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1、主谓一致口诀记忆I. 只用单数的:II. 就近一致的III. 用复数的IV 可单可复的(语法原则)精心整理I.只用单数的:主语抽象表单一,集体名词整体看and连接两名词,或人或物不可分?Every, each以及no, 并用emcl连名词? 三neither不定代,所构合成正式单;News, means, works, 貌似复数实贝|单?还有2s结尾学科词,剧名兼格言;时重长度与价值,主单不受随行控莓many, moe than连单数# 名词数量个半, 谓语单数不多看乜精心整理1 主语抽象表单一,集体名词整体看;非谓语动词暮从句表单_概念”名词所有格作主语, 谓语动词一般用里配Seeing _

2、is_ (be) believing.When and where we should go is very important.My uncle's (be) not far from hee.2. and连接两名词,或人或物不可分A writer and singer is coming to see us. Going to bed early 日nd getting up early is (be) a good habitThe girfs teacher and friend is (be) a young doctor.3*Every, each以及no,并用and连名词

3、; Every boy and every girl is going to college.Each boy and each girl wants (want) to serve the people in the future精心整理4. 三不定代,所构合成正式单;Every, each, either, neither + of. Everyone,5. Newsr means, works,貌似复数实则单; The news was very excitingThe glass works was set up in 1970.6还有ics结尾学科词'国,书,剧名兼格言;Th

4、e Selected Poems of Li Bai was (be) published long ago7时重长度与价值,主单不受随行控;当名词词组中心词为表时间.重量,距离,金额时,谓语动词用里数。当主语后面跟有of. as well as, along with, with, rather than, like, but, except, besides, including, in addition to等4舖短语时,谓语 根据主语的单京数形式确宗The teacher as well as the students was (be) excited 精心整理8. many, mor

5、e than连单数,名词数量一个半, 谓语单数不多看。many a +名词单数+谓语动词鞍 more than one +名词单数+谓语动词莹数Many a ship (have) been damaged in the storm More than one student as seen the filmOne and a half bananas is left on the table.II 就近一致的1 以or, either.or, neither.nor, not only.but 自Iso等连接的名词(代词)作主语时,谓语动词 的单复数应抿据就近二致的原则。Neither yo

6、u nor anybody else knows (know) anyth!ng about it.2. there be 句型There is (be) a ruler, two pencils and an eraser in the pencil-box3*倒装句中Here comes a bus and five cars*Between the two windows han9s (hang) a picture精心整理IIL用复数的人们加警察,家禽并牛群,當作复数没问题;服装鞋袜及手套,自然全是用复数,某些集体名词peopler police, cattle)只当复数 看待,谓语只

7、能用复数。The police are (be) searching for themAnd, both.and连接不同人与物,无疑也是用 复数"用and或both.and连接并列主语”谓语 动词通常用复数形式。Walking and riding are (be) good exercises.|认可单可复的(语法原则) -可单可复有8类,集体名词一大类, -看做整体用单数,个体单看用复数; -不定代词疑问词,部分、半数及剩余, -这些作主看内容,该单该复看含义, -Thg加分词形容词,指人一定是复数, -若与分词指轴象,仍用单数莫迟疑, -one of引导定从句,修饰复数是真的,

8、 -若有the only在前头,从勿招的是单一丫 -人口数目与比例,大多、种类作主语' -许多*分数、百分数,是单是复看意文? -四则运算随意*精心整理1*集体名词一大类,看做整体用单数,个体单 看用复数;某些集体名词作主语,如果作为一 个整体看待,谓语动词用单数,如果表示构成 整体的各个成员,谓语动词用复数。My family is (be) not a large oneMy family are (be) watching IV. 这类名词有二 audience class club committee company crew crowd enemy government gr

9、oup party public team population groupZ不定代词疑问词,部分*半数及剩余,这些作 主看内容,该单该复看含义;1) Such are his words2) TTiose who w自nt (want) to go please sign your names here.3) It is I who am (bet leaving for Beijing4) All 眈 (be) present Lefs begin the meeting.5) Now all Ms (have) been changedAll of my classmates(work)

10、 h日d7) What we need 吕re (be) doctors.What we need 些(be) more time.精心整理3. The加分词形容词,指人一定是复数,若与分词指捕象,仍用单数莫迟疑,uthe+形容词(过去分词理作主语表人时,谓语 通常用复数,表物时,谓语动词用单数。The blind study (study) in special schools4. one of引导定从句,修饰复数是真的, 若the only在前头,从句指的是单一,This is one of the most important questions that hee been askedS

11、he was the only one of the girls who was late for the meeting5. 人口数目与t匕例,Pppulation, proportion, number 日 mcxj nt»_q u entitya great number of I a great many + 名词复数十谓语动 词复数3 great deal of +不可数名词+谓i吾动词单数a (large) quantity of / (large) quantities of + 名词复数 / 丕U数名词+W语动词与quantity的形式保捋最a large amoun

12、t of / amounts of + 不可数名词*谓语动 词amount的形式保一致Ex. Large amounts of money 肚帕(be) spent on the bridge. A number of students h日"(have) gone to the country si de,精心整理6大多(most, majority)、种类作主语? Most of the students 复数谓语Most of the coal单如吾表种类比较:Men of this kind 眈 (be) dangerous This kind of men is (be)

13、dangerous.了许多、分数.百分数,是单是复看盍文四则运算随童°1) a lot of / lots of I plenty of + 名词复数 +谓 语动词复数a lot of / lots of / plenty of + 不可数名词谓语 动词单数2) 分数,百分比+of+名词詐作主语时,若of后的 名词为复数名词,谓语动词一般用 融:若of 后的名词为不可数名词'谓语动词一般用单魏About three-fourths of the worldss surface is (be) covered with water,3) Three times five 也伯馆 fifteen.精心整理


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