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1、Role Play 3 Questions 降调,选择问句前升后调,反意疑问句用升调。,一,三问答题策略,你会习惯那个学校么?,中国历史上唐朝是哪年建立的?,你打算自己住么?,你打算什么时候上学?,你还没有把所有的 圣诞卡都发出去,是不是?,三问五答训练题,三问 1.你订票了吗? Tense _ booked the tickets yet? 2.电影什么时候开始? _ _ the film start? 3.电影会放映多久? _ _ the movie? 1你是怎么减肥的? _ _ you manage to lose weight? 2.到时我们去哪个餐馆呢?Tense _ restaur

2、ant _go to then? 3.你是怎样得到这份导游工作的? Tense _ _ get the job as a_?,When,does,How long,will,Which,shall we,last,How,How,did,did you,tour guide,Have you,国际学生能很容易就加入吗? _ the_ students join easily? Is _ easy for_ students to join ? 2. 加入图书馆需要什么? _do you need to _ the library? 3. 书的借期能延长多久? _ _ can you_ the

3、loan period for books? 4. 图书管里的管理员怎么样? _ _ the_ in the library? 5. 加入图书馆需要花很多钱吗? Will_ _ much to join the library? 6. 书能借多久呢? _ _can I keep the books? 7. 图书馆能提供什么? _ are _ in the library?,Could,international,it,What,extend,How,it,Does,How,What,jion,How,available,long,2. Practice makes perfect,about,

4、international,long,librarians,cost,Step Two: Role PlayFive Answers 角色扮演:五答策略指导,Tip 1:视频录像片断出现的场景有利于我们理解对话内容,因此考试时,让视频图象为理解对话内容服务,但不要过多关注。要把重点放在听力上,千万不要让图象分散注意力,影响听力理解。,Tip 2.听录音时,边听边记录重读单词,记录越简单越好,自己看得懂即可。 1)缩写: cp (compare), Co(company), eg(for example), etc(and so on), 2)符号: agree , correct , righ

5、t 同意,正确等 disagree , incorrect 不同意,错误等 differ from , different from , distinct , unique 与 不同,1. 你喜欢什么娱乐活动? What kind of entertainment activities do you like? Notes: _ 2. 你怎样了解新上映的电影? How can you get to know the latest movies? Notes:_ 3. 你能向我推荐一些有趣的电影么? Can you recommend some interesting movies? Notes

6、:_,特别注意听重读词, 评价词如good,kind,boring等, 转折词,原因词 往往后面就是答案 如but, however, unfortunately Actually. So, as a result, . .because, since.,6. To predict according to the question7. take notes of more information according to what you have heard.,Step 3 Summary: What you have learned?,1. How to ask questions ab

7、out watching films? (三问解题步骤 ) 2. How to take notes? 1 ) 千万不要让图象分散注意力 2)缩写: 3)符号: 3. How to predict and find out the answer of the questions from the computer?,如: 1.住学校宿舍是否较便宜?,Is it cheaper to live in the school dormitory?,2.天气如何?,What is the weather like?,3.那如何从学校到机场?,How can we get to the airport

8、from the school then?,4.最近的地铁站在哪里?,Where is the nearest underground station from here?,准备提问时,可简单写下问句,特别是疑问词,使得真正录音时能比较顺畅。,注意,2).回答部分 回答机器提问的答案来自: (1)前面的英文短片部分 (2)机器对考生的提问的回答 所以考生要适当做些笔记,注意,回答问题时可用省略句式。,如:How long does a letter take to reach Japan? -About ten days. What are they talking about?-Enviro

9、nmental problems.,Part II 角色扮演,建议四:五答部分的答案,不同版本答案得分如下, Q3. What did the man do in most of his spare time? He spent most of his spare time learning to play the piano and violin. (得满分2 分) Play the piano and violin. (得满分2 分) Piano and violin. (至少得1-1.5 分) Play piano/ violin. (起码有1 分) Piano / violin(起码有

10、0.5 分) He spent most of his spare time skating. (得0.5分),如:考生用英语提问: 新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Yes. Its open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍) 计算机提问 (When does the new library open from Monday to Friday? 播放2遍)

11、考生回答计算机提问 (It opens at 8:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday.),Assignment,1. Take down notes of the tips about Three questions and Five Answers 2. Finish the role play excises in 29 edition of the newspaper,Tip 2.看视频时,要注意记录要点,特别是 人物、 事物、 时间、 地点、 原因、 数字,特别注意听转折词,原因词 往往后面就是答案 以样题为例 如but, however, unfortunat

