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1、YCT一级词汇拼音翻译版jiYn j ng,家: home family household眼 睛: eyexuéxi àoTóu fa学校: school头 发: hairshng di ànr duo商店: store shop耳 朵: earzhng gu ór énbízi,中国 人: Chinese鼻 子: noseChinese people/persongèzi,bàba个 子: stature height爸 爸:father dadmo,mma猫: cat妈 妈:mother mumgu

2、,gge狗: dog哥 哥: old brotherni o,jijie鸟: bird姐姐: old sisteryúl o sh 鱼: fish老师: teachershu,shu水: water,手: handníu n iku牛 奶: milk口: mouthmf ànshì米 饭: rice是: yesbe(am is are)miàn ti áo,yu,面条: noodle有: there is/are have/haspíng gu kàn苹果: apple看: look see watchj n ti

3、nch今天 : today吃: eatmíng ti nh明天: tomorrow喝: drinkxi àn z àiqù现在: now at present去: goyuèji ào,月: month叫: name call shouthào,ài号: date爱: lovexng q ,xhu n,星期 : week喜 欢: like prefer enjoydi nr èn shi点: clock hour认识 : knowxi èxieho谢 谢: thanks好: good nice

4、well fine okzài jiàn,all rihgt再见 : goodbye bye-byedu多: many muchdàover there that that place大: big large hugenn erxi o哪(哪儿) : where小: little small youngshéicháng谁 who whom,长: long lengthshén mego什么: what高: tall highj go x ìng,几: several how many a few高 兴: happy gla

5、d joyfulyw一: one我: I meèrn二: two你: yousnt 三: three他: he himsìt 四: four她: she herwwmem,五: five我 们: we usl ìu,zhèzh èer,六: six这 (这 儿) here thisqthis place七: sevennà nàer,b那(那儿) there八: eightj u九 : nine shí,十 : ten gè个: measure word suì,岁: year year of age bu不: nodon't doesnt Isn thn,很: very very much quite hé和: and with zài,在: in at onde,的: s( boys) ofma吗: question sentence mark (at the end of question sentence)


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