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1、The 7 Cs of CommunicationA Checklist for Clear CommunicationThink of how often you communicate with people during your day. You write emails, facilitate meetings, participate in conference calls, create reports, devise presentations, debate with your colleagues the list goes on. We can spend almost

2、our entire day communicating. So, how can we provide a huge boost to our productivity? We can make sure that we communicate in the clearest, most effective way possible.This is why the 7 Cs of Communication are helpful. The 7 Cs provide a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails, confere

3、nce calls, reports, and presentations are well constructed and clear so your audience gets your message.According to the 7 Cs, communication needs to be: Clear.Concise.Concrete.Correct.Coherent.Complete.Courteous.In this article, we look at each of the 7 Cs of Communication, and we'll illustrate

4、 each element with both good and bad examples.1. ClearWhen writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating with this person? If you're not sure, then your audience won't be sure either.To be clear, try to minimize the number of ideas

5、 in each sentence. Make sure that it's easy for your reader to understand your meaning. People shouldn't have to "read between the lines" and make assumptions on their own to understand what you're trying to say.Bad ExampleHi John,I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel

6、, who's working in your department. He's a great asset, and I'd like to talk to you more about him when you have time. Best,SkipWhat is this email about? Well, we're not sure. First, if there are multiple Daniels in John's department, John won't know who Skip is talking about

7、. Next, what is Daniel doing, specifically, that's so great? We don't know that either. It's so vague that John will definitely have to write back for more information.Last, what is the purpose of this email? Does Skip simply want to have an idle chat about Daniel, or is there some more

8、specific goal here? There's no sense of purpose to this message, so it's a bit confusing.Good ExampleLet's see how we could change this email to make it clear.Hi John,推荐精选I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel Kedar, who's working in your department. In recent weeks, he'

9、s helped the IT department through several pressing deadlines on his own time. We've got a tough upgrade project due to run over the next three months, and his knowledge and skills would prove invaluable. Could we please have his help with this work?I'd appreciate speaking with you about thi

10、s. When is it best to call you to discuss this further?Best wishes, SkipThis second message is much clearer, because the reader has the information he needs to take action.2. ConciseWhen you're concise in your communication, you stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience doesn't wan

11、t to read six sentences when you could communicate your message in three.Are there any adjectives or "filler words" that you can delete? You can often eliminate words like "for instance," "you see," "definitely," "kind of," "literally," &qu

12、ot;basically," or "I mean."Are there any unnecessary sentences? Have you repeated the point several times, in different ways?Bad ExampleHi Matt, I wanted to touch base with you about the email marketing campaign we kind of sketched out last Thursday. I really think that our target mar

13、ket is definitely going to want to see the company's philanthropic efforts. I think that could make a big impact, and it would stay in their minds longer than a sales pitch.For instance, if we talk about the company's efforts to become sustainable, as well as the charity work we're doing

14、 in local schools, then the people that we want to attract are going to remember our message longer. The impact will just be greater.What do you think?JessicaThis email is too long! There's repetition, and there's plenty of "filler" taking up space. Good ExampleWatch what happens w

15、hen we're concise and take out the filler words:Hi Matt,I wanted to quickly discuss the email marketing campaign that we analyzed last Thursday. Our target market will want to know about the company's philanthropic efforts, especially our goals to become sustainable and help local schools.Th

16、is would make a far greater impact, and it would stay in their minds longer than a traditional sales pitch.What do you think?Jessica3. ConcreteWhen your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what you're telling them. There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts,

17、 and there's laser like focus. Your message is solid.Bad Example推荐精选Consider this advertising copy:The Lunchbox Wizard will save you time every day.A statement like this probably won't sell many of these products. There's no passion, no vivid detail, nothing that creates emotion, and not

18、hing that tells people in the audience why they should care. This message isn't concrete enough to make a difference. Good ExampleHow much time do you spend every day packing your kids' lunches? No more! Just take a complete Lunchbox Wizard from your refrigerator each day to give your kids a

