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1、1,S.T.A.R. Service Standards明星服务标准,2,Cares 关爱,Our Distinguished Service Culture我们独特的服务文化,It is a commitment that sets associates apart from those at other hotel companies. Through our responsive associates, comfortable hotels and efficient service, we show guests that we are glad that they are here

2、and we want them to return. How do we ensure our guests are satisfied? We care for them.是一项将同事区别于其他酒店公司员工的承诺。我们通过有高度责任感的同事、舒适的酒店和高效的服务,向客人表示我们的欢迎,并期待他们的再次光临。怎样才能确保客人满意呢?我们关爱他们。,STAR Recovery明 星 补 救 措 施,STAR Improvement System明 星 改 进 系 统,4,Objectives课程目标,Understand Cares Basic Service Standards理解关爱基本

3、服务标准Enhance the behaviour standards during service强化服务过程中的行为准则Win the guest loyalty by the On-brand service以符合品牌精神的待客之道赢得客人忠诚度,AM P2,5,Warming-up: Our Company Culture热身运动-我的公司文化,Company Name 公司名称 Core Values 公司的核心价值 General Manager 公司总经理 Company Logo 公司的标志 Win points in the training, and the highest

4、 team will get a surprise! 培训中赚取积分,得分最高的公司将得到惊喜大奖!,Optional可选,6,On Time 准时开市Healthy Competition 良性竞争Focus on Self-development 专注于自身的发展Avoid interruption 避免打扰Enjoy 乐在其中,My Company Culture-Marketing Regulations我的公司文化-市场规则,7,S Smile & Greet 微笑与问候 T Talk & Listen 交谈与倾听A Answer & Anticipate 回

5、答与预计R Resolve 圆满地解决,S.T.A.R. Service Standards明星服务标准,AM P7,8,微笑与问候,明星服务标准1,S.T.A.R. Service Standards 1,Smile and Greet,AM P4,9,Objectives目标,Realize the impact smiling & eye contact has on guests and fellow associates 认识微笑、目光接触对客人及同事的影响Clarify when to greet guests and fellow associates 明确何时向客人及同

6、事表示问候Identify three ways to find out a guests name确定三种找到客人姓名的方法Conduct an on-the-job skill practice进行岗位技能练习,AM P5,10,S.T.A.R. Service Standards明星服务标准,S Smile & Greet 微笑与问候,Every time you encounter a guest or fellow associate, smile and offer an appropriate hospitality greeting.当你每次遇见客人或同事时, 微笑并给

7、予恰当、真诚的问候。,11,Smile & Greet微笑及问候,1. Smile 微笑2. Greet 问候 Make Eye Contact 目光接触 Greet the Guest 问候客人 Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,AM P7,12,Smile 微笑,Why is smiling so important?为什么微笑很重要?,We are a global brand and the smile is the international language 我们是一个全球性的品牌,微笑恰是一种国际语言,It creates positive energ

8、y 它可以创造能量,It demonstrates our interest; shows we care; and conveys being welcoming 展现我们的热情与关爱;并让客人感到备受欢迎,Others tend to smile when we smile 我们的微笑可以得到对方的回应。,AM P8,13,A smile is genuine and warm, so remember to:微笑是坦诚与温暖的,所以请记住:,Focus on the guest, put aside your personal problems 关注宾客,私事放一旁,Be sincere

9、 真心诚意,Make sure the rest of your non-verbal matches the smile on your face 确保其他身体语言的含义与您脸上的笑容一致,Watch out for inappropriate situations 注意避免某些情形下不恰当的微笑,AM P9,Smile 微笑,14,Smile & Greet微笑及问候,1. Smile 微笑2. Greet 问候 Make Eye Contact 目光接触 Greet the Guest 问候客人 Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,AM P7,15,Exerci

10、se练习,How did you feel when there was no eye contact? 没有目光接触时,您有何感受?,How did you feel when your partner maintained eye contact with you? 对方与您保持目光接触时您有何感受?,Make Eye Contact 目光接触,AM P10,16,Making eye contact with our guests and fellow associates:与我们的客人与同事进行目光接触:,Will make them feel important 会让他们感到受重视,

11、Show that we respect them 表示我们尊重他们,Show that we are interested 表现出我们的热情,AM P11,Make Eye Contact 目光接触,17,Smile & Greet微笑及问候,1. Smile 微笑2. Greet 问候 Make Eye Contact 目光接触 Greet the Guest 问候客人 Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,AM P7,18,Greet the Guest 问候客人,Why greet guests? 为什么要问候客人? When greet our guests?

