E时代高职英语——综合教程(1) 第二单元.ppt

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1、Watch the video by scanning the QR code, and then choose the types of guy friends you like.,1,The guy whos always there whenever you need help.,The guy who always needs your help.,The guy who makes you happy.,The guy who pisses you off.,The guy whos in love with you.,The guy who you are in love with

2、.,Watch the video again and then share your opinions about the question “What is friendship?” with your partners. Here are some sentences for your reference.,2,Read the following poem aloud and try to recite the first part.,3,Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.,Dialogue 1,B: What kind of

3、 qualities do you _ in your friends? A: I like to make friends with people who are _. B: Sure. But sometimes those who are not open and active can make very good friends. A: Of course. So thats why a person always has _ friends in their life. B: Yes. I like to make friends with those who I can get a

4、long well with. A: Sure! Who will make friends with those they cannot _ well with. B: Oh, dont get me wrong. Im just saying that maybe you dont have much in common, but you feel very comfortable when you are with_. A: I agree. But generally, I prefer to make friends with those who share similar inte

5、rests with me. We can do a lot of things together and its fun. B: That certainly is good.,look for,active,different,get on,each other.,Dialogue 2,C: Hi, Michael. You seem to have a good relationship with your roommates. M: Certainly! We are best friends! C: Well, its not easy for roommates to end up

6、 as best friends. Can you give me some tips on how to get along with roommates ? M: Sure. I think one important quality in maintaining a good relationship with your roommate is being _and tolerant, always treat your roommates with the consideration that you want to be treated with. C: Yeah. I quite

7、agree with you. M: And when your roommates do something that you dont like, or make mistakes, try to be tolerant and _. C: That is really important. M: Besides, communication is vital. When problems occur, talk to your roommates _ so that you can figure out the best way to resolve them. C: Wow, you

8、are very experienced in _ good interpersonal relationships!,considerate,understanding.,maintaining,frankly,Listen to the dialogues again and check your answers, and then make a dialogue according to the situation given below. The following sentence patterns are for your reference.,Situation: You hav

9、e made a new friend in your class today. Your roommate is interested and wants you to tell him/her about your new friend.,Listen to the song I Will Come to You and then fill in the blanks.,Listen to the song I Will Come to You and then fill in the blanks.,When you have no light to guide you And no o

10、ne to walk(1) _ you I will come to you Oh I will come to you When the night is (2)_ and stormy You wont have to(3) _ for me I will come to you Oh I will come to you,dark,reach out,beside,Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days And you dont know how or why but youve(4) _ Have no fear

11、 when your tears are falling I will hear your spirit calling And I swear Ill be there come what may When you have no light to guide you And no one to walk beside you I will come to you Oh I will come to you,lost your way,When the night is dark and stormy You wont have to reach out for me I will come

12、 to you Oh I will come to you I will come to you Cause even if we cant be together Well be friends (5)_ And I swear Ill be there come what may,now and forever,We all need somebody we can turn to Someone wholl always understand So if you feel that your soul is dying And you need the strength to keep

13、trying Ill reach out and take your hand Ill come to you Oh Ill come to you,Text A Intensive Reading,Metting Great Friends in College,New Words,1 I recognized before even stepping onto campus that I didnt want to compete with my peers and I was happy to find out that neither did most of my classmates

14、. (Para. 3) 此句包含and 连接的两个并列句。在第一句中,before even stepping onto campus 是句子的状语,意思是“踏入校园之前”。第一个that 引导的宾语从句为动词 recognized 的宾语。第二个 that 引导的宾语从句为 find out 的宾语。从句中的 neither did most of my classmates 相当于:most of my classmates didnt want to compete with their peers, too。,2 I can always reach out to my friends

15、 for help and they explain things to me in ways I understand since they know me really well. (Para. 3) and 后面的句子中,I understand 是修饰 ways 的定语从句。since 后面引导的是原因状语从句,表示“因为”。,3 Even when were cramming the night before a midterm, we dont let each other get too stressed out and always make sure to take stud

