小学英语:MODULE 3单元测试(外研版三年级上)一起.doc

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1、三年级英语上册 MODULE 3 单元检测班级_姓名_分数_一、选择与单词相对应的汉语意思将其序号填在括号内. the A.门 birdF.指 door B.这(那)个 sit G.名字 please C.窗 stand H.坐 window D.黑板 point I.鸟 blackboard E.请 name J.站二、看谁连的对,将下列单词与其所对应的图片连线。 window chair desk door二、选择题,将正确的答案的序号填在括号内。 1.Good _ (早晨), Ms Smart.A.afternoon B. morning C .name 2._(起立), Linglin

2、g.A .Stand up B .Sit down C. Goodbye 3.Point to the _(窗)A .girl B .door C. window 4. Point to the _(黑板)A. boy B. blackboard C. bird 5. Point to the _ (椅子).A .chair B. door C. bird 6.Point to the _(课桌)A .name B. window C. desk三、找出不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内.( ) 1. A. Amy B. Daming C. bird 文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考

3、。 ( ) 2. A. dog B. desk C. cat( ) 3. A. Hello B. Hi C. Good bye ( ) 4. A. chair B. bird C. desk( ) 5. A. caps B. boys C. girls( ) 6. A. dog B. cat C. hat 四、看图选答案,将正确的序号序号填在题前括号内。( )1. A. Point to the door. B. Point to the window. .( ) 2. . A. Sit down !. B. Stand up ! ( ) 3. A. Hi, Mr Li.B. Hi, Ms L

4、i.( ) 4. A. Point to the chair.B. Point to the desk.五、选择合适的汉语将序号填在题前括号内。 Good morning, Ms Smart. A. 请坐。 Good morning, boys and girls. B. 玲玲,起立。 Whats your name? C. 指着门。 Stand up, Lingling. D. 早上好,同学们。 Point to the door. E. 你叫什么名字? Point to the window. F. 指着黑板。 Point to the blackboard. G. 早上好,斯马特老师。

5、Sit down, please. H. 指着窗。 Point to the chair. I. 指着课桌。 Point to the desk. J. 指着椅子。四、根据汉语意思在正确的句子后面打“”1早上好同学们。Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Ms Smart. 2请坐Sit down, please. Stand up, please. 3指着门Point to the window. Point to the door 4你叫什么名字?Whats your name? How are you? 五、判断,图片与举行表达意思相符的

6、画“”,不符的画“”。1、 Stand up.( ) 3、 Point to the desk.( )2、 Point to the chair.( )4、 Point to the blackboard.( )六、争做小翻译家1Good morning, boys and girls.2Good morning, Ms Smart.3Sit down, please.4Stand up, Lingling.5Point to the blackboard.6Point to the window. 7Point to the chair. 8Point to the desk.9Point to the door.10 Point to the bird. 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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