12、 什么时候问候我们的客人? How to greet our guests? 如何问候我们的客人?,AM P12,19,The 10 & 5 Rule “10与5”的法则:,At ten feet away we acknowledge (Head nod; smile; make eye contact) a guest, and at five feet away we greet a guest. 在离客人10英尺(3米)时,我们应运用恰当的身体语言(点头,微笑并保持目光接触)与客人打招呼。在离客人5英尺(1.5米)时,我们应问候客人,并伴以恰当的身体语言。,Greet the

13、Guest 问候客人,20,The most appropriate greeting for our hotel最适合我们酒店的问候,例句:晚上好,王女士.希望您度过一个宁静地夜晚.Example:Good evening,Ms Wang. Have a restful evening.,1 您好! Nin Hao!,2 客人姓名或职称+早上好/下午好/晚上好等 Guests name or Title+Good morning/afternoon/evening,AM P13,21,We should always greet our guestsin a friendly, profes

14、sional manner,without overdoing it. 我们应该以友好、礼貌的态度, 恰如其分的问候客人。,AM P13,Greet the Guest 问候客人,22,How will you handle these situations:你该如何处理这些情况:,You are busy with one guest and another guest approaches ? 当你正忙于接待一位客人时,另一位客人向你走来?,You are helping a guest and another guest approaches you and insists on bei

15、ng attended to? 当你正帮助一位客人时,另一位客人向你走来认为他也 应该受到帮助?,AM P14,Greet the Guest 问候客人,23,Smile & Greet微笑及问候,1. Smile 微笑2. Greet 问候 Make Eye Contact 目光接触 Greet the Guest 问候客人 Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,AM P7,24,Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,Why is important to use the guests name? 为何称呼宾客的姓名很重要?,- Show that w

16、e respect them 表示我们尊重他们- Show that we are qualified 表示我们是训练有素的- Show that we focus on them 代表着我们时刻关注于他们,25,How to address our guests? 如何称呼我们的客人? - Use courteous words 使用礼貌的词 - Greeting with their titles 称呼他们的职务 Example: Mr./Miss/Ms./Sir/Madam. 如:先生/小姐/女士/或者他们的职务,Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,26,Ways to

17、 find out your guests name: 获知客人姓名的途径有哪些?,- Computer system 电脑系统里- Luggage tag 行李牌- Credit card, passport, Name Card 信用卡/护照 /名片- Phone display 电话显示器- Share by other associates 同事间的分享- Directly ask guests 直接询问客人,Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,27,Asking for our guests name how do we do it? 询问我们宾客的姓名-如何询问?

18、,Example:Good evening, Sir. How may I address you? 例如: 晚上好,先生。请问怎么称呼您?,Use the Guests Name 称呼客人姓名,28,Wrap-up / Summarize 回顾与总结,Key points of “Smile & Greet” standard “微笑与问候” 的要点,- Smile 微笑- Greet the Guest 问候客人Make Eye Contact 目光接触 Greet the Guest问候客人Use the Guests Name称呼客人姓名,The 10 & 5 rule

19、s 10与5的法则,29,Exercise 练习,30,The guest is coming out of his room and you passes him in thehall pushing a vacuum cleaner. 你正在使用吸尘器,客人走出他的房间,从你身边走过。2. You are a waiter in the restaurant and a guest comes in for breakfast. 你是餐厅的服务员,一位客人走进餐厅用早餐。You are at the cashiers desk in the evening and the guestste

20、ps up to the counter. 晚间你在收银台值班,客人走近柜台。,角色扮演,Back to face page,Role Play,AM P16,31,交谈与倾听,明星服务标准2,S.T.A.R. Service Standards 2,Talk & Listen,32,T Talk & Listen 交谈与倾听,Talk and listen to every guest and fellow associate in a warm, enthusiastic, and courteous tone and manner.以友善、热忱和礼貌的语气与客人或同事交谈

