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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching designStructures :used toTarget language :Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.Vocabulary:used to, be interested in, be afraid of, dar

2、kImportant sentence:1, I used to be afraid of the dark. 2, Iswim team. 3, Im more interested in sports.m on theGoals 1 To learn about the use of used to2 To talk about what you used to be likeProceduresWarming up by learning“used to ”Hi, everyone. Today were going to study Unit 2. Its title isto be

3、afraid of the dark.In the title we find a phraseWhat does it mean? How is it used in English?PresentationStep1Show thepictureofpowerpointtohelpI used“used to”.studentsremember“appearance” and “personality ”AppearancePersonalityTallOutgoingStraight hairFunnyBeautifulBlackDirtyHungarySadTiredAngryCare

4、fulHappyHard-workingStrangeNoisyStep 2Listen. What did Bobs friends use to look like?1, Mario used to be_, He used to wear_.2.Amyusedtobe_,Sheused_.3. Tina used to have_ and _hair.tohave知 点 1 Mario used to be short(1)used to+ 原形 表示“ 去 常;以前常常 ( 在已 不 了 ) ”。其否定式和疑 式可借助于 did ,也可不用 did 。例如:Did you use to

5、 play football?Used you to play football?你 去踢足球 ?He didn t use to smoke He usednt to smoke 。他 去不抽烟。(2)be used to + sth doing sth表示“ 于”,其中to是介 , be 也可以用get等替 。例如:Students areget used to getting up early学生 于早起。(3)be used to+ 原形表示“被用来做”, 是use 的被 形式,其中 to 是不定式符号。例如:A computer is used to store informatio

6、n 可以用来 存信息。Step 3 Pairwork Look at the power point and practise in pairs.Step 4 ListeningListen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hearGirl: Hey, Steve! Over here, Dont you remember me?Boy: Oh, wow! You re Paula, arent you?G: That s right.G: Yeah! I wasn t very _.B: No, you werent

7、. But you were always _. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?G: Yes, I did. But now Im more _ in _. I play soccer andI m _the swim team.B; Wow! People sure change.Listen again and check the answer1. But now Im more interested in sportsbe interested in“ 感 趣”的意思。其中的be 可以用 become等替 。例如:Amy is

8、becomes interested in English艾米 英 感 趣。2. I play soccer and Im on the swim team.be on team “ 效力”She is on our school football team.Step 5 Sum-upGrammar focusStep 6 Homework叫学生写一篇短文,写出自己 在和五年前的不同情形。The second periodStep1 ReviewUse the picture to compare with the phrase“used to”and“now”Try to find more

9、 to practiseStep 2 PresentationLook at the chart and talk about what you were afraid of in the past And what you are still afraid of now. airplane n. 机 ( = plane )be alone 独be lonely孤独in the front of在前部in front of在前面Step 3Tell your classmate about your( or your family) in the pastand now .Make suret

10、hatthestudentsreallyunderstand“used to ”Step 4 Look at the picture and fill in the chart about Mei MeiStep 5 wokcorrect the five sentencesThe third period . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1)Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of.(2) Key Vocabularyter

11、rify, be terrified of, on2. Ability ObjectTrain students integrating skills.3. Moral ObjectAre you afraid of speaking in front of a group? Dont be so shy. Beconfident of yourself. Practice more, and you will sure change. . Teaching Key Points Target LanguageDid you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes,

12、I did.Are you still afraid of the dark?No, I m not. How about you?Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.So, what do you do about it?I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. . Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language. .

13、 Teaching Methods1. Teaching by demonstration.2. Pairwork3. Groupwork . Teaching Aid A projector . Teaching Procedures Step1 RevisionCheckhomework.Ask differentstudents toreadtheirreports abouthis favoritefilmstarorascientist.Then collecttheirwritingsand write comments on each paper before returning

14、 them,Step 2Part 4Thisactivitygivesstudentsan opportunitytousethetargetlanguage to talk about themselves.Read the instructionstotheclass.Ask agoodstudenttogive anexample from his or her own experience. For example, for the word eat,a studentmight say,I used toeatchocolate.Now Ilike toeatfruits of di

15、fferent kinds. I think chocolate is rich in calorie andfat while fruits are rich in vitamin, which is good for health.Help students to write chocolate and fruits in the chart.Ask students to complete the work in groups of four. Walk around theclassroomlisteninginondifferentgroupsandofferinghelpwithp

16、ronunciation and writing.Ask a fewstudentstotelltheclassabouttheother studentstheyhave talked to.For example, a student may say, my desk- mate Wei Mei used to eat a lot of chocolate. Now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is of great importance.Note: answers to the chart will vary.Step

