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1、MOVIE INTRODUCTION电影介绍,ATONEMENT赎 罪,RELEASE DATE 公映日期 11January 2008 Length 片 长 123min GENRES 类 型 Drama/Mystery/Romance LANGUAGE 语 言 English/French,The film was adapted from a novel of the same title. 电影改编自同名小说,Author 作者 Ian McEwan 伊恩麦克尤恩 NOVELS小说作品 The Cement Garden(1978) 水泥花园 The Comfort of Strang

2、er(1981) 陌生人的慰藉 The Innocent(1990) 无辜者 Amsterdam(1998) 阿姆斯特丹,THE STORY HAPPENED BECAUSE OF A CHILDS IMAGINATION AND FALSE ACCUSATION故事的发生是因为一个孩子的想象力和诬告,Fledgling writer Briony Tallis, as a thirteen-year-old, irrevocably changes the of several lives when she accuses her old sisters lover of a crime h

3、e did not commit. 初出茅庐的十三岁小作家布里奥妮,在她指控了她姐姐的爱人一件他没有犯过的罪行之后,不可挽回地改变了很多人的人生方向。,A secret LETTER故事的导火线是一封私密的信,Briony Tallis is a naive girl who is at the age of fantasy.一个处于爱幻想年纪的天真少女,Saoise Ronan西尔莎罗南,PLAYER演员,代表作 The Lovely Bones 可爱的骨头 (IMDb:6.7 Drama/Fantasy/Thriller) The Grand Budapest Hotel 布达佩斯大饭店

4、(IMDb:8.1 Adventure/Comedy/Crime) Brooklyn 布鲁克林 (IMDb:7.5 Drama/Romance) Stockholm, Pennsylvania 斯德哥尔摩,宾西法利亚 (IMDb:6.1 Drama/Thriller),Cecilia Tallis is a proud and calm lady .一个孤傲而理智的贵族小姐,Keira Knightly凯拉奈特莉,代表作 Pirates of Caribbean加勒比海盗 (IMDb:8.1 Action Adventure/Fantasy) Love Actually 真爱至上 (IMDb:

5、7.7 Comedy/Drama/Romance) Pride & Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 (IMDb:7.8 Drama/Romance) Begin Again 歌曲改变人生 (IMDb:7.4 Drama/Music),PLAYER演员,Robbie Turner is a man of kind, smart and driving ambition.一个善良聪明而且志向远大的男人,James McAvoy詹姆斯麦卡沃伊,代表作 Band Of Brothers 兄弟连 (IMDb:9.5 Action /Drama/History) Becoming Jane 成为简奥斯汀

6、(IMDb:7.1 Biography/Drama/Romance) X-Men Series X战警系列 (IMDb:8.0 Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi) Wanted 通缉令 (IMDb:6.7 Action/Crime/Fantasy),PLAYER演员,Briony told the story in her first point of view. 这个关于爱情,战争和赎罪的故事是 以布里奥妮为第一人称讲述的。,LOVE 爱情 WAR 战争 ATONEMENT 赎罪,Bound by LOVE,Cecilia and Robbie are childhood sw

7、eetheart, then they fall in love with each other when they grow up. 塞西莉亚和罗比是青梅竹马,在他们长大后坠入了爱河。,They get separated just because of a wrong accusation. 因为一个错误的指控,他们被迫分离,Sparated by W A R,Robbie had to join the army after the out break of World War . 二战爆发之后监狱中的罗比不得不参军,He and she never had a reunion unti

8、l he died. 直到罗比去世他们也没有重聚,End in ATONEMENT,Briony lives all her life in self-accusation and atonement. 布里奥妮的一生都活在自责和赎罪之中。,She gives her old sister a happy ending in her book, although her sister and her sisters lover both died in World War . 她在她的书中给了她姐姐一个幸福的结局,尽管塞西莉亚和罗比二人都在二战中丧生。,One of the twelve mo

9、st famous long take (长镜头)in the history of movies.影史上最著名的十二个长镜头之一,SCENE:Dunkirk Evacuation敦刻尔克大撤退.mp4,L I N E 台词,I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,光明正大地活着。 -Robbie,IMPRESSIONS 感想,Your ignorance may destroy a persons life. When you want to make up for

10、 it, the things are no longer in your hand. It is too late to make up for it. 你的无知也许会毁掉一个人的生活,当你想要补救的时候,事情早已不 在你的掌 控之中。一切都太晚而无能为力。 Oftentimes what blinds us from the truth are not the lies, but our own ego. 很多时候蒙蔽我们双眼的不是假象,而是我们的执念。 The war is so terrible, it brings huge disaster to humanity.We must cherish the present peace. 战争是如此的可怕,它给我们人类带来了巨大的灾难。我们一定要珍惜 眼前的和平。,THANK YOU !,


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