21、并注意倾听。,S.T.A.R. Service Standards明星服务标准,33,Objectives目标,List three ways we communicate列出沟通的三种方式Identify non-verbal signals and their meaning 识别非口语信号及它们的含义Describe how to listen effectively描述如何有效倾听Demonstrate listening skills with a guest or fellow associate 演示与客人或同事沟通时的倾听技巧,AM P20,34,Talk 交谈,35,Thre

22、e Ways We Communicate三种沟通方式,What we say - the words we speak说什么 - 我们的言词How we say it - our tone of voice如何说 - 我们的声音语调Body language - what we demonstrate without words 身体语言 - 不用言词表达的,AM P23,36,How we communicate我们如何交流,AM P24,37,Examples of negative Non-Verbal communication:非口头行为的反面例子:,Lean on walls/c

23、ounters倚墙、柜台而站,Put hands in pockets把手放在口袋(上衣、裤带)里,Sitting unsightly二郎腿,How we communicate我们如何交流,AM P26,38,Examples of positive Non-Verbal communication:非口头行为的正面的例子:,Raise our head, dont be bow- backed 挺胸抬头、身姿挺拔 Eye contact with smile 目光注视、面带微笑,How we communicate我们如何交流,39,Pitch 声调 Rhythm 节奏Tempo 语速 A

24、rticulation 发音清晰度Volume 音量,Our messages is affected by: 影响信息传达的因素有:,How we communicate我们如何交流,40,Make sure your tone of voice matches with your intent确保你的语音语调 与你所要表达的意思一致,How we communicate我们如何交流,41,得体的语言可以向我们的客人与同事表示 我们是很职业化的、礼貌与考虑周到的。,Careful choice of words will show our guests and fellow associat

25、es that we are professional, respectful and considerate.,How we communicate我们如何交流,42,Listen 倾听,43,Why listen?为什么我们要倾听?,Listen can help us capture important information 倾听能帮助我们获得我们所需要的信息Listen means we respect our guests倾听表示我们尊重我们的客人Listen means we pay great attention on our guests倾听表示我们重视我们的客人,44,Li

26、sten 倾 听,Leaning toward the speaker 身体略倾向说话者Nodding head 点头 Making eye contact 保持目光接触Taking notes 做笔记Asking clarifying questions 通过提问加以澄清Repeating and rephrasing 重复并用自己的语言复述 ,How to listen actively积极地倾听是通过,AM P31,45,Interrupting the speaker 打断客人Finishing the guests sentences 接客人下句Looking away or loo

27、king down 东张西望或向下看Fidgeting with pen or paper 坐立不安地玩弄手中的笔或纸,What to avoid我们应该避免,AM P32,Listen 倾 听,46,When you mix up the words of LISTEN, what does it spell?将LISTEN这个单词的字母重新排列组合,可以成为哪一个单词?,SILENT,Listen 倾 听,47,Wrap-up / Summarize 回顾与总结,List three ways we communicate列出沟通的三种方式What percentage of inform

28、ation we can capture on the phone by using intonation? 当通过电话交谈时,我们通过语调获取的信息占多少?Identify non-verbal signals and their meaning 确定非口语信号及它们的含义Describe how to listen actively描述如何有效倾听,48,Exercise 练习,49,A very ill guest complaints about the temperature of air-condition is too low and you are the only assoc

29、iate who is on duty. 一位生病地客人投诉酒店空调太冷,而你唯一在场的当班服务员2. Received a call for room reservation 接到客房预定3. A meeting organizer is checking certain notices of banquet with our associate from sales department. 会议组织者在和一位销售人员核对宴会事项,角色扮演,Back to face page,Role Play,AM P33,50,回答与预计,明星服务标准3,S.T.A.R. Service Standar

30、ds 3,Answer & Anticipate,51,A Answer & Anticipate 回答与预计,Answer guests and fellow associates questions quickly and to their satisfaction, and anticipate needs by observing behavior and learning to “read” the guest.迅速有效的回答客人和同事的问题,注意观察客人的行为并学习去了解客人,来预计他们的需求。,S.T.A.R. Service Standards明星服务标准,52