12、ely Actually. So, as a result, . .because, since.,边练边找技巧tip3和4,选好疑问词 确定时态 确定语态 确定语调 如一般问句用升调,特殊问句用;降调,选择问句前升后调,反意疑问句用升调。,一,三问答题策略,你会习惯那个学校么?,中国历史上唐朝是哪年建立的?,你打算自己住么?,你什么时候打算上学?,你还没有把所有的 圣诞卡都发出去,是不是?,Tip 3.翻译三问时,将三问的关键词记下来,并在旁边记录电脑机答答案, 为了五答做准备, 以免记录了很多内容,不知道自己记得是什么了。 例如:专题练习2:文娱体育 当问题“姚明打得怎么样”出现时你要在纸

13、上记录 姚打怎样 比分 输原因,Tip 4. 记录三问后电脑机答答案时重点与三问问题答案无关的信息。 例如:专题练习2:文娱体育 三问(2)2.最后的比分是多少? 机答: The final score is 98:90 and the game lasts nearly for 4 fours. 机问:How long did it last?,三问五答训练题,三问 1.你订票了吗? Tense _ booked the tickets yet? 2.电影什么时候开始? _ _ the film start? 3.电影会放映多久? _ _ the movie? 1你是怎么减肥的? _ _ y

14、ou manage to lose weight? 2.到时我们去哪个餐馆呢?Tense _ restaurant _go to then? 3.你是怎样得到这份导游工作的? Tense _ _ get the job as a_?,When,does,How long,will,Which,shall we,last,How,How,did,did you,tour guide,Have you,Tip 1:视频录像片断出现的场景有利于我们理解对话内容,因此考试时,让视频图象为理解对话内容服务,但不要过多关注。要把重点放在听力上,千万不要让图象分散注意力,影响听力理解 。 Tip 2 记笔记

15、时注意记录重读和和缩写如:,三问五答训练题 (6 就医),三问 1医生,Bill得了什么病?Tense _ Bill got, doctor? 2你现在能过来给他看看吗?Yes or No come and see him now? 3认为什么季节是乘船旅游的最佳时间? _ _ is the best time to travel?,What,has,Can,you,disease,Which season,do you think,三问五答训练题 (4 约会),三问 你订票了吗? 电影什么时候开始? 电影会放映多久? 你还要些面条吗? 到时我们去哪个餐馆呢? 我们怎么去那? 医生,Bill得

16、了什么病? 你现在能过来给他看看吗? 我目前该做些什么 10. 那么我怎么去科学博物馆呢? 11. 你为什么对欧洲这么感兴趣?,Use 5W1H to ask Qs for information you need. Before listening, try to guess the answers. During listening, put down the key words after getting the general idea. After listening, use your own words to express your idea according to your

17、 notes.,for Asking & Answering Qs,e.g. Duncans wedding reception was held in Green Hotel, Shenyang. Where was the wedding reception held?,Tips,1你是怎么减肥的? 3认为什么季节是乘船旅游的最佳时间?,thin 瘦的;薄的 hair 头发 take a ride 乘车船 amazing 奇妙的很棒 manage 设法做成某事 lose weight 减肥 tough 困难棘手 proud 自豪的 accomplish 完成 trip 旅行 tour gu

18、ide 导游 come by 路过拜访 unhealthy 不健康的 exercise 锻炼,tourist agency 旅行社 aunt 姑姑阿姨 own 拥有 rainy 下雨天 recommend 推荐 gold 金子 green plant 绿色植物,Listening for main idea,Tick the things mentioned in the Listening,Listen again and take down Notes about the above topics, body shape(形状) going to historical sights hai

19、r trip to Australia, visiting museums invitation job going skiing staying in expensive hotels,Tip 1:视频录像片断出现的场景有利于我们理解对话内容,因此考试时,让视频图象为理解对话内容服务,但不要过多关注。要把重点放在听力上,千万不要让图象分散注意力,影响听力理解。,Tip 2.听录音时,边听边记录重读单词,记录越简单越好,自己看得懂即可。 1)缩写: cf(compare), Co(company), eg(for example), etc(and so on), 2)符号: agree ,

20、correct , right 同意,正确等 disagree , incorrect 不同意,错误等 differ from , different from , distinct , unique 与 不同,特别注意听转折词,原因词 往往后面就是答案 以样题为例 如but, however, unfortunately Actually. So, as a result, . .because, since.,Listen and take notes Complete your notes with your partner Choose the best notes-taking Te

21、am,To predict according to the video and take notes of more information according to what you have heard.,1你是怎么减肥的? How did you manage to lose weight? Notes:_ 你是怎样得到这份导游工作的? How did you get the job as a tour guide? Notes:_ 3认为什么季节是乘船旅游的最佳时间? Which season do you think is the best time to travel on a boat? Notes:_,特别注意听重读词, 评价词如good,kind,boring等, 转折词,原因词 往往后面就是答案 如but, however, unfortunately Actually. So, as a result, . .because, since.,M: His linda How have you been? W: I have been fine. How have you been? M: I have been fine too.,


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