19、 healthy lunch AND have more time to play or read with them!This copy is better because there are vivid images. The audience can picture spending quality time with their kids and what parent could argue with that? And mentioning that the product is stored in the refrigerator explains how the idea is

20、 practical. The message has come alive through these details. 4. CorrectWhen your communication is correct, it fits your audience. And correct communication is also error-free communication.Do the technical terms you use fit your audience's level of education or knowledge?Have you checked your w

21、riting for grammatical errors? Remember, spell checkers won't catch everything.Are all names and titles spelled correctly?Bad ExampleHi Daniel,Thanks so much for meeting me at lunch today! I enjoyed our conservation, and I'm looking forward to moving ahead on our project. I'm sure that t

22、he two-weak deadline won't be an issue.Thanks again, and I'll speak to you soon!Best,Jack MillerIf you read that example fast, then you might not have caught any errors. But on closer inspection, you'll find two. Can you see them?The first error is that the writer accidentally typed cons

23、ervation instead of conversation. This common error can happen when you're typing too fast. The other error is using weak instead of week. Again, spell checkers won't catch word errors like this, which is why it's so important to proofread everything!5. CoherentWhen your communication is

24、 coherent, it's logical. All points are connected and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text is consistent.Bad ExampleTraci,I wanted to write you a quick note about the report you finished last week. I gave it to Michelle to proof, and she wanted to make sure you knew abou

25、t the department meeting we're having this Friday. We'll be creating an outline for the new employee handbook.Thanks,Michelle推荐精选As you can see, this email doesn't communicate its point very well. Where is Michelle's feedback on Traci's report? She started to mention it, but then

26、 she changed the topic to Friday's meeting.Good ExampleHi Traci,I wanted to write you a quick note about the report you finished last week. I gave it to Michelle to proof, and she let me know that there are a few changes that you'll need to make. She'll email you her detailed comments la

27、ter this afternoon.Thanks, MichelleNotice that in the good example, Michelle does not mention Friday's meeting. This is because the meeting reminder should be an entirely separate email. This way, Traci can delete the report feedback email after she makes her changes, but save the email about th

28、e meeting as her reminder to attend. Each email has only one main topic.6. CompleteIn a complete message, the audience has everything they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action.Does your message include a "call to action", so that your audience clearly knows what you want the

29、m to do?Have you included all relevant information contact names, dates, times, locations, and so on?Bad ExampleHi everyone,I just wanted to send you all a reminder about the meeting we're having tomorrow! See you then,ChrisThis message is not complete, for obvious reasons. What meeting? When is

30、 it? Where? Chris has left his team without the necessary information.Good ExampleHi everyone,I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow's meeting on the new telecommuting policies. The meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. in the second-level conference room. Please let me know if you can't attend.

31、See you then,Chris7. Courteous Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest. There are no hidden insults or passive-aggressive tones. You keep your reader's viewpoint in mind, and you're empathetic to their needs.Bad ExampleJeff,I wanted to let you know that I don't appreciate h

32、ow your team always monopolizes the discussion at our weekly meetings. I have a lot of projects, and I really need time to get my team's progress discussed as well. So far, thanks to your department, I haven't been able to do that. Can you make sure they make time for me and my team next wee

33、k?推荐精选Thanks,PhilWell, that's hardly courteous! Messages like this can potentially start officewide fights. And this email does nothing but create bad feelings, and lower productivity and morale. A little bit of courtesy, even in difficult situations, can go a long way.Good ExampleHi Jeff,I want

34、ed to write you a quick note to ask a favor. During our weekly meetings, your team does an excellent job of highlighting their progress. But this uses some of the time available for my team to highlight theirs. I'd really appreciate it if you could give my team a little extra time each week to fully cover their progress reports. Thanks so much, and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you!Best, PhilWhat a difference! This email is courteous and friendly, and it has little chance of spreading bad feelings around the office. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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