31、,Objectives目标,Know the frequently asked questions 了解客人常问的问题 Know how to answer guests questions 了解如何回答客人的问题 Know how to find out the answers to the guests questions 了解如何设法找到客人问题的答案 Know what is anticipation and its importance 了解什么是预计客人需求及其重要性 Know how to anticipate guests needs 了解如何预计客人需求,AM P38,53,

32、Answer Questions回答问题,54,Frequently Asked Questions 客人常问的问题,Group Exercise 小组练习,Its my town这是我的城市,Its my hotel这是我的酒店,Its my company这是我的公司,AM P40,55,Frequently Asked Questions客人常问的问题,Its my town这是我的城市.,F&B outlets and entertainment 餐饮娱乐场所 Weather and transportation 天气及交通 Sightseeing spots 旅游景点 Sho

33、pping malls 购物场所 Local custom and culture 当地风俗文化 Local big events 当地重要活动 Medical facility 医疗设施.,56,Its my hotel这是我的饭店,Hotel generic information (address, phone number, website, etc) 酒店的基本信息(地址、电话、网址等) Hotel facility information (location, business hour) 酒店设施信息(位置、营业时间等) Service-related information 服

34、务相关信息 Discount information 优惠活动信息.,Insert Hotel Logo/ Photo,Frequently Asked Questions客人常问的问题,57,Its my company这是我的公司,Group generic information 集团的基本信息 Brands information 其他酒店品牌的信息 Owner and shareholders information 业主及股东的信息.,Insert Hotel Logo/ Photo,Frequently Asked Questions客人常问的问题,58,Answer Quest

35、ions回答客人的问题,3. Suggest 建议,Three Steps三个步骤:,1. Listen 倾听,2. Clarify 确认,AM P41,59,Answer Questions-Suggest回答客人的问题建议,- If appropriate, recommend hotel facility first 如合适,先推荐饭店的设施,- Provide alternative options 提供两种以上的选择,- Make sure we could satisfy the guests requests 确保我们提供的选择能够令客人满意,When offering sugg

36、estions to the guest, we should provide with options 在为客人提供建议时,应为客人提供选择,AM P42,60,When a guest ask you that where he/she can find a genuine Japanese restaurant, what will you do? 当客人询问你,哪里有地道的日本餐厅时,你会怎么做?,Answer Questions-Suggest回答客人的问题建议,Mr. Wang, what about the Japanese cuisine in our Miyabi Japan

37、ese Restaurant? There are fresh Sushi, Sashimi. Also, there are several Japanese Restaurants at Fuzhou Downtown. Ive been to Itoya on Fuzhou Plaza. The atmosphere and the hot pot there is fabulous! 王先生,您可以尝试一下我们酒店雅-日本餐厅的地道日本菜,那里有新鲜的寿司、刺身。同样,福州市区也有不少日本餐厅,我吃过福州广场的伊藤家,推荐您去尝试一下,那里的氛围和火锅都十分地道!,61,Taking

38、ownership means finding the answer for the guest, even if you have to put effort to find the answers勇于承担个人责任意味着帮助客人找到问题的答案,即使你必须从其它的途径发现问题的答案。,Answer Questions-When we dont know the answer回答客人问题当我们不知道问题的答案时,AM P43,What are some of the sources that you can turn to find the answers?你 能 从 哪 些 地 方 找 出 问

39、 题 的 答 案 ?,63,Should 我们应该Take initiate to find the answer主动找出问题的答案Confirm the accuracy of the answer 确认答案的准确性3.Offer personal options 提供为客人量身定做的选择Share the new information with colleagues 与其他同事分享你获知的最新信息,Answer Questions-When we dont know the answer 回答客人问题 当我们不知道问题的答案时,64,Should Not 我们不应该Answer with

40、 “I dont know” 回答客人“不知道”2.Shift the problem off to other departments 将客人的问题推卸到其他部门Give uncertain answers 给客人模棱两可,或未经确认的答案Give unsatisfying options 提供的选择不符合客人的要求,Answer Questions-When we dont know the answer 回答客人问题 当我们不知道问题的答案时,65,When the guest ask if there is mobile phone rental service in Business

