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1、学习必备欢迎下载八年级英语第一单元测试题 听力部分 、将你听到的句子前的序号填在图片下的横线上。(5 分) .5.、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(5 分)6.A. He has a sore throat.B. He has a toothache.C. He has a fever.7.A. His left leg hurt.B. He had sore eyes.C. He had the flu.8.A. More than three hours a day.B. More than two hours a day.C. Less than two hours a da

2、y.9.A. He lost his umbrella.B. He had a bad cold.C. He lost his movie CD.10. A. Because he has a little near-sighted.B. Because it looks like rain.C. Because he has a sore throat.、根据你听到的内容将下列句子前的序号填入姓名后的括号里。(5 分)Robert ( G11)Bruce ( 1213 )Stephen(1415 )A. He has a sore thoat.B. He should take some m

3、edicine and keep warm.C. He had better stay in bed and rest.D. He had better drink some hot tea with honey.E. He has a fever today.F. He played sports and hurt his back.G. He has a bad cold.、听力填空。听一段长对话,然后填空。(5 分)Jeffhas16because17. He should18and have a rest. He hadbetter not19now.20comes first. 笔试

4、部分 、选择填空。( 10 分)21. I have a toothache.Yousee a dentist.A. willB. can C. should D. could22. Linda, whe re syour brother?he is in the library.A. Maybe B. May beC. Can beD. May23. Will you go to see a doctor?No, I won t. I ll take some medicine and see.A. how goes itB. how it goes学习必备欢迎下载C. what goes

5、itD. what it goes24. _I have a sore throat.A. What's the matter, Judy?B. Where are you, Judy?C. Who are you?D. What did you do, Judy?25. My mother is ill. _A. Don't worry.B. No hurry.C. I'm sorry to hear that.D. OK.26. I feel so tired. I have so much work to do every day.You'd better

6、 not work too hard. It's good for you to take some _, I think.27. I have a stomachache, doctor.Take these pills and you d better _ cold food.A. eatB. to eatC. not eatD. not to eat28. If you want to keep healthy, you should not eat_ junk( 没营养的 ) food.A. too manyB. many tooC. much tooD. too much29

7、. My head often hurts. _A. I think so.B. That's OK.C. Really?D. Thank you.30. Do you need more milk?No, thanks, there s _ in the fridge.A. lot B. plentyC. manyD. a few、从方框中选择正确的词组完成句子(每词只用一次,注意将动词改成正确形式)。(10分)a lot oftwice a dayhappen totoo muchtake a look attake offhave a haircutlift heavy thin

8、gslose weight read in the sun31.Bob has a backache. Now the doctorher back.32.Judy looks sad( 难过 ). Whather just now?33.You re a little near-sighted. You d better not.34. When you have a fever, you should drink water.35.You must lie down and don tmove your leg.36.We should clean our classroom.37.My

9、father s left arm hurts badly and he can t.38.You get so fat and you should.39.It s so hot today. You d betteryour jacket.40.Matthew s hair is too long. He should.、根据横线后的标点连词成句。(10 分)41. had better, hot food, you, not, eat.42. for, you, long, shouldn t, a, time, play学习必备欢迎下载.43. I think, should, twi

10、ce, take, she, these pills, a day.44. were, why, for, again, you, late, school?45. with, hot tea, some, had better, honey, you, drink.、根据所给情景完成下列对话,每空一词。(10 分)A: Good morning, Mr. Baker!What s46with you?B: Good morning, Doctor.I'm not47well. My head hurts.A: Do you have a48?B: No. My temperature

11、 seems( 好像 ) to be4950.A: Now let me have a look. Please open your51and say "Ah".B: Ah!A: I m52you have a cold.B: Is it serious( 严重 )?A: Nothing serious. Please take this53twice a day. And you'd better55two and drink more water. Then it will be OK.B: OK, thank you, doctor.

