SAP 成本Cost.ppt

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《SAP 成本Cost.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SAP 成本Cost.ppt(113页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Costing Training Topics to be Covered,Material Master Basics Costing Purchased Materials Costing Manufactured Materials Costing Intercompany Purchased Materials Quarterly Costing Schedule Reviewing Costing Runs for Errors Deleting Cost Estimates and Manual Price Changes Costing Analysis and Reports

2、Intercompany PIR Updates Month-end Processing Jobs Production Orders and Variance Sales Order Costing and 130705 Purchase Price Variance SAP Queries/Other SAP Display Transactions Moving Average Price,Material Master Basics,To view the material master, use transaction MM03. There are many views in t

3、he material master and each view has many fields included on it. Many of these fields have a direct impact on costing.,Material Master Basics(continued),Procurement Type MRP2 view The procurement type defines whether the material is to be procured via in-house production or externally procured, or w

4、hether both procurement types are permitted (i.e. purchased, manufactured, or both). F externally procured E produced in-house X both procurement types permitted * The use of X is being reviewed and it is being recommended that Tennant no longer use X as a procurement type.,Material Master Basics(co

5、ntinued),Special Procurement Type MRP 2 view The special procurement type is used to precisely define how in-house production and external procurement is to be carried out. If the procurement type is manufactured (E), the special procurement type can be blank or 50 Phantom assembly If the procuremen

6、t type is externally procured (F), the special procurement type can be one of the following: Stock Transfer 40-from 3200, 41-from 3500, 42-from NL01, 43-from 3300, 44-from GB00, 45-from 1500, 47-from GB02 Consignment - 10 Subcontract - 30,Material Master Basics(continued),Material Master Basics(cont

7、inued),The X-Plant status Basic 1 view The X-Plant (“cross plant”) status indicates whether the material may be used in the following areas for ALL plants: materials management, production planning, plant maintenance, warehouse management, costing with a quantity structure. The cross-plant material

8、status restricts the usability of the material for all plants.,Material Master Basics(continued),Material Master Basics(continued),Plant-sp.matl status MRP1 view The Plant specific material status indicates whether the material may be used in the following areas for a specific plant: materials manag

9、ement, production planning, plant maintenance, warehouse management, costing with a quantity structure. The plant specific material status restricts the usability of the material for a specific plant.,Material Master Basics(continued),Material Master Basics(continued),X-PLANT AND PLANT SPECIFIC STAT

10、USES 10 Block forecasted rqmts 11 Engineering Development 12 Production Development 13 Rush PCO 14 Quality Hold Contact QC 18 Production 20 Obsolete 25 Inactive 26 Dormant-Need ECO 27 - Materials without PIRs 29 No PO Allowed, Call Purch 30 Pending Obsoletion 40 Phase Out 41 matched Set See Dawn N.

11、45 Active-Flagged for Rpts 50 Invalid for Mpls. Prodn 60 Aftermkt Support Period 70 Machine Out of Production 90 Eng. Development Obsolete 91 Competitive Parts XX Castex Conv Materials,Material Master Basics(continued),For costing, the following statuses are EXCLUDED: X-Plant Status: 11, 12, 20, 25,

12、 26, 70, 90 Plant-specific Status: 11,12, 20, 25, 26, 27, 70, 90 * Status 27 is ONLY to be used as a Plant-specific Status.,Material Master Basics(continued),Accounting 1 View,Material Master Basics(continued),Accounting 1 most important fields: Base Unit of Measure This is the unit of measure that

13、the material will be costed in. It comes from the Basic 1 view. Currency This is the currency costs will be in. For all plants within NL01 company code (including GB02 and NL01), this will be EUR. Division - A way of grouping materials, products, or services. The system uses divisions to determine t

14、he sales areas and business areas for a material product or service. Valuation Class This field would allow for posting to different inventory accounts based on different valuation classes. Currently, we only use valuation class 3100 and all inventory movement postings are to 130700. Price Control T

