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1、Module 7 易错知识点练习一、单项选择1 your English teacher in Qingdao two days ago?No,A Was; she wasn't BWere; she wereC Is; she isn't DAre; she is2 Don't you see the sign“ No!Parkoi ngthe right? Sorry, I .But now I know parking here is not right.A don'tBdidn'tC hadn'tDdoesn't3I bought

2、 an ice cream in the _Ariver B storeC home Dgarden4 Are you free tonight? Sorry, but I'm not . I've got so much homework to do.A busyBcomfortableC. available有空的D young5. China is a great country a long history.A. have B. hasC. with D. about6. What does Tom look like?A. He's careful B. He

3、's thinC. He likes swimming D. He is at school7. What is your brother like?A He is tenB He's kindC He has a brother DHe works in an office8There's a river many fish it.Ain;inB with ;withCin;withDwith ;in9How kind you are!You always do what you can others.A helpB helpingC helpsDto help10

4、was your first English teacher? Miss Zhou. A What B WhoC Where D When11 is your grandfather like? He is very warm-hearted.A Where B Whose CWho DWhat12 When my parents young,there not so much food.A are;are B were; wasC are;was Dwere;is13 There arechildren in the garde,n and I like playing there very

5、 much.A lots Blots of C a little D a little of14What can I do for you? I hope I have a nice housea big garden.A of Bwith Cfrom Dabout15 Jane was very good class but Adam was not.He was very Ain;difficultBat; difficultCin;friendlyD at; friendly、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子中的单词1. Jenny went to the and took a sho

6、wer 洗澡).2. Mrs Gree n said there was a big with many flowers beh ind her house.3. Read ing the n ewspaper at home makes me feel(厌烦的).4. This (商店)provides good service.5. There are many isla nds on the Chines (海岸).三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There(be) a teleph one call for you just now.2. The little girl looks f

7、orward to(play) with snow.3. It is great(travel) around the world.4. He is very(friend) to others so he has lots of friends.5. I don't like classical musicalways feel(bore) when I listen to it.四、用方框中所给单词完成以下句子,使句子通顺、正确primary, village, nice, Province, strict1. Jinan is the capital of Shandong .2

8、. What were the people like there?They were very kind and.3. I started my school when I was 6 years old.4. My math teacher is with us in class, but after class he is very frie ndly.5. I lived in a small when I was young.五、根据汉语完成句子1. 你的家是什么样子的?Whatyour home?2. 格林先生对其工作要求严格。Mr Greenhis work.3 .彼得想买一个带

9、有两间卧室和一间厨房的大房子。Peter would like to buy a bigtwo bedrooms and a kitche n.4. 我记忆中的父亲不苟言笑,对我严格要求。In my memory, Father was a man of few words and heme.5. 他出生于一个小村庄。Hein a small village.六、根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A: Morni ng, Wang Meng. _1_B: I was born in an alley胡同,小巷in Beijing in 1980.A: W

10、ow! Beiji ng is a great place. 2B: Yuegua ng Alley. It was long and n arrow, but it was in teresti ng. _3_A: I was born in a beautiful town in London. My family lived there.B: Can you remember your first teacher?A: Yes, she was Miss Black. She taught me En glish and music. She sang very well. B:4A:

11、Yes. And she was kin d. I missed her very much.B: Is she in En gla nd now?A: Maybe, but I am not sure. She likes travell ing. She was in Can ada last year.B: _5_A: Yes, she says she is coming to Beijing. She was to visit the Great Wall.A. Whe n were you born?B. Where and whe n were you born?C. Was s

12、he frie ndly to you?D. What was the n ame of the alley?E. What about you?F. Are you going back to En gla nd?G Does she want to come to China?参考答案一、 ABBCC BBDDB DBBBA二、1. bathroom 2. garden 3. bored 4. store 5. coast三、1.was 2.playing 3.to travel 4.friendly 5.bored四、1. Province 2. nice 3. primary 4. strict 5. village5.was born五、1.is;like 2.is strict in 3.house with 4was strict with六、BDECG


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