was decorated in the style (风格)of the Ming Dynast y.4.1 don t know to whom this beautiful house belongs (属于).5. The supermarket? s policy is to select (挑选)the best fruit and throw away the rest.6.1 d doubt whether the new one will be any better.7. Please r re

6、move your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.8. Luckily,all the passengers s survived after the accident.9. He t wmained silent and refused to say anything about the plan.10.1 never f fancied her being so dishonest.n口用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空in fact,in return,be decorated withjess than,be designed to

7、,in search of,belong to9serve as,in the style of,remove1. He is no fool at all; in fact ,he is the smartest boy I have ever see n.2. The living room is decorated with coloured lights.3. Which of the following do you think can serve as the title for the passage?4.In less thantwo weeks,we received hun

8、dreds of suggestionsfrom our audience5. They went in all directions in search of the missing boy.6. His words Temoved my doubts about some details of the arrangement.7. The experiment is designed to test the new car.8. He has helped us a lot during the past five years,but has asked for nothing in Te

9、tum .9. Knowing that the book didn,t belong to me J set out to find its real owner.10. The whole flat was decorated in the style of a modern European palace HL单项选择l.If we want to have a bright future, we must learn to act in waysB do not harm other living things whichB.thatC./D.how解析:先行词ways在定语

10、从句中作主语,故引导词用that或which2. The employee you had been thinking highly B dishonest. A.of proving B.of provedC.of to prove D.of being proved解析:句意为你评价很高的雇员被证明不诚实。you had been thinking highly of是定语从句,修饰先行词the employee; proved为谓 语动词。3. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style

11、 A in a personal styleA.rather thanB.other thanC.better thanD.more than解析:本题要表示的是“而不是”这个概念,better than和more than是 比较级,明显与句意不符,只有rather than可表示此意。4.1t is reported that there was an air crash in Cuba Nobody on boardD it with all the passengers and the crew killedA.avoidedB.escapedC. missedD.survived解析

12、:考查动词辨析。语境表达“机上没有人幸免于难二故选择 survive(存活)。avoid/6避开escape,逃脱”;miss,错过”。5.Youve made great progress in the study of English, havent you? Yes, but muchD .A.remains to remained to be done D.remains to be done解析:remain to do意为有待于做根据句意可知,do与much为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式。IVIV 完成句子1你认为是谁没有关门?Who

13、do you thinkhas left the door open?2他做的所有事似乎都不能使老板满意。:;Nothing that he has done seems to please his boss3. 他向我们证明了他是一个真正的绅士。Heproved to usthat he,s a true gentleman.4. 听说那艘船出发之后不久就沉没了,我们都沉默了。Hearing that the ship sank soon after it set out,we sank into silence.5. 他不是坐在那里等待援助,而是开始做准备。Rather than sit there waiting for help,he set about making preparations.


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