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1、船舶与海洋环境保护专业硕士研究生培养方案(专业代码:082420)一、培养目标本专业培养具有爱国主义精神,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务的科技人才,所培养的硕 士生应具有船舶和海洋环境保护学科领域扎实而宽广的基础理论、系统的专门知识,掌握海洋 环境数值模拟、海洋环境污染物质监测与控制、 船舶及海洋污染治理理论、海洋环境质量评价、 水运危险品应急处理等方面的理论与技术, 了解本学科的现状、发展方向和国际学术研究前沿, 具有从事科学研究的能力,开拓进取精神和严谨求实的科学态度与作风,熟练掌握一门外语及 至少一种计算语言,具有熟练运用计算机分析、研究和解决专业问题的能力,能在船舶与海洋 环境工程领域的

2、高等学校、科研机构和企事业单位从事科研、管理和技术工作的、具有较宽知 识面的、勇于开拓创新的高级专业人才。二、研究方向1、船舶与海洋污染防治技术;2、海洋环境数值模拟技术;3、水工建筑工程环境影响评估技术4、船舶动力系统排放控制技术;5、船舶轴系密封技术;三、学习年限与学分硕士研究生学制为2.5年,学习年限一般为2至3年(特殊情况者可延长至5年),课程总学分要求不低于28学分。学位课程学分 18学分 四、课程设置类别课程课程编号课程名称理论学时实验学时学分开课学期开课单位备注学位课0321001-005第一外国语(英、日、法、德、俄语)14041-2外语学院1921007自然辩证法4821行政

3、学院1921001科学社会主义理论与实践3012行政学院0521001数学物理方法4021理学院任选2门0521002应用泛函分析4022理学院0521003矩阵论4021理学院0521004张量分析4021理学院0521006应用数理统计4022理学院0521007随机过程4022理学院0521009最优化方法4022理学院0521010数值计算4022理学院0521011数学模型4022理学院0521012模糊数学4022理学院1521005船舶与海洋污染控制技术3623航运学院1521003海洋环境模拟与应用46833航运学院1621004过程建模及仿真3621能动学院选 修 课 课 程

4、1522008水工建筑工程环境影响评 估5432航运学院1522009水运危险品污染防治技术3622航运学院1522010船舶与海洋环保公约与法 规5433航运学院1522011地理信息系统3622航运学院1522012环境管理学3622航运学院1522013专业英语3622航运学院1622036船舶轴系密封技术3622能动学院1622037流体润滑理论3622能动学院1622038船舶机舱管理3622能动学院1622039有限元与热分析数值仿真3621能动学院必修环节实践环节2开题报告13学术活动>5次1五、实践环节本专业硕士研究生必须参加“助教、助管、助研”等形式的实践环节,并撰写书

5、面实践报告,经指导教师检查、评阅后,合格者记 2学分。 在职研究生可免实践环节,也不计学分,所缺学分必须通过选取修课程上。六、科学研究与论文本专业硕士研究生在学位论文答辩之前,必须在本学科或相关学科的国内外学术刊物或国 内学术会议上至少公开发表1篇与学位论文内容有关的论文。七、考核方式为确保培养质量,凡培养方案规定的学习项目,均必须对研究生进行考核,考核方式以及 成绩评定,按学校有关规定执行。八、培养方式与方法1 充分发挥指导教师的主导作用,调动学术群体的力量,以培养研究生的主动性和自觉性为 目的的开展多项教学工作。2. 教学中采取形式多样的教学方式,以研讨、现场教学、启发式教学,让学生参加社

6、会实践 和社会调查等形式,充分调动学生学习和科研的积极性,培养学生创新能力。3. 要求研究生必须积极参加各种学术讲座、学术报告、学术交流会、研讨班、科研课题组、 社会实践与调查等工作,以培养其科研和动手能力。4. 鼓励研究生自己作学术报告,相互间进行学术交流与研讨,协助专业教师带领本科学生开 展一些与本专业有关的活动,以培养学生的管理、组织能力。九、其他本专业硕士研究生在读期间就应查阅本学科国内外文献 40篇以上,其中外文文献不少于 三分之一。学位评定分委员会主席签字:Master Program in Ship and marine en vir onmen tai protect ion(