16、y breaks. (Para. 3) Even when 引导的是让步状语从句,意思是“即使当”。stress out 的意思是“疲惫不堪”, take study breaks 的意思是“劳逸结合”。,4 I catch the morning shuttle to class with my friends and our schedules line up so I usually have lunch with a few of them, too. (Para. 5) 此句中 so 前面是 and 连接的两个并列句,so 后面引导的是结果状语从句,其中,them 指前面的 my f

17、riends。,5 One of the first things I learned at College was how much I enjoyed working with friends and how easy it was to reach out for help. (Para. 7) 此句中 I learned at College 是省略 that 的定语从句,修饰前面的 things。后面的 how much 跟 how easy 都是特殊疑问句做表语的形式,所以后面的语序为陈述语序。,Read Text A and divide the text into three

18、parts. Write down the main idea of each part.,Paras. 4-6,Paras7,How the author cooperate with his classmates.,The value of study groups and making friends.,Answer the following questions based on Text A and then discuss with your partners.,Whats the authors attitude towards competition at college? 2

19、. Whats the value of study breaks? 3. Why did the author emphasize the importance of friends?,The author thinks think of College as cooperative, not competitive.,It doesnt make each other too stressed out and strengthen friendships.,Because its useful to have friends to rely on for pep talks during

20、mid terms week or long problem sets.,Please read the 7th paragraph aloud and recite it.,Coming into College, I worried about struggling in classes and finding people to work with. One of the first things I learned at College was how much I enjoyed working with friends and how easy it was to reach ou

21、t for help. While I might complain about my classes from time totime, I have them to thank for meeting such great friends.,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,1 Ill _ it nice and simply so you can understand. 2 Fresh fruits and vegetables are _ for us. 3 I

22、 know I can _ on you to sort it out. 4 You cant put a price on _ . 5 He had very little in _ with his sister. 6 He came to _ about the volume of the music. 7 Do you like _ life? 8 Money is _ to be the root of all evils.,explain,important,rely,friendship,common,complain,campus,considered,Add im-, dis

23、- or re- to the following words to form new words and give the corresponding Chinese meanings of the new words.,immoral,不道德的,impolite,不礼貌的,impatient,没有耐心的,dislike,不喜欢的,dishonest,不诚实的,disagree,不同意,return,返还,restart,重新开始,redo,重做,There are two sentences chosen from Text A. Choose the best Chinese trans

24、lation for each sentence.,1 It also comes in handy having friends to rely on for pep talks during midterms week or long problem sets. A. 在期中考试周或者长时间做题时,朋友的加油打气还是派的上用场的。 B. 在期中考试周或问题长期集中时,有朋友一起进行鼓舞士气的谈话还是很有用的。 C. 在期中考试周或问题集中时,有朋友鼓舞士气还是很有用的。,A,There are two sentences chosen from Text A. Choose the bes

25、t Chinese translation for each sentence.,2 Since most of us live within two minutes of one another, its easy to find a common room or table in the dining hall to take over at 9 p.m for studying. A. 因为我们大部分人都住在两分钟的路程以内,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个饭桌吃饭或学 习很容易。 B. 因为我们大部分人住的地方离得不远,2分钟内即可到达,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个公用的房间或饭桌学习很容易。 C

26、. 因为我们大部分人都住在两分钟的路程以内,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个公用房间学习很 容易。,B,Complete the following sentences with the given phrases and expressions.,find out 弄清楚,找出,认识 e.g. You should find out more about yourself. 你应该进一步认识你自己。 1 Would you call me _ ( 你一弄清楚之后)? 2 Try to _( 找出问题的答案). make sure 确保,确定 e.g. Make sure your homework

27、is finished before you play. 在你玩之前确保你的作业完成了。 1 _ ( 确保你会赶上) the early bus. 2 Just_ ( 确保你关上门) after you.,as soon as you find out,find out the answer to the question,make sure you can catch,make sure you shut the door,Text B Extensive Reading,An Open Letter to My Childhood Best Friend,New Words,1 manag

