Unit 2 My Schoolbag.pptx

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《Unit 2 My Schoolbag.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 My Schoolbag.pptx(25页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 My Schoolbag,Lets spell,k,Sharp eyes.,f,Sharp eyes.,r,Sharp eyes.,l,Sharp eyes.,v,Sharp eyes.,I see a pig.The pig is big.The pig is pink.A big pink pig.I see a pig.A big pink pig.,Lets chant.,Lily and Mike.,Lily is five.,Mike is nine.,Lily likes rice.,Mike likes kites.,five,nine,Mike,like,ric

2、e,kite,Which sound do you hear the most?你听到最多的音是什么?,Which letter sounds /ai/?哪个字母发/ai/音?,i-e,Chant with me.,Can you read like me?,拆音活动,Game 1:,“Bingo, Uh-oh” game.,Challenges. 挑战赛,Game 2:,Spelling game 1.,Challenges. 挑战赛,Game 3:,Spelling game 2.,Challenges. 挑战赛,Read, listen and number.,Listen, circl

3、e and write.,趣味阅读,Interesting Reading.,Five Kites,趣味阅读,Interesting Reading.,Here come five bad kites.,The kites ride a bike.,趣味阅读,Interesting Reading.,The kites play with a hive.,趣味阅读,Interesting Reading.,The kites run to hide.,The kites dive into the lake.,趣味阅读,Interesting Reading.,Oh, no! The fish

4、 bite the kites.,Five Kites,Here come five bad kites.,The kites ride a bike.,The kites play with a hive.,The kites run to hide.,The kites dive into the lake.,Oh, no! The fish bite the kites.,你学到了什么?,What have you learned?,Homework,1. Listen and imitate the tape.听音模仿。,2. Look for words with i-e. And try to read them.搜集i-e发/ai/的单词,并读一读。,


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