
上传人:啊飒飒 文档编号:11970802 上传时间:2021-11-24 格式:PPT 页数:19 大小:1.03MB
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1、A Story of Golden Fleece &The Jason s Tragedy,Background,A sea far away the Greece ,there is a priceless treasure ,everyone wants to get it- Golden Fleece . Many heroes are not afraid of difficulties and sacrifice to finding it , but no one had seen it , and died for it.,金羊毛(golden fleece)的来历,古希腊有个国

2、王叫阿塔玛斯(Atamas),他娶了仙女涅斐勒(Nephele)做妻子,生了两个孩子。生活过得很幸福。一个叫做伊诺的女人长得十分妖媚,得到国王的宠爱。阿塔玛斯弃旧喜新,抛弃了涅斐勒。 伊诺虐待两个孩子,涅斐勒得知后请求宙斯降灾给这个国家,伊诺趁机蛊惑国王,将王子活祭给神,可以消灾。阴谋被神使赫耳墨斯发现,送给涅斐勒一只浑身长满金毛、有翅膀的飞羊,叫孩子们骑上飞羊逃走。逃到了科尔克斯,那里的国王埃厄忒斯将飞羊宰杀后先给宙斯,宙斯把这宝贵的祭品放在列星之间,这就是白羊座。国王将纯金的羊毛钉在战神阿瑞斯圣林里的一棵大树上,让一条终年不合眼的大毒龙看守着。,golden fleece:金羊毛;(eve

3、ryone wants to get the treasure) The golden fleece is seen as extremely rare jewelry, for a long time, Greek to its legend is in succession. Many heroes and gentleman kings want it. The golden fleece not only symbolizes wealth, but also symbolizes a risky and unyielding will and symbolizes ideal and

4、 to happiness of pursue.,Zeus(the King of the all Gods),阿瑞斯圣林(ares = mars 战神),The dragon,Jason And The Argonauts,希腊战神,伊阿宋是爱俄尔卡斯国王埃宋的儿子,后来埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位。伊阿宋逃到半人半马的肯陶洛斯族人喀戎。喀戎训练伊阿宋做一个英雄。为要回王位,他答应帮珀利阿斯取得金羊毛。在女巫美狄亚帮助下取得金羊毛。,A battle with the soldiers,Goddess of Revenge 复仇女神美狄亚,However , they pay a painf

5、ul price to get the golden fleece that does not bring happiness to them . After ten years . Medea is not beautiful any more . Jason falls in love with another woman . She is a princess and so young、so pretty . Jason wants to drive Medea and their children . Medea was irritated by his behavior.,复仇女神美

6、狄亚曾经为爱情犯下那么深的罪恶,却不能够得到幸福,为了报复伊阿宋用毒死了别国公主,为了给丈夫更致命的打击,杀死自己三个亲生儿子,可怜伊阿宋绝望中自刎。,Let Jason without sons that is a great punishment for him . Maybe this point isnt understood in western civilization ,in ancient Chinese , as everyone knows“不孝有三,无后最大”. Without offspring will humiliate original family . This

7、 will make generation to be ashamed.,Jason,Especially in old Greece , sons meaning of existence is inheritance (继承)of all about the family , father s life 、 rights 、 property and the glory of the status . Son likes the accessory (附属品)of his father . So to kill the son means the extinction(灭绝)of family.,美杜莎(medusa),人首蛇发、蛇身,Clash of the Titans,The end!,


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