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1、2021 年商务英语中级口语口试必备用语 1中 >></fon tx/str on gx/a>v/lix/divx/pxpxbr>Can you show us your catalogue?<br> 可以看一下你们的产品目录吗 ?<br>Certainly. Here 's a catalogue for some of ourpopular items.<br> 当然可以。这是我们一些畅销货的目录。 <br>Have you looked into the sales?<br> 您调查过销售情

2、况吗 ?<br>Such products are widely sold in markets abroad.<br> 此类产品在国外市场很畅销。 <br>I would like to see the samples first.<br>我想先看一看样品。 <br>This is the newest export item for this year.<br> 好的。这是今年出口的最新款式。 <br>Thanks. Doyou have catalogues? I 'd like to have

3、a few copies to study them carefully.<br>谢谢。你们有商品目录吗 ?我想要几份仔细研究一下。 <br>Good morning. Welcome to our company.<br> 早上好。欢送您到我们公司来欢送光临。<br>Good morning. I 'm the manager of the import division of XYZ Co.Ltd.Here is my card.<br>早上好。我是XYZ的进口部经理,这是我的名片。<br>Pleased to

4、 meet you and I 'mglad to have the opportunity to recommend to you our latestlaser and electronics product of this year.<br>很快乐认识您并有时机向您推荐我们今年最新的一种光电产品。 <br>What about the functions?<br>功能怎么样 ?<br>It combines many functions in one. It is a high gradeproduct.<br> 它集多

5、种功能于一身,是高档产品。 <br>Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is avery popular item this year.<br>这是目录和价目表。这种产品是今年非常流行的款式。 <br>Really! Mm ,what about the quality?<br>真的吗 ?嗯$#0 ,质量怎么样 ?<br>Absolutely reliable. The quality is superior, yet theprice is veryreasonable

6、. It feels soft and smooth.<br> 完全可靠。该产品质优价廉,手感柔软光滑。 <br>Thank you. You 've been most helpful.<br> 你帮了我们大忙,非常感谢。 <br>My pleasure. I can assure you that you'll find very good prospectsin our products.<br> 不客气。我保证您会发现我们产品的前景非常美好。 <br>I learned from the ads t

7、hat you manufacture and sell this kind of product.<br>我从广告上得知,贵公司生产销售这种产品。 <br>Yes, we do. Are you interested in our products? If so, then you'vecome to the right place.<br>是的。您对我们的产品感兴趣吗 ?如果感兴趣,那么您来对地方了。 <br>Good.<br> 好极了。 <br>Well, then, what can I do for yo

8、u? What exactly are you after?<br> 那么,我能为您做些什么 ?您具体想要些什么呢 ?<br>I'd like to know something more about the product. For example, the manufactured materials,the design and the sales position.<br><br>我想多了解一下你们的产品。比方,加工原料、设计、及销售情况。 Well, I 've certainly had an excellent ti

9、me here. And you have beenkind.<br>哦,我在这儿过得非常愉快。你们真是太好了。 <br>comeIt 's been a great pleasure to have you with us. We hope you 'll here more often in thefuture.<br>我们很快乐和你在一起。希望你今后经常来。 <br>I'm sure I will. Now that we've got to know each other better, Im certain we can do morebusiness to our mutual benefit.<br>肯定会。既然我们彼此更加了解了,相信今后我们能做成更多的互利互惠生 意。 <br>I hope so.<br>希望如此。 </p>


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