六下U4Part A Let's talk.ppt

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《六下U4Part A Let's talk.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六下U4Part A Let's talk.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Then and now A Lets talk,PEP小学英语六年级下册,I can say.,clean,cleaned,wash,washed,look,looked,like,liked,go,went,buy,bought,read,read,take,took,do,did,eat,ate,is,was,are,were,Watch carefully.,It changed a lot.,Lets try.,The school changed a little. Grandpa could use computers when he was at school.,

2、Key words,Lets try.,Lets try.,The school changed a little. Grandpa could use computers when he was at school.,Key words,Watch, listen and answer.,Q1:Were there any libraries in Grandpas old school?,Watch, listen and answer.,Watch, listen and answer.,Q1:Were there any libraries in Grandpas old school

3、?,Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school.,No.There was no library in grandpas old school.,Watch again and choose.,1.There was a_ in Grandpas school. A. library B. small building C. computer room,2.There were no_and _ in Grandpas school. A. Internet B. small building C. computer room,W

4、atch again and choose.,Watch, listen and choose.,There was a_ in Grandpas school. A. library B. small building C. computer room,There was only one small building on a hill.,There was no library in my old school.,Watch again and choose.,There were no computers or Internet in my time.,2.There were no_

5、 in Grandpas school. A. Internet and computer B. small building and library,There is a playground.,There was no playground in my old school.,Talk about it.,There are computers.,There were no computers in my old school.,Talk about it.,I can say.,A:There is/are _.,B:There was/were no _ fifty years ago

6、.,What is the classroom like now? What was the classroom like 50 years ago?,(现代的教室里有什么?五十年前的教室里又有什么呢?),What is your school like now? What was your school like 5 years ago?,(5年前的学校里有什么?现在的学校里又有什么呢?),A:There is/are _.,B:There was/were no _ five years ago.,I can say, I can rite.,What did Grandpa often

7、do at night when he was at school?,Can you guess?,Could Grandpa see stars at night?,Yes.,Yes, I liked the stars.,Could you see stars at night?,Listen again and answer.,They are talking about the moon.,take 花费,One day Im going to visit the moon.,The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969

8、.,Listen and imitate.,Tips: 听音,模仿,请注意语音、语调。,Read in your groups.,领读:组长领读,组员跟读。 自读:大声朗读全文。 3.分角色朗读: 号为一组,号为一组。 4.有问题组内讨论解决或问老师。,Tips:,1.There was no library in my old school. 2.There was a big TV in my old school. 3. There were no computers or Internet in my old school. 4. There was only one small bu

9、ilding on a hill.,我说的话中只有一句是假的,听音判断正误。,Listen and judge.,Changes,five years ago,now,five years ago,now,now,now,now,five years ago,five years ago,five years ago,What was your school/hometown/classroom/home like five years ago? What was it like now? Choose one that you like and talk about it.(4人一小组,选一

10、个你们喜欢的话题,轮流说一说你的家乡/学校/教室等, 现在和五年前相比较有什么变化。上台展示:每人一句。),This is my .There was no .Now, there is a . I love my school/hometown.,Five years ago, there_no _ in my _. There _no _in my time. There _no _ . Now there _ a _. There_a_. And there _ some _. I love my_.,Group work.,Changes of our .,We should change our mind and life style. Try to make our life more beautiful. (改变思想和生活方式,生活变得更美好。),Homework.,1、Listen to the tape and read. (听录音跟读课文第34页。) 2、Practice the conversation with your partners. (与你的搭档练习这个对话。 ) 3、Talk about your hometowns or schools changes. (和你朋友用今天所学句型,相互谈谈家乡或学校的变化。),


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