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1、四年级英语上册第三单元达标检测卷( 含答案解析 )一、看图完成句子。1. This is my father. He is very.2. He is very.来源 学 _科_网 Z_X_X_K3. My friend has a big.4. The girl has long.来源 学。科。网 Z。X。 X。K5. This is my grandpa. He has small.二、单项选择。() 1. This girl is my sister .name is Chen Jie.A. HerB. ShesC. His() 2. This is my friend. Heshort

2、 hair and big eyes.A. isB. hasC. have() 3. -is she ? She is my sister ,Lucy.A. WhatB. WhereC. Who() 4. This is my classmate. She is very.A. friendB. friendsC. friendly() 5. My father s glasses black.A.isB. areC. has三、从 A 栏中选出与 B 栏相对应的答语。AB() 1. What s his name ?) 2. Lets work together.A. Yes. Youre

3、right.B. His name is Wu Yifan.() 3. Who is she ?C. OK.() 4. A boy or girl ?D. She is my mother.() 5. Is he Wu Yifan ?E. A boy. He is short and thin.四、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。() A boy or girl ?() Yes . Youre right.() A girl .She is tall and thin.() Whos she ? Sarah ?() Is she Linda?() I have a good friend.()

4、 No, shes not Sarah. She has glasses and her shoes are red.五、给下列图片选择相应的句子。A. He is tall and thin. Hehas short hair.B. He is strong. He has short hair.C. My sister has big eyes . She is very friendly.D. He is very funny .He has small cap and big shoes.E. She is fat . She has short hair and a big mout

5、h. She is cute .F. He is thin. He has glasses.六、阅读理解。来源 学科网 ZXXK(A) an阅dAnn is my friend. She s tall读th短in.文,Sh选e 择ha正s 确lo的ng答案ha。irTom is my classmate. He is tall and strong. He has shortZhang Lei is my brother. He is shortand fat .He has( and)big1.eAynens.hHaser shoes arehair andhairand bigeyeyse

6、.来源s学.。科。网HZ。X。iXs。Kshoesshort hair and small eyes. Hisblue.She Ah.asshobrltu; ebigglasses. She is a cutBe.gloirnl.g ; bigC. short; small() 2. Toms shoes are .are yellow. He has red glasses. He is very friendly.shoes are green. He has a red hat. He is very funny.A. yellowB. greenC. white() 3. Tom is

7、 very.A. funnyB. cuteC. friendly() 4. Zhang Lei is my.A. friendB. classmateC. brother() 5. Zhang Leis shoes are .A. bigB. smallC. green(B) 阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F)。() 1. Ann is short and thin ,() 2. Anns glasses are yellow.() 3. Tom has red glasses.() 4. Zhang Lei is tall and thin. 来源 学|科 |网() 5. Zhang Lei

8、 is funny.四年级英语上册第三单元学习测试卷( 附答案解析 )Period 4开心回顾一、单项选择1. I have two good.A friendB a friendC friends【答案】 C【解析】由 two 可知,名词要用复数形式。来源 :Z|xx|k.Com2. It s in summer Cinhina.A. hot and coldB. sunny and hotC. sunny and cold【答案】 B【解析】本题根据实际,在中国夏天是多晴天和炎热的,所以选择B。二、情景会话1. 当你向大家介绍自己是一个聪明的男孩时,你会说: A I'm a cle

9、ver boy.B I'm a naughty boy.【答案】 A【解析】 a clever boy 一个聪明的男孩, a naughty boy 一个淘气的男孩。2. 想问 “是男孩还是女孩?”时: ()A. Is he a boy?B. Boy orgirl?【答案】 B【解析】 Boy or girl?是男孩还是女孩?3. 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:A. Who s this girl?B. Who s that boy?【答案】 B【解析】 boy 男孩, girl女孩, this 这个, that 那个。4. 你想告诉对方这是一个热狗,你这样说:A. It s a

10、 hot dog.B. Would you like a hot dog?【答案】 A【解析】 It s a hot dog. 这是一个热狗。三、连词成句。1. it,cold,today,is (. )2. it,hot,is,Beijing,in (?)【答案】 来源学科网 1. It is cold today.2. Is it hot in Beijing?【解析】1. 句意:今天冷。该句是肯定陈述句,应用句型“It is +表示天气的形容词+ 其它”。2. 句意:北京天气热吗?该句是is 引导的一般疑问句,应用句型“Is it + 表示天气的形容词 + 其它?”用于询问某地的天气如何