12、、选择方框中的句子完成对话。(10 分)54in bed for a dayA: What s wrong with you, Alan?B: 56I have a cold.A: Bad luck!57A: 58B:59I don twant to ask for leave.A: Don tsay that.60You d better lie down and have a good rest now.B: OK.I llask for leave right away. Thank you very much.A.I think you can tel

13、l our teacher youre ill.B. You should go to see a doctor.C. Health can help you study better.D. I don tfeel well.E. I was late for school again.F. We ll have an English class this afternoon.、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空(可重复使用,有多余选项)。(10 分)Once there was a king. He was very rich and61great power. But he wasn&

14、#39;t happy. He was62. It made him feel sad all the time. No doctor knew63was wrong with him. One day one ofthem64to him, "After much thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way foryou to get65. You must wear the shirt of a happy man.So the king sent( 派遣 ) his men to every pa

15、rt of his land66a happy man. First, they visited therich. They asked these people if they were happy.67every one of them answered that they didn'tknow68real happiness meant(意为着 ).学习必备欢迎下载One day, one of the king's men met a woodcutter. "Are you happy?" asked the king's men.&quo

16、t;As happy as the day is long," answered the woodcutter."Oh, good!" said the man. "69me your shirt.""Why?" said the woodcutter. "I haven't got70 ."、阅读理解。根据短文内容填空。(10 分)I m Philip. One day, I had a bad toothache. I couldnt

17、eat anything. So I went to see the dentist.What s wrong with your teeth?asked the dentist.“I have a toothache, ”I told him.“Let me see your teeth Um, theres a hole( 洞 ) in one of the teeth. Do you eat a lot of sweetfood? ”the dentist asked me.“Yes, I do. I often eat ice cream, biscuits, chocolates a

18、nd I often drink colas and milk with sugar,”Itold him.“All these are bad for your teeth. You must eat less sweet food and brush your teeth at least twice aday. Now let me fill your tooth,“said the doctor.A few minutes later, I felt much better.71. Philip shurt badly one day.72. The dentist foundin o

19、ne of the teeth.73. Philip had a bad toothache because he.74. The dentist told Philip that he had better.75. After the dentist, Philip felt much better.、书面表达。(10 分)下面两个孩子都有点不舒服。假设你是医生,能给他们一些建议吗?要求:60-80词。Dear Doctor,I can tsleep well every night. What should I do?JuliaDear Doctor,I work on the compu

20、ter all day and I have soreeyes and my neck hurts badly. What should I do?Dave参考答案、 1-5 CEABD 、 6-10. BABCA、 11-15. BADFC、16. a stomachache 17. he drank too much cold water 18. take some medicine 19. work20.Health、 21-25. CABAC 26-30. BCDCB、 31. is taking a look at 32. happened to 33. read in the su

21、n34. a lot of 35. too much36.学习必备欢迎下载twice a day37. lift heavy things38. lose weight39. take off40. have a haircut、 41. You had better not eat hot food. 42. You shouldntplay for a long time. 43. I think sheshould take these pills twice a day. 44. Whywerer you late for school again? 45. Youd betterdr

22、ink some hot tea with honey.、 46. wrong 47. feeling 48. fever 49. all 50. right51. mouth52. afraid 53. medicine/pills 54.stay55. or、 56-60. DBAFC、 61.had 62.ill 63.what 64.said 65.well 66.to look for 67.But 68.what 69.Give 70.one、 71. teeth72. there sone hole73. liked sweet food74. eat less sweet fo

23、od and brush histeeth twice a day75. filled his tooth、 Dear Julia and Dave,To Julia: First, you should keep a good bedtime and wake-time. Secondly, you shouldntdrinkcoffee, tea or colas in the evening. Thirdly, don teat or drink too much two hours before you go to bed. Lastly(In the end), youd bette

24、r take enough exercise at the right time. Late afternoon exercise can help you fall asleep at night.To Dave: You shouldn tsit for a long time at the computer. Please stand up and have a rest every hour. Maybe you can take some exercise. You had better look out of window every twenty minutes and do e

25、ye exercises every two hours. At last you need to get a comfortable chair and desk. Get well soon!Doctor听力材料、 A. You should ask someone to repair it.B. David played basketball for twenty minutes.C. You d better lie down and rest.D. You d better go to see a doctor.E. You should drink lots of water.、

26、6. Dad, I have a toothache.You d better go to see a dentist.7.Boy: I fell down and hurt my left leg.8. Does Martin lose weight?Yes, he does. He plays sports for more than two hours a day.Question: How long does Martin play sports?9. Paul looked worried. Why?Because he lost his movie CD.Question: What s the matter with Paul?10.Boy: I am a little near-sighted.Girl: Really! You d better not read in the sun.Question: Why doesn tthe boy read in the sun?


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