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1、最新资料推荐一般现在时和现在进行时练习题、选择题练习1. Whoover there now?A. singing B. are si ng C. is si ngi ng D. si ng2. It ' s eight o ' clock. The studentsan English class.A. have B. hav ing C. is hav ing D. are hav ing3. Liste n! The babyin the n ext room.A. cryi ng B. cried C. is cryi ng D. cries4. Look! The t

2、wi nsnew sweaters.A. are weari ng B. weari ng C. are wear D. is weari ng5. Don ' t talk here. Grandparents.A. is sleep ing B. are sleep ing C. sleep ing D. sleep6. Tom is a worker. Hein a factory. His sistersin a hospital.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works7. WhoEn glish best in your cla

3、ss?A.speak B.speaks C. speak ing8. Mrs Readthe win dows every day.A. is clea ning B. clea n C. clea ns9. Wemusic and ofte nto music.A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening10. Sheup at six in the morning.A. get B. gets C. gett ing11. On Sun day he sometimeshis clothes and sometimesso

4、me shopp ing.A. wash/ do B. is washi ng/ is doing C. washes/ does12. The twi ns usuallymilk and bread for breakfast, but Jimsome coffee for it.A. have/have B. have/has C. has/have二、填空:1. My father always(come) back from work very late.2. The teacher is busy. He(sleep) six hours a day.3. Liste n! Joa

5、 n(sing) in the classroom. She ofte n(sing) there.4. your brother(know) Japa nese?5. Whereyou(have) lunch every day?6. The girl(like) weari ng a skirt. Look! She(wear) a red skirt today.三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式1. worksingplaystudy2. dancehavewritetake3. runsitshopswim4. lie四、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1. workreadclea nw

6、rite2. teachwashguesswatch3. godophoto4. studyflycryplay5. have五、根据中文意思完成句子1、学生们在干什么?有一些在打电话,另一些躺在沙滩上。the stude nts? Someon the phone,on the beach.2、 格林先生在看电视吗?”不“ 他在打扫房间。”“Mr GreenTV? ”“, Hethe house. ”3、魏芳不是在读书,她在写信。Wei Fanga book. Shea letter.4、 今天天气怎么样? is the weather today?或is the weathertoday?

7、5、我正在通过收音机学(learn)英语。IEn glish on the radio.6、这个老人每天早上六点钟起床。The old manatsix o ' clock in the morning every day.7、你从哪里来? Whereyou from?或 Whereyoufrom?我从美国来。Ifrom America. 或 Ifrom America.中考中的一般现在时用所给动词的正确形式填空:1. There _ some milk in the bottle. (be)2. Would you like somethi ng?(dri nk)3. shea bo

8、ok? Yes, she is. (read)4. it like that. (not do)5. Hehis homework at school. (not do)6. Fa ng Ming(not like )rice at all.7. Do you like(ride) a bike?8. We(go)to school at 7:30 in the morning .9. Liste n! Lucy(sing )now.10. Let me(help) you.11. Where is Lily? She(read) un der the tree.12. Sam and Jim

9、(make) a kite or a picture?13. D on' t(worry)! Let me help you .14. Can you(swim)? Yes ,I can .15. Bill speaks Japa nese. He(not speak)Chin ese.对划线部分提问1.My computer is broken.2.1' m doing my homework.3.It' s Wednesday today.4. His favourite sport is basketball.5. My brother works in Shenzhen.6.0ne of my classmates comes from Australia.7.Lucy usually gets up at 6:30 in the mor ning.5


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