15、his designates whether costing is Standard (S) or based on Moving Average Price (V). Currently Tennant uses Standard costing for all materials but Moving Average is being researched to determine if that is a better method to be used for purchased materials. Moving price not used since Price Control

16、is S-Standard costing. This field would be used if the Price Control was V Moving Average. Standard price this is the current standard cost for the material. Total Stock this is the quantity currently on hand for the material. Future price and Valid from - if a cost estimate for a future period has

17、been saved and MARKED, it will show up here as the future price with a Valid From date of when it is to be valid. Previous price this is the previous standard cost of the material. Last price change this is the most recent date that the cost was updated.,Material Master Basics(continued),Costing 1 V

18、iew,Material Master Basics(continued),Costing 1 important fields: Base Unit of Measure -this is the unit of measure for the material. This field comes from Basic 1 view Do Not Cost box This specifies whether a cost estimate can be created for a material. This is being considered as the option for Us

19、ed/Demo/affiliate-purchased configured machines but currently is not being used. With Qty Structure box- this indicator determines whether the material is costed using costing with or without a quantity structure. It Defaults as checked and should be checked for all but GB02 materials. GB02 material

20、s will be changed to being checked soon. Variance Key this key controls the variance calculation. Currently, Tennant is not running the variance program on a monthly basis but may do so in the future. Plant-sp.matl status same status as is on the MRP1 view Profit Center This field is currently not b

21、eing used, however the GPS team is considering implementing Profit Centers in the future. This is where the profit center of the material would be stored. SpecProcurem Costing This is a SECOND special procurement field that is ONLY used for costing. This is not being used at Tennant and should be BL

22、ANK in all cases. Costing Lot Size this is the lot size in which the standard cost will calculate.,Material Master Basics(continued),Costing 2 View,Material Master Basics(continued),Costing 2 important fields: Standard Cost Estimate Section Future, Current, and Previous cost estimates are listed her

23、e with their effective dates. If you double click on one of the costs, it will show the cost estimate that makes up the amount. Planned Price Section Planned Price 1 was previously used for setting standard costsit is no longer being used. Planned Price 2 is used for an estimate of purchased cost du

24、ring the development stage. Planned Price 3 is used for a manufactured estimated during the development stage. Valuation Data Section Valuation Class- same as on Accounting 1 view, should always be 3100 Price Control same as on Accounting 1 view, currently using S for standard costing Current period

25、 same as on Accounting 1 view Currency same as on Accounting 1 view Moving price same as on Accounting 1 view Standard Price current standard cost of the material,Any questions on Material Master Basics?,Costing Purchased Materials,Basic Building Blocks,Purchase Information Record,Source List,P.O. C

26、onditions,Material Master Information,Purchased Cost,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR),Purchase Information Records (PIRs) A Purchase Information Record serves as a source of information for Purchasing. The purchasing info record contains information on a speci

27、fic material and a vendor supplying the material. Must have an active PIR for every externally purchased material in order for the costing to be successful. Use ME1m to display PIRs by material. Use ME13 to display a PIR if you know the PIR number. Tennant is currently using purchase org 1000 global

28、ly. Scales are included in the Conditions area of the PIR.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR),ME1m Enter Material, purchasing org (always 1000), and plant in this screen and click on execute,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR

29、),The results will look something like this, with all PIRs for this material/purchase org/plant combination listed. Click on the box to the left to see more details about the PIR:,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR),On this screen, you can see all kinds of inform

30、ation, including the Effective price. Click on the Conditions tab to see all costs.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR),Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Purchase Information Record (PIR),Conditions: The icon allows you to see the scales, if any scales exist

31、. The “Scales” box will be checked if there are scales. The cost shown here is what is used in calculation of the cost estimate.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)PIR Scales,Example of Scales:,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Source List,A Source List shows which vendor a material is purc

32、hased from. Use transaction ME03 to view the source list for a particular material. Enter the material and the plant and click on the green check.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued)Source List,As you can see, the vendor number on this source list is 52161. That means that if there were two PIRs

