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1、Issey Miyake三宅一生,三宅一生的时装一直以无结构模式进行设计,摆脱了西方传统的造型模式,而以深向的反思维进行创意。掰开、揉碎,再组合,形成惊人奇突的构造,同时又具有宽泛、雍容的内涵。这是一种基于东方制衣枝术的创新模式,反映了日本式的关于自然和人生温和文流的哲学。,Issey Miyake fashion has always been in no structure model design, get rid of the modelling of western traditional mode, and the thinking of with deep to undertak

2、e originality. And it was broken up, and gave the combination, the structure of the sudden strange form amazing, but also has a broad, the connotation of natural and graceful. This is a kind of based on the garment branch technique the innovation mode, reflect the about the nature of life and Japane

3、se, the philosophy of the flow mild.,Undertake:,ndteik vt. 承担,保证;从事;同意;试图 Connotation:,knutein n. 内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义; 储蓄的东西(词、语等) graceful :reisful adj. 优雅的;优美的,Issey Miyake 三宅一生,His greatest successes lies in innovation, and his dress culture and philosophy from the east in search of new on costume func

4、tion, decoration and the beauty of form. And designs the unprecedented new ideas that traditional clothing, contempt, happy, elegant, respect the wearer of individual character, make the body got the biggest free clothes. His original extends far beyond the age and fashion limits, shows his era to t

5、he understanding of the outstanding.,他最大的成功之处就在于“创新”,他从东方服饰文化与哲学观照中探求全新的服装功能、装饰与形式之美。并设计出了前所未有的新观念服装,即蔑视传统、舒畅飘逸、尊重穿着者的个性、使身体得到了最大自由的服装。他的独创性已远远超出了时代的和时装的界限,显示了他对时代不同凡响的理解。,Decoration:,dekrein n. 装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章 unprecedented :,npresidntid adj. 空前的;无前例的 Contempt:kntempt n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱,Issey Miyake 三宅一生,Iss

6、ey Miyake of brand, but thin works seemingly invisible and not spread. It is this debates of the of the Oriental culture, to express with mysterious chief force works.,三宅一生品牌的作品看似无形,却疏而不散。正是这种玄奥的东方文化的抒发,赋予了作品以神奇魁力。 0,brand:brnd vt. 铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印商标于 n. 商标,牌子;烙印 Debates:n. 辩论;讨论(debate的复数) v. 辩论;讨论 (debate的三单形式) Oriental:,:rientl; ,u- adj. 东方人的;东方的 n. 东方人,Issey Miyake 三宅一生,thanks!,


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