unit 4 A Turn in Life.ppt

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《unit 4 A Turn in Life.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4 A Turn in Life.ppt(43页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,A Turn in Life,Unit 4,大学英语体验式教学方法的应用课堂教学课件集汇,新视野英语读写教程2,山东现代学院 基础部英语教研室 于丽芳,【K-aims 知识目标】: to learn key words,phrases and expressions. 【 A-aims能力目标】: to master the main ideas of the text,and to practice the ability of reading and writing 【E-aims情感目标】: to understand the turning point in ones life.,三

2、维目标,【K- points重点】 some important words and phrases *【 D-points难点】 sentence structure,教学重难点,Review(复习),与联系 突然想到 拔出插头 浏览 处理;涉及 由取代 走进;进入,you are great,connect with hit on plug off glance through deal with replace. with step into,words 3.每个组依次表演。,情境体验,Presentation : Each group show their performance.,情

3、境体验,教师总结: 1. Good points. 2. Students pay more attention to speaking ability.,30 Days Without Internet A Self- Experiment,Section A:,30 Days Without Internet A Self- Experiment,For many of us who use the Internet to connect with our friends, buy things online and gather important information for our

4、 jobs and studies, it might be quite a challenge to live without the Internet just for a week. Thats the reason I hit on the idea to start this self-experiment: to plug off the Internet for one month. I wanted to know how being completely offline would affect my life.,断网30天一次自我实验 我们中的许多人,都已对使用互联网联系朋

5、友、在线购物、收集工作和学习的重要信息习以为常。对我们来说,离开互联网度过一周都可能颇具挑战性。因此,我灵机一动,开始了这次自我实验断网一个月。我想了解“彻底离线”会对我的生活产生何种影响。,Para. 1,Intensive Reading:,think of an idea or a solution to a problem (偶然)想出;突然想到 e.g. I hope that someone will hit on a solution to our problem. 我希望有人会碰巧想出一种办法来解决我们的问题。,hit on,你是怎么想到这个赚钱的计划的?,How did yo

6、u hit on the plan for making money?,Practice :,On the morning of the first day, I got up, ate my breakfast, glanced through the headlines of the newspaper and read the sports section. I was disconnected cut-off and separated. And this wouldnt change for the next 30 days.,第一天早晨,我起床,吃完早饭,浏览了报纸的标题,翻阅了体

7、育版的消息。我断了网线,与外界隔绝,而且接下来的30天都将保持这种状态。,Para. 2,spend a short time looking at something without reading it very carefully 浏览;匆匆看一遍 e.g. I picked up the phone book and glanced through it. 我拿起电话簿,浏览了一下。,glance through,他问我可不可以翻翻我的相册。,He asked if he might glance through my photo album.,Practice :,vt. undo

8、the connection of (esp. a public supply, e. g. electricity, telephone wire, etc.) 使不连接;使分离 e.g. Theyve disconnected our phone because we didnt pay the bill. 由于我们没缴电话费,他们把我们的电话线路切断了。,disconnect,他在修理电视机之前先切断了电源。,He disconnected the television set before fixing it.,Practice :,vt. move apart; (cause to)

9、 become disconnected physically or in the mind (使)分开;(使)分离;(使)隔开 e.g. He found the two boys fighting and stepped in to separate them. 他发现两个男孩在打架,便上前把他们拉开。,separate,2. 这座城的两部分被一条河分隔开。,The two parts of the town were separated by the river.,1. 他们要把教学与研究分离开来。,They want to separate teaching from research

10、.,Practice :,Internet withdrawal doesnt feel good; its uncomfortable and unpleasant. There is this uneasy feeling that you are missing something very important, which is quite a struggle, especially in the first week.,戒网的感觉并不好,我感到难受、不自在。更让你心神不安的是,你觉得会错过什么重要的事情,这让人觉得是一种痛苦的挣扎,尤其是第一周。,Para. 3,adj. not

11、comfortable; slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed; making someone feel physical discomfort 令人不舒服的;不自在的;尴尬的 e.g. He felt uncomfortable when his parents started arguing in front of him. 他父母当着他的面争论时,他觉得很不自在。,uncomfortable,乘车返回市中心的路上又热又难受。,The ride back to the centre of the town was hot and

12、uncomfortable.,Practice :,adj. feeling anxious, uncertain and uncomfortable in the mind 不安的;担心的;不舒服的 e.g. Im uneasy about this decision. 我为这决定感到不安。,uneasy,他什么也没说,只朝我狡黠地咧嘴一笑,令我感到极为不安。,He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy.,Practice :,In fact, you are going to miss m

13、ajor news and updates that are interesting to you. I became the last who got to know about current developments in the world; mostly my friends would inform me and anything else could be found in the newspaper the next morning.,事实上,你确实会错过一些重要新闻和使你感兴趣的事件的最新报道。我成了最晚了解当前全球事态发展的人;因为我主要通过朋友了解,其他的则从次日的报纸上

14、获悉。,Para. 4,in reality; as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上 e.g. She carries her age very well. She looks 50 but in fact shes over 60. 她不显老, 她看上去像50岁,其实已经60多了。,in fact,His memoirs are, in fact, an attempt to build up his own image.,他的回忆录实际上是竭力为他自己树碑立传。,Practice :,adj. greater when compared with others in im

15、portance, or seriousness 较重要的;较严重的 e.g. Shipbuilding used to be one of our major industries. 造船业过去是我们的主要工业之一。,major,交通拥挤在大多数城市是个大问题。,Heavy traffic is a major problem in most cities.,Practice :,From day one I realized that being offline is much better to deal with when you are distracted, especially