17、3SummarySay, In this class, weve talked about what you usedto be afraid ofand what you arestillafraidofusingthetargetlanguageofthisunit.Step 4 Homework(1) Ask students to find out what their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and old friends used to be afraid of when they were children.What did th

18、ese people used to be afraid of that todays children arenot afraid of?(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 6 7 of the workbook.The fourth period . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyspider, insect, chew, gum(2) Target LanguageI used to eat candy all the time. Did you?Yes,

19、 I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.2. Ability ObjectTrain students ability to talk about what they used to be/do.3. Moral ObjectPeople surely change. Students should take good care of the process of their growth. . Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary spider, insect, chew, gum 2. Target LanguageI

20、used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot. . Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be/do. . Teaching Method Practice method . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. A picture with spiders and a picture with insects.3. A gum . Teaching Procedures Step

21、1 RevisionCheck homework.Invitedifferentstudentstograndparents,parents,aunts,uncles,oroldafraid of when they were young.Step2 1aThisactivityintroducesnew vocabularywordswith the target language.Usingpictures,teachstudentstopracticeinsect. Teach thereportwhathis/herfriendsusedtobeand providespractice

22、thewordsspiderandword gum by holding up a gum. And teach the verb chew by chewing the gum.Ask students to complete the work individually.Check theanswersby invitingdifferentstudentstoreportwork like this:When I was a child, I used to like painting pictures and singing inmusic class.Say each number t

23、otheclassand askstudentstoraisetheirhis/herhandsfor each thing they used to like to do. Then discuss the results withthe class.Step 3 1bThis activity provides practice with the target language.Point out the box under the pictures.Read the instructions to the class. Say,You are to write some other th

24、ings that you used to like to do when you were a children on the lines in the box. Remind students to write sentences.As students work, move around the room offering language support and helping them with any words they want to use.Get a student to write his/her sentences on the blackboard. Help cor

25、rect any errors.Sample answers1. I used to play football with my brother.2. I used to eat hamburgers a lot.3. I used to watch cartoons.4. I used to run with my father in the morning. Step 4 2a 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Set a timelimitof oneminute.Ask stude

26、ntsto lookthroughthesentences in the box.Say, You will hear a boy and a girl talking about how life used to bewhen theyweremuch younger onthe recording.Listen and checkthesentences you hear.Point out the sample answer. Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording aga

27、in. This time students check the sentences theyhear.Check the answers.AnswersChecked sentences: 1,2,3TapescriptGirl 1: My six-year-old brother started school this week.Boy 1: He s really lucky. Life was great when I wassix.Girl 1: Really? Why?Boy 1: Oh, schoolwork was really easy.Girl 1: Not for me.

28、 I didnt use to like tests. Now I dont worryabout tests.Boy 1: And we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.Girl 1: Yeah, but we used to walk to school. Now we have to take the bus.Boy 1: I remember one thing. I used to hate gym. Now I love gym class.Girl 1: Me, too.Ste

29、p 52cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.Optional activityAsk students to talk about good and bad habits. Then make sentenceswith“usedto ”toshow whichhabitstheyhavestoppedandmakesentences with“still” to sh

30、ow which ones they still have.Step 6Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve learned the new vocabulary words spider,insect, gum and chew and the target language I used to do sth. After class, finish writing the sentences in Optional Activity.The fifth periodStep 1 Fill in each blank with correc

31、t words givenStep 2 Use phrase“used to” to write about Yu MeiStep 3 Reading?MartinMurrayisafifteen-year-oldboy.He usedto be a“problem child”, (1).He didn t use to give his mother many problems. However, afterhis fathersdeatha few years ago, Martins life became muchmoredifficult.Hismothercouldn taffo

32、rdtopayforherchild s education. To do this, she had to work, and so was notoftenathome.Hismotherlooked after him aswellasshecould. Unfortunately, Martin stillcausehimselfd problems forand his family. He was not interested in studying, and he oftengot into trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother

33、 was verypatient, (2).Inthe end , shemadea difficultdecision: to send him to a boys boarding school.Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, hetoldhisteacherhewantedtoleavetheschool.(3). Thehead teachersaid it wasnecessary totalkwithhismother.Martin calledhismother,buttohis surpr

34、ise, this phone call changed his life.“It wasexactlywhatIneeded, ” hesaid.“My motherhelpedme tounderstandhow much shehadgivenme. She alsotoldme thateven thoughmy father wasno longerwith us, he was watching me,andwouldalwaystakeprideineverythinggoodIdo.(4). I realize that since myfather died, I have

35、been afraid of being alone, and have triedto make my motherpaymoreattentionto”Now Martinhasme.really changed. He has been working hard, and he is now a topstudent in his class.(5). His motherslovehelpedhimto feelgood about himself,andasMartinhimselfsays,“It sveryimportantforparentstobetherefor their children. ”Step 4 Homework


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