7、专业代码:082420)(Specialty Code: 082420)ObjectiveThis speciality trains advaneed specialized talents with deep love for our motherland and devoti on to con struct ion of socialism as well as solid and exte nsive basic theory, systemic specialized kno wledge in ship and marine en vir onmen tal protect io

8、n field, grasp ing the theory and tech no logy in respect of digital simulation of marine environment, monitoring and control of marine environmental polluter, ship and marine pollution prevention, evaluation of marine environmental quality as well as waterborne dangerous substances disposal in emer

9、gency, also understanding the present state, developme nt and the latest academic forward positi on in ternatio nally of this branch of kno wledge as well as being capable of doing scientific research with active enterprise, astringent and realistic attitude to science and style of work for original

10、ity, skillfully grasping a foreign Ianguage and at least one kind of computer Ian guage with abilities of skillfully appl ying to computers for an alyz ing, researchi ng and resol ving the specialized cases and compete nt for en gag ing in research, man ageme nt and technical work for higher educati

11、on schools, research institutions and enterprises in ship and marine en vir onment engin eeri ng sector.二 Research Orientation1, Ship and marine polluti on preve nti on tech no logy 2, Digital simulati on tech no logy of marine environment 3, Evaluati on tech no logy of in flue nce on en viro nment

12、from water projects and architectures 4, Con trol tech no logy of ship dyn amic discharg ing 5, Seal tech no logy of ship shaft ingLength of schooling and CreditsDuration for Master Program is 2.5 years and length of schoolingis generally 2 to 3 years (extended to 5 years in some circumstances.). Th

13、e total credits are required to be no less than 28 credits, among of which the credits for degree courses shall total at least 18 credits.四, Course DescriptioncOurses typeCOURSECODENAMEHOURSCREDITSTERMOPERATED BYNOTESDEGREECOURSE0321001-005First Foreign Language14041-2School ofIntern ati onalStudies

14、1921007Dialectics of Nature4821Departme nt ofHuma nities1921001Scientific SocialismTheory & Practice3012Departme nt ofHuma nities0521010数值计算3622School ofNaturalScie nces0521003矩阵论3621School ofNaturalScie nces1521002Ship and marine polluti on con trol tech no logy3623School ofNavigati on1521003Di

15、gital simulati on of marine environment5433School ofNavigati on1621004Process modeli ng andsimulatio n3621School of En ergy and PowerEngin eeri ngOPTIONAL COURSE1522008Evaluati on of in flue nee on environment from water projects and architectures5432School ofNavigati on1522009Tech no logy of waterb

16、or ne dan gerous substa nces polluti on preve nti on3622School ofNavigati on1522010Conven ti ons and regulati ons for ship and marine environmen tal protect ion5433School ofNavigati on1522011Geographical information system3622School ofNavigati on1522012Marineen viro nmen talman ageme nt3622School of

17、Navigati on1522013SpecializedEn glishfor Ship and Marine Environmen talProtectio n3622School ofNavigati on1622036Seal and Lubrication ofMari ne Shafti ng3622School of En ergy and PowerEngin eeri ng1622037HydraulicLubricati onTheory3622School of En ergy and PowerEngin eeri ng1622038Engineroom Devices

18、 andAdmi nistratio n3622School of En ergy and PowerEngin eeri ng1622039The fin iteeleme ntmethodand numericalsimulatio n3622School of En ergy and PowerEngin eeri ngCOMPULSORYACTIVITYField Practice2Topic Report13Academic Activities> 5 times1V. Field PracticeStude nts can do some work as teachi ng

19、assista nt, which can be give n 2 credits after the in spect ion and comme ndatory of their advisors.VI. Research and degree paperFollow the relative rules established by the Un iversity.VII. Testing methodFollow the relative rules established by the Un iversity.VIII. Educational measuresThe cultiva

20、tio n of Master Degree adopts the comb in ati on of advisors-resp on sibility system and department collective cultivation.Students should take part in at least 5 times academic activities with 500 words report respectively. Follow the relative rules established by the Un iversity.IX. OthersFollow the relative rules established by the Un iversity.


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