28、e to do sth. 设法做成某事 2 try to do sth. 尽力做某事 3 turn to sb. 向某人求助 4 remind sb. of 提醒某人 5 depend on 依靠,依赖,1 This letter is for a / an _. A. best friend B. classmate in college C. online friend D. family member 2 When did the auther meet his / her friend? A. 16 years ago. B. 17 years ago. C. 18 years ago

29、. D. 19 years ago.,A,B,3 The author writes this letter to _. A. express gratitude B. say hello C. inform some news D. invite his / her friend to attend a ceremony 4 The authors friend is more likely to be a _ to the author. A. common friend B. soul mate C. sister D. family member,A,B,5 According to

30、the text, which one is NOT correct? A. The authors friend helped the author a lot. B. The author and his / her friend went through many difficulties. C. The author and his / her friend did not go to the same college. D. The author and his / her friend live together now.,D,一、形容词,形容词是用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的

31、性质、状态和特征的词,主要描述事物的大小、 形状、颜色等具体特征,也可用来陈述事物的状态等。 1)形容词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前 2)形容词用在连系动词之后作表语 3)形容词修饰由some, any, every, no 和one, body, thing 等词构成的复合代词时后置,二、副词,副词是一类用于修饰动词、形容词乃至全句的词,说明事情发生的时间、地点、原因、方式 等含义,或说明其他形容词或副词的程度。 副词按其功能可分为:时间副词、频度副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、 关系副词、连接副词。,二、副词,副词在句中可作状语、表语、补语。 e.g. He works h

32、ard. 他工作努力。(作状语) You speak English quite well. 你英语讲得相当好。(作状语) The war is over. 战争结束了。(作表语) Lets be out. 我们出去吧。(作表语) Lets go out for a walk. 让我们出去散散步吧。(作补语),三、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,比较级的用法 当两种物体之间相互比较时,用形容词或副词的比较级,比较级通常和than 连用。 【结构】物体A am / are / is 形容词/ 副词的比较级 than 物体B e.g. I am taller than you. 我比你高。 She

33、is more beautiful than her sister. 她比她的妹妹漂亮。 He runs much faster than Li Ming. 他跑得比李明快。,三、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,最高级的用法 当相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,用形容词或副词的最高级,最高级通常跟有定冠词the。 【结构】物体A am / are / is the 形容词/ 副词的最高级比较范围(of 人/ 物,in 地方) e.g. I am the tallest in the class. 我在全班最高。 She is the most beautiful girl of the thre

34、e. 她在这三个女孩中最漂亮。 I jump (the) farthest in my class. 我是我们班跳得最远的。,Give the comparative degree and superlative degree of the adjectives and adverbs.(写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级。),long _ _ little _ _ heavy _ _ good _ _ fat _ _ carefully _ _,longer,longest,heavier,heaviest,fatter,fattest,less,least,better,best,mor

35、e carefully,the most carefully,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets.(用所给词的正确形式填空。),1. Li Ming did_ (badly) in the race of his class. 2. This apple is_ (big) than that one. 3. He is_ (important) man in my life. 4. My sister gets up_ (quickly) than me.,worst,bigger,im

36、portant,more quickly,Setting: Lenas sister Effie lost the pants in Santorini ( 圣托里尼). After talking with friends Carmen, Tibby and Bridget, Lena wants to fund the missing pants.,Now watch the movie clip. Read the words closely after the speaker so as to improve your short-term memory, pronunciation,

37、 stress and intonation by imitating what you hear.,Work in pairs. Role-play the characters in the movie clip with your partners on the platform. The teacher and students in other teams can give a score for the performance. The following score sheet is for your reference.,Read the lines from the movie Fast & Furious 速度与激情8 and try to recite them.,Notice and Announcement,Useful Expressions for Notice and Announcement,


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