41、 Center, what will you do? 当客人询问商务中心是否能够租用手机时,您会怎么做?Excuse me, Mr. Jackson, let me check it for you right now.Yes, Mr. Jackson, we have mobile phone rental service in our Business Center. Do you want me to lead you there for further detail information?王先生,不好意思,请稍等。我为您确认一下,好吗?王先生,我们商务中心有您需要的手机租用服务,您需

42、要的话我带您去商务中心具体询问一下好吗?,Answer Questions-When we dont know the answer 回答客人问题 当我们不知道问题的答案时,When the guest ask about a specific question out of your profession, and the answer would be complicated, you should ask the particular department to follow up, or escort the guest to the department. 当客人的问题不是您本职岗位

43、的专业问题,且答案相对比较复杂时,应该请专业部门同事主动跟进,或指引客人前往该服务区域。,66,When a guest in the public area ask you whether the parking lot is chargeable, what will you do? 当客人在公共区域询问您酒店车场停车是否收费时,您会怎么做?Excuse me, Mr. Wang, let me check it for you right now.Mr. Wang, Im glad to inform you that our parking lot is free of charge.

44、王先生,不好意思,请稍等。我为您确认一下,好吗?王先生,我们酒店的车场停车是免费的。,When the guest ask about a specific question out of your profession, and the answer is quite simple, you should find the answer from the particular department and answer the guest question by yourself. 当客人的问题不是您本职岗位的专业问题,但是答案简单,应该亲自向有关部门确认后,再回答客人。,Answer Qu

45、estions-When we dont know the answer 回答客人问题 当我们不知道问题的答案时,67,Anticipate Needs预计需要,68,What is Anticipate什么是预计客人的需求,Before the guest realize, we are able to foresee the possible problem, and try to avoid the unpleasant experience occurring to the guest. 在客人尚未意识到时,我们便预计可能发生的问题,并努力 使客人避免此类问题的发生。 When a g

46、uest experience a problem, even before the guest contacts the hotel for it, we have responded to the problem by anticipating. 在客人发生问题时,即使未向酒店作出要求,我们已通过预 计,快速地做出反应。,AM P46,69,Each hotel encounter is an opportunity to make the ordinary extraordinary. Meet guest expectation is not enough. The key to wi

47、n is to beyond the guest expectation. 每次的酒店经历都是化普通为特殊的机会。仅仅达到客人的期望是不够的,我们应该去超越客人的期望,这是我们制胜的关键所在。,Why Anticipate为什么要预计客人的需求,AM P46,70,Observe 观察 Make the best decision promptly 迅速做出最佳决定 Take initiative to offer service 主动提供服务 Show the genuine care 表达真心关爱,How to Anticipate如何预计客人需求,AM P46,71,How to Ant

48、icipate-Observe如何预计客人需求观察,Various hints各种暗示Verbal 客人的言词Vocal客人的语音语调Visual客人的身体语言Emotional客人的情感,AM P46,72,Via observation, know the guests emotion and needs, find out feasible solution promptly. 通过观察,了解客人的情绪和需求,快速找出可行的解决方案。Considerate thoroughly and focus on details 考虑周到、关注细节Think in the others posit

49、ion换位思考Choose the best solution决定最佳解决方案,How to Anticipate- Make the best decision promptly如何预计需求迅速做出最佳决定,AM P46,73,When we anticipate needs, we should ask ourselves four questions预计客人需求时,我们需要问自己4个问题,What is going on ? 现在正在发生什么事情? Who is involved ? 涉及到哪些人? What might happen if I do nothing ? 如果我们什么都不

50、做会发生什么? What action can I take ? 我能采取什么行动 ?,74,Take initiative to offer service satisfying to guests need and beyond guests expectation 主动为客人提供满足其需求,超越其期望的服务Provide map and bilingual address card for the guest asking the way主动为问路的客人提供地图、中英文地点卡片Provide booking service of restaurant or tickets 主动帮助订餐订票等,How to Anticipate - Take initiative to offer service 如何预计需求主动提供服务


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