11、。课前导学一、教学板块Let pslay & Let lesarn二、词汇全解词汇全解 来源学§科§网 Z§X§X§ K1. glasses / 'gl?s?z /n. ( 名词)眼镜【发音】字母a 在 glasses 中发 /?/ 。【短语】 a pair of glas ses 一副眼镜【联想】 eye 眼睛【综合运用】Our English teacher always wears glasses.我们的英语老师总是戴眼镜。【巧记】 glass (玻璃杯 ) 十 es glasses(眼镜 )2. shoe/ ?u?/n.

12、 ( 名词)鞋【发音】字母组合sh 在 shoe 中发【复数】 shoes【短语】 a pair of shoes 一双鞋【综合运用】Are these your shoes? 这些是你的鞋吗?3. blue/ blu?/adj. (形容词)蓝色的【形近词】 glue 胶捧【转化】 blue n. ( 名词)蓝色【综合运用】The sky is blue. 天空是蓝色的。4. brown/bra ? n/adj. (形容词)棕色的【发音】字母组合口ow 在 brown 中发 /a? /。【转化】 brown.(名词)棕色【短语】 brown hair棕色的头发, brown eyes 棕色的眼

13、睛【综合运用】I like brown sweaters.我喜欢棕色的毛衣。5. Long/ l ? / adj.( 形容词 )长的【发音】字母组合ng 在 long 中发 /?/【形近词】 song 歌曲【反义词】 short 短的【综合运用】Her hair is long. 她的头发很长。6. hair/he?/n. ( 名词)头发【发音】字母组合air 在 hair 中发 /e?/【形近词】 chair椅子【同音异义词】 hare 野兔【短语】 short hair 短头发, straight hair 直发, Curly hair卷发【巧记】 h+air( 空气 ) = hair (

14、头发)作业设计一、单项选择1. My friendgreen glasses.A. haveB .hasC. having【答案】 B【解析】my friend是一个单数, 那么后面的 have 要用第三人称单数形式has,那么答案是 B 。2. Heshort brown hair.A. haveB. hasC. there is【答案】 B【解析】根据题干可知句意为:他有短棕色的头发。有have,因主语 he 为第三人称单数, 所以动词 have 变为 has。3. Her glassesblack.A. isB.amC,are【答案】 C【解析】她的眼镜是黑色的, 这里的眼镜比较特殊,

15、一副眼镜有两个镜片, 应该用复数 glasses(一副眼镜: a pair of glasses); be 动词应该采用复数形式are。4. Look at hisA shoesB shoeC shoees【答案】 A【解析】鞋子shoe 要用复数形式shoes.二、情景会话1. 小雪想说: “我的电脑是蓝色的。 ”她应这样说: A My blue is computer. 来源 :Z*xx*k.ComB. My computer is blue.C. This is my computer.【答案】 B【解析】 My computer is blue. “我的电脑是蓝色的。 ”2. 指着一张

16、橙色的书桌时,可以说: A.An orange bed.B.A brown table.C.An orange desk.【答案】 C【解析】 An orange desk.一张橙色的书桌3当你向别人介绍 “她是长头发。 ”你说: A.She has short hair.B.He is long hair.C.She has long hair.【答案】 C【解析】 She has long hair 她是长头发。 4当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:A. He has long black hair.B. He has short black hair.C. He has

17、big eyes and long hair.【答案】 B【解析】 He has short black hair. 他留着黑色短发。三、翻译句子。1. Doyou see my glasses?2. This is my bedroom .3. My bag is under the table.4. Where are my keys? 来源:Z,xx,k.Com5. Is she in the study?【答案】1. 你看见我的眼镜了吗?2. 这是我的卧室。3. 我的包在桌子底下。4. 我的钥匙在哪儿?5. 她在书房吗?【解析】1. see 意思是“看见” ,my glasses 意思

18、是“我的眼镜” ,那么本句的意思是:你看见我的眼镜了吗?2. my bedroom 意思是“我的卧室” ,那么本句的意思是:这是我的卧室。3. My bag 意思是“我的包” , under the table 意思是“在桌子底下” ,那么本句意思是:我的包在桌子底下。4. where 意思是“哪里”,my keys 意思是“我的钥匙” ,那么本句意 思是: 我的钥匙在哪儿?5. in the study 意思是“在书房” ,那么本句意思是:她在书房吗? 四、连词成句1. now, glasses, the, are, red, in, box, the (.)2. my , is , fri