16、while being at home. Distracting myself by the use of a TV was not an option for me, as that would be like replacing one vice with another. I did however discover some old, yet amazing, books I read with interest.,从断网实验的第一天我就意识到,如果有什么可以分散你的注意力,特别是在家的时候,那么断网也没那么难对付。将注意力转移到电视上对我不可取,因为这就像用一种恶习取代另一种恶习。然

17、而,我找到几本虽然陈旧但好得出奇的书,饶有兴致地读了读。,Para. 5,1) take action to manage or relate to (someone or something) 处理 ;对待;应付 e.g. Im used to dealing with matters of this sort. 我惯于处理此类问题。 2) be about or be on the subject of something 涉及;论述 e.g. His speech dealt with the traffic problem in big cities. 他的演讲有关大城市里的交通问题。

18、,deal with,When I worked in Florida, I dealt with tourists all the time.,1. 我在福罗里达州工作时,一直跟游客打交道。,Practice :,vt. (with, by) change (one person or thing) for another, often better, newer, etc. 代替;更换 e.g. Weve replaced the old adding machine with a computer. 我们用计算机替换了旧式的加法机。,replace,我们需要新雇佣的员工来接替辞职的秘书。

19、,We need to replace the secretary who left with a new employee.,Practice :,Remaining distracted at home can be a challenge at times . I realized that the longer I was away from home, the easier it was to accomplish my challenge of being disconnected for 30 days. One of my strategies to deal with bei

20、ng offline would be to work longer, step into the library more often or call one of my friends to do something together.,有时,在家里一直要转移注意力不去碰网有点难度。我发现离家时间越长,越容易实现我断网30天的挑战。我坚持不使用互联网的秘诀之一就是延长工作时间,多光顾图书馆,或邀约朋友一起干点什么。,Para. 5,vt. succeed in doing; finish successfully; achieve 完成;实现 e.g. I dont feel our vi

21、sit really accomplished anything. 我觉得我们的访问什么成效也没有。,在过去的几周里,她完成了相当多的工作。,Shes accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks.,accomplish,Practice :,After a while, you get used to the state of being disconnected. Even more so, you fully begin to accept it, as the advantages of being offline present th

22、emselves right in front of your eyes. Surely, the need to reconnect will come up every now and then, especially when you urgently need certain information. But the online-activities like checking your e-mails begin to look less and less important to you, once you accepted the fact of not being able

23、to connect to the Internet.,过了一阵,你便会习惯,甚至开始欣然接受离线的状态,因为断网的种种好处呈现在你的眼前。当然,你也会时不时地想要上网看看,特别是当你迫切需要查找某些信息的时候。但是一旦你接受了自己上不了网的事实,你会发现诸如查收电子邮件等的上网行为并非那么重要。,Para. 6,Instead of surfing the Internet for entertainment, I would sit down to meditate. I would open an interesting book or have a good conversation.

24、 I would hold my camera, discover new places and take amazing shots of architecture on the streets Ive never had the time to admire. Also, I would just sit around and reflect deeply on my life. I became absorbed in my own thoughts, and not in those of another person.,我会坐下冥想,而不再通过互联网寻求娱乐;我会打开一本有趣的书,或

25、与朋友进行一次愉快的交谈;我会带上相机,发现一些新的风景,给我从未有时间欣赏的街道上的建筑,拍些精妙绝伦的相片。我也会静静地坐下,深刻地反省自己的人生。我会沉浸在自己的思想中,而不是活在别人的想法里。,Para. 7,vt. 1) completely take all your attention; engross 使全神贯注 e.g. I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear you call. 我当时正专心在看书,没听见你呼叫。 2) take or suck in, e.g. a liquid; take in, e.g. heat, light,

26、 knowledge etc. 吸收(液体,热,光等);掌握(知识) e.g. Paper that absorbs ink is called blotting-paper. 吸收墨水的纸称为吸墨纸。,absorb,1. 他完全专心于他的业务。,He is completely absorbed in his business.,2. 那聪明的男孩掌握了老师所能教他的所有知识。,The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teachers could give him.,Practice :,Living disconnected from t

27、he Internet in a society where everyone is online can be a rough ride, but it is possible. Moreover it can be a very valuable experience. You will notice that you spend more time with yourself, instead of thinking about the actions of others.,生活在这个全民上网的社会,要想完全摆脱互联网绝非轻而易举,但也并非毫无可能。不仅如此,断网的生活还可能成为一次宝贵

28、的经历。你会感到有更多的时间关注自己,而不是想着别人的一举一动。,Para. 8,离线后你将有机会更好地了解自己,与久违的朋友相聚。戒网也有助于你更加关注生活中重要的事情,更坚定地实现生活中真正的目标,完成你不知不觉中已拖延了数月的所有工作。,Being offline gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself much better and to meet friends you havent seen for a while in real life. And it will help you to be more focused

29、on the important things in life, to be more determined about your real goals and all the projects you have successfully delayed for the last months.,Para. 8,Text A is an illustrative passage, in which the author uses his self-experiment to illustrate that living disconnected from the Internet in a s

30、ociety where everyone is online is not only possible, but also a valuable experience.,Main Idea,Structure,Summary 小结,Phrases and expressions,connect with hit on plug off glance through deal with replace. with step into,get used to come up every now and then instead of reflect on become/be absorbed i

31、n focus on,Working with Expressions,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,1. He has used his mobile phone for five years and wanted to replace it _ a modern one. 2. As people connect _ each other they are able to share their experience and learn from each other. 3. You cant plug _ the memory stick when the light is flashing. Otherwise, the system data may be damaged.,with,with,to,巩固练习,布置作业,master the key words and phrases,do the other exercises on the textbook.,Thank you!,NEW HORIZON ENGLISH COURSES,Book Two,


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