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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载同步训练·英语四年级(下册)听读拓展材料Passage One:Hello, my name is Li Ming. Today, I want to tell you what I usually do at weekends.At weekends, I often get up at 7:00 and have my breakfast at 7:30. I usually play football in the morning. There is a playground in my school, we all go there to play foo

2、tball. At noon, I go back home for lunch. My mother always cooks delicious food for me. Then in the afternoon, I do my homework. I often watch TV with my parents. At 9:00, I go to bed.This is my weekends. What about your weekend?weekends 'wi:k?endz n.周末breakfast?br?kf?st n.早餐parents'pe?r?nts

3、 n.父母in the evening ?n ei ?ivn?在晚上优秀学习资料欢迎下载I Listen and judge, “T”for TRUE , F“”for FALSE.听短文并判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。() 1.I often get up very late at weekends.) 2.I play football in my school.) 3.I do my homework usually at night.() 4.My mother isnt good at cooking.) 5.I often go to bed after watching TV

4、 with my parents.II Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。() 1.I often get up at_ in the morning.A. 6:00B.7:00C.7:30) 2.I usually play_ in the morning.A. footballB. basketballC. ping-pong) 3.I often_in the evening.A. do my homeworkB. watch TVC. go to bed very lateD. play footballD. 6:30D. hide and seek我的周

5、末大家好,我叫李明。今天,我想跟大家讲一讲我是如何度过周末的。在周末,我常常 7 点钟起床, 7 点半吃早饭。上午,我常常去踢足球。在我们学校有一个操场,我们都去那里踢足球。在中午,我回优秀学习资料欢迎下载家吃午饭。我妈妈经常为我做很可口的饭菜。然后在下午我做作业。晚上我经常与我的父母看电视。在晚上9 点钟的时候我就上床睡觉了。这就是我的周末,你们的呢?答案:: 1.F 2.T3.F 4.F 5.T: 1.B 2.A3.B优秀学习资料欢迎下载Passage Two:I like to go to the supermarket with my family. There are a lot o

6、f beautiful clothes, delicious food and funny toys in the supermarket.Today is Sunday, the weather is warm and nice. My mother and I go to the supermarket. The clothes are on sale. They have black socks for only 3 yuan. The white and blue T-shirt is 20 yuan. Blue and white jeans for only 50 yuan.I l

7、ike white. So I will take a white T-shirt and white jeans. My mother will take ten pairs of socks, she says they are very cheap. Then we go home happily.supermarket?sup?mrk?t n.超级市场on sale n sel 促销I Listen and judge, “T”for TRUE , F“”for FALSE.听短文并判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。() 1.I like to go to the supermarke

8、t, because I can play games there.) 2.It is a rainy day today.) 3.The clothes are very cheap in the supermarket.优秀学习资料欢迎下载() 4.The T-shirt is cheaper than the jeans.) 5.I will take white socks, because I like white.II Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。() 1.I go to the supermarket with my_ today.A. fam

9、ilyB. fatherC. mother) 2.The socks are _.A. whiteB. blueC. black) 3.It cost us_ yuan for all these clothes.A.100B.70C.90我喜欢去超市我喜欢和我的家人去超市。 超市里有许多漂亮的衣服、美味的食物,还有好玩有趣的玩具。今天是周日,天气晴好。我和妈妈去逛超市。超市的衣服正在促销。他们的黑袜子只要3 元钱一双,蓝白相间的T 恤衫 20 元一件,蓝色的和白色的牛仔裤只卖50 元一条。我喜欢白色,所以我买了一件白色的T 恤和白色的牛仔裤。 妈妈买了 10 双袜子,她说它们真是太便宜了。然

10、后,我们就高高兴兴地回家了。答案:: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F: 1.C 2.C 3.A优秀学习资料欢迎下载Passage Three:The weather in shanghai and Beijing is not always good. In Shanghai, winter it s often cold and wet, and in Beijing it is always snowy and very cold. Spring in Shanghai is very beautiful not very hot and not very cold. But in

11、 Beijing, spring is dry and windy. Summer in Shanghai and Beijing is the same, it is very hot and rainy. Autumn is the best season for both Shanghai and Beijing, it is sunny and warm. And people can enjoy a lot of fruits.wetw ?t adj.潮湿bothbo adv.二者and?nd conj.与I Listen and judge, “T”for TRUE , F“”fo

12、r FALSE.听短文并判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。() 1.The weather in Shanghai is always good.) 2.Spring is very beautiful in Shanghai.) 3.Summer in Shanghai is different from in Beijing.优秀学习资料欢迎下载() 4.People live in Shanghai and Beijing can eat a lot of fruitautumn.) 5.We can see form the text that people like autumn b

13、est.inII Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。() 1.In Beijing the winter is _.A. wetB. rainyC. snowyD. dry) 2.Spring in shanghai is _.A. coldB. hotC. windyD. warm) 3.The best season for both Beijing and Shanghai is _.AspringBsummerCwinterD autumn上海和北京的天气上海和北京的天气并不是一直很好。上海的冬天潮湿、阴冷,北京的冬天则寒冷多雪。上海的春天很美,不是很热也

14、不是很冷,但是在北京,春天是多风干燥的季节。夏天,在上海和北京是一样的酷热多雨。秋季,是京、沪两地最好的季节,阳光明媚而又暖洋洋的。瓜果飘香,人们能享受到很多水果。答案:: 1.F2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T: 1.C2.D 3.D优秀学习资料欢迎下载Passage Four:One day, all the animals at the farm want to have a party.They want to prepare some fruit and food for the party. So they go to pick some fruit. The horse is ta

15、ll, he can pick the oranges. The cat canclimb trees. He says, “I can help to pick the apples! They are very nice.” The hens and goats go to get some tomatoes and potatoes. Rabbit also runs for carrots. They have a lot of things to eat, “I have something todrink! ”the cow says, she brings some milk f

16、or her animal friends.Now everything is ready. They can have the party happily.runs forr?n f?r 急忙去取I Listen and judge, “T”for TRUE , F“”for FALSE.听短文并判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。() 1. The cat likes to eat apples.) 2.Horse can climb tall up the tree.) 3.The cow brings something to eat.() 4.They dont have carrot

17、s.优秀学习资料欢迎下载() 5.They live in a forest.II Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。() 1.Where do they hold the party?A. On a farm.B. In the forest.B. C. In a village.D. By the river.) 2.Who goes to get the apples?A. The cat.B. The horse.C. The rabbit.D. The cow.) 3.How many kinds of animals are there in the party?AFive kinds.BSix kinds.C. Seven kinds.DFour kinds派对的食物有一天,农场的动物们想要办一个派对。他们想为聚会派对准备一些食物和水果。所以,他们要去摘一些水果。马长得很高,他能摘橘子。小猫能爬树,他说: “我能帮忙摘苹果!它们太好吃了! ”母鸡和山羊去找西红柿和土豆。小兔子也匆忙跑去挖萝卜。他们有很多吃的东西了。 “我有饮料哦!”奶牛说道,她为她的动物朋友们带来了一些牛奶。现在万事俱备了,他们的派对快乐地开始了。答案:: 1.T2.F3.F 4.F 5.F: 1.A2.A3.B


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