19、end , this , new . .3. you, Wang Bing, are ( ? ) .4. friend, is, he, your ( ? ) .5. am, L iu Tao,I ( . ) .【答案】1. The glasses are in the red box now.2. This is my new friend .3. Are you Wang Bing?4. Is he your friend?5. I am Liu Tao.【解析】1. The glasses are in the red box now.现在眼镜在红色的盒子里。2. This is my

20、new friend . 这是我的新朋友。3. Are you Wang Bing? 你是王冰?4. Is he your friend? 他是你的朋友?5. I am Liu Tao. 我是刘涛。四年级英语上册第三单元过关测试卷( 附答案 )听力部分( 30 分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。( 10 分)( ) 1.A.nameB.waveC.nine( ) 2.A.sheB.shineC.silk( ) 3.A.orangeB. oftenC.open( ) 4.A.tallB.callC.ball( ) 5.A.friendB.friendlyC.family二、听录音,根据你听到的

21、内容将下列句子按照AE 的顺序排列。 ( 10 分)()1.Jimisa tallboywithbigeyes.()2.Sheistallandthin.()3.Mybestfriendis a Chinesepeople.()4.I havea goodfriend.() 5. Shehaslongyellowhair.三、听录音,判断下列图片与你听到的内容是(Y )否( N)一致。( 10 分)笔试部分( 70 分)四、仿写单词。写出与下列单词中划线部分发音相同的单词。每组各五个。分)( 101. nose2. dog 五、将下列短语与对应的汉语意思连线。( 10 分)六、根据句意,写出划

22、线单词的反义词,将句子补充完整。( 10 分)1.2.3.Myhairisblack . Mygrandmother s hairis.Tomisverytall.Hehas hair.Theansweriswrong.Pleasewriteit againandmakeit.5.OurEnglishteacherisstrict.Butsometimessheis.七、单项选择。 ( 10 分)() 1.-Whatsname?your) 2. yellow) 3.-Her B.Judynameis Lily. herwearsA.(A.(C.hisan coat.B.blueC.orange

23、-A girlA boy. a boy?- A.B.C.(Yes, Yes,Yes.hecan. hedoes.Youareright.) 5.- A.B.C.-WhoWho WhatHeareis myyou?brother.ishe?isit?八、看图,将下列单词或短语的序号填在相对应的图片下面的横线上。( 10 分)A.talllikeandfruitsstrongB.redhatC.longblackhairD.F. hasglassesbagG. friendlyH.yellowtallandthinE.shorthairI. likesportsJ.red4. Lookatthes

24、etwocats.Oneisfatandanotheroneis.A.orB.andC.that() 4.-IsheBob?九、写作练习。请用英语描写一个你的朋友。不少于五句话(20 分)1. 参考句型: He/ Sheis .He/ Shehas .参考答案听力材料一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。每小题读一遍。1. name2. she3. often4. tall5. friendly二、听录音, 根据你听到的内容将下列句子按照AE 的顺序排列。 每小题读两遍。1. Mybestfriendisa Chinesepeople.2. Jimis a tallboywithbigeyes.3.

25、Shehaslongyellowhair.4. I havea goodfriend.5. Sheistallandthin.三、听录音,判断下列图片与你听到的内容是(Y )否( N )一致。每小题读两遍。1. ThisisLily.Shehasglasses.Herhairislong.2. Bobalwayswearsa redhat.3. Cindyispretty.Shelikesdancing.4. Jimhasshortandbrownhair.Heneverreadsbooks.5. Marrylikescandies.Shehasyellowhair.一、 1-5AABAB二、

26、 1-5BEADC三、 1-5NYYNY四、 1.hope,home,note,rose,Coke2.box,pot,lot,hot,not,lost五、六、 1.white2.short3.right4.thin5.friendly七、 1-5BCACB2. A、 I3. C、 F4. D、 J5. G、 H九、范文:Thisismygoodfriend.HernameisLinda.Sheisnineyearsold.Herhairis longandblack.Shehasbigbeautiful.s blue.Shelikessports.Weofteneyesplayandsmallmouth.baseballtogether.SheAndisveryshelike-END-八、 1.B、 E


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