33、 for this material, that the PIR associated with this vendor is the one that would be chosen for use in costing.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) PO Conditions,Purchase order conditions use condition tables to determine the correct percentage to apply to the base purchased cost of the materia

34、l. An example is that for ZFRI, one table includes the Ship From Country and the Ship To Country and a percentage. When cost estimates are run and this condition is found, it reviews the tables, finds a match, and applies the percentage listed. Purchase order conditions are used for two purposes: 1)

35、 To add on costs to the base purchased cost of a material 2) To accrue and/or simulate amounts for the add on costs when materials are received.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) PO Conditions,Tennant currently uses the following purchase order conditions: ZFRT Domestic freight, freight for ma

36、terial shipments from vendors within the same country as being received ZFRI Import freight, freight for material shipments that are being imported (from vendors outside of the country that the materials are being received in). ZCUS Customs fees for imported materials. ZEPD Early Pay Discounts, only

37、 used in the US. ZMH Material Handling, this is used ONLY for intercompany receipts (NOT costing) and is only simulation (does NOT accrue any amounts) ZICM Intercompany Markup, this is used ONLY for intercompany receipts (NOT costing) and accrues intercompany markup. ZEPD Early Pay Discounts, only u

38、sed in the US.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) PO Conditions,To view purchase order conditions, use MEK3 and enter the condition type, and click on the Condition Information Box:,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) PO Conditions,Enter the validity date you want, blank out all other field

39、s, and execute:,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) PO Conditions,You can click on the box in front of the line in the table that have the criteria you are looking for and click on the glasses to see the percentage to be applied.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,The

40、re are three steps to costing a material: CK11N creation and saving of cost estimate CK24 marking cost estimate CK24 releasing cost estimate,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,To create a cost estimate, use transaction CK11N. Enter the material, plant and costing variant

41、and hit enter. Use costing variant ZPCC for day-to day costing, ZPCU for quarterly costing, and ZZPI to simulate costs.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,This will take you to the dates tab. The dates will automatically default. For ZPCC, they will default to the current

42、 date, costing through the last date of the current year. You can leave them as they are. For ZPCU, the dates should be from the anticipated date of release through the last date of that year.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,Once you have changed the dates accordingly,

43、 click on enter and the material will be costed.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,If the light is green, it costed successfully. If it is red, it had errors. Click on the error log icon to see the errors. The middle section has many tabs with costing information on each

44、 tab (see next slide for details). The left pane shows the breakdown of the material costs. When itemization is clicked, the bottom section shows the components of the material. When cost comps is clicked, the bottom section will show the costs according to cost component.,Costing Purchased Material

45、s (continued) Creating Cost Estimate,Costing Data tab shows: Costing Variant-cost variant used for this cost estimate Costing version-cost version used (always use 1) Lot size-the lot size the material was costed in Costing status- shows if cost estimate was successfully costed or not Dates tab show

46、s the dates you chose when creating the cost estimate. Qty Struct. tab shows information mostly used for manufactured materials Valuation tab shows currency and material valuation (where the cost came from). History tab shows who ran the cost estimate and when.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued

47、) Creating Cost Estimate,When done reviewing the cost and if costed successfully (light must be green), click on disk icon to save. The following pop-up box will appear. Click on green check to save and exit out by using green arrow back. If unsuccessful (light is red), click the green arrow back to

48、 exit, fix the errors and re-cost.,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Marking Cost Estimate,To Mark a cost estimate, use transaction CK24. Posting period will default Enter correct company code (NL01 for Europe) Enter correct plant Enter material number. Click off the Test Run box Click on exec

49、ute to process. BE CAREFUL ABOUT ENTERING RANGES!,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Marking Cost Estimate,You will get a message showing if successful or not (status VO means it was marked successfully). If this screen is blank, it means that the material was not marked. You will need to revie

50、w the cost estimate to determine the issue and fix. Once the part number and the VO appears as below, then it was successful and you can green arrow back:,Costing Purchased Materials (continued) Releasing Cost Estimate,From the same Mark screen, click on the button that says release. Confirm that th


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