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1、Unit 4 Global warming学情分析: 教材分析本单元以Global warming 为主线,旨在通过单元教学使学生经过思考、学习,认识到全球变暖的起因和它所带来的种种后果。同时鼓励学生进一步阐述地球所面临的其它严重问题,激发学生的环保意识。引导学生运用所学语言、句式表达自己对这些现象的看法,培养他们为自己的观点辩论的能力,并能运用所学知识写一篇有关环境问题的论文。类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题Global warming, pollution and the importance of protecting the earth功能句式Expressing agreement,

2、disagreement, blame and complaintYes, I agree with you./ Yes, I think so./ I believe that youve got it right.I dont think so./ I dont think thats right./ Im afraid you are wrong.Im sorry to bring this up, but . / Im sorry to have to say this, but .They shouldnt have done it./ They are to blame./Why

3、dont you do something about it?/ Perhaps they should / ought to do .词 汇本单元无写作词汇。阅读词汇:consume, graph, random, phenomenon, subscribe, fuel, quantity, tend, per, data, catastrophe, flood, oppose, mild, consequence, state, range, glance, widespread, steady, steadily, tendency, average, existence, outer,

4、 advercate, commitment, pollution, growth, electrical, casual, motor, can, circumastance, microwave, refresh, educator, contribution, presentation, nuclear, disagreement词组come about, subscribe to, quantities of, go up, result in, even if, be opposed to, keep on, on the whole, on behalf of , put up w

5、ith, so long as, and so on语法“It” used for emphasisIt is human activity that has caused this global warming.1 / 6教案一 Warming Up, Pre-reading and Comprehending Teaching goals 1.Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas about the use of energy.2. Enable t

6、he students to talk about the causes and effects of global warming.Step1.Warming upT: As we all know, we depend on energy to do many things in our daily life. Some people even say we could do nothing without energy. Do you aggree with me ?Then where does all the energy come from? Open your books and

7、 turn to page 25. Look at the pictures on this page. They may help you find out the answers.Sample answers:RenewableNon-renewableWind powerCoalSolar powerNatural gas and oilHydroelectric powerNuclear powerStep 2. Pre-readingLook at the picture of greenhouse on page25.What is it in the picture?Discus

8、s the pre-reading part 1and 2. (Greenhouse gases: In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor.)Then what do you think greenhouse gases do?(They trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.)One

9、 of the effects is more and more carbon dioxide is being produced, which in turn increases the speed of global warming. Does it matter? Whatre your opinions? Next well read an article “THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER?”Step3. ComprehendingLook at the title can you guess the main topic

10、 of the article (Global warming/ the warming of the earth)Skimming: Read the passage quickly How many paragraphs does the reading text consist of? Please number them.According to the main idea of each part, match them in a right order.Part1 (1) Two different attitudes among scientists towards global

11、 warming. Part2 (2-5) How global warming comes about. Part3 (6) Introduce a discussion about global warming. Part4 (7) Leave us a question whether people should do something about global warming or not. Can you match the logic order with each part? (Keys: BADC)A. Giving examples,using graphs, explan

12、ationB. Raising a question C. Leaving a questionD Giving examples, making contrast Scanning: Finish the exercises 1(1,2) and 2(True or false)教案二 Language points1. So how has this come about and does it matter?Can you tell me how the accident came about? With the use of electricity, great changes hav

13、e come about. 总结:come about发生, 造成, 相当于happen/take place/ occur to是不及物短语。come out 出现; 出版 come across 偶然遇见 come back to life 苏醒过来 come up with 行处;提出 come up 发生、举行; 出现 come into being 形成练练:Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (湖北2006) A. came over B

14、. came out C. came about D. came up 2. There is no doubt that.回顾旧知:用 whether/if/that填空There's a doubt _ he'll keep his promise. (whether) There is no doubt _ they will ask you for help. (that)I have no doubt _ you will succeed. (that)I don't doubt _ he is telling the truth. (that)Do you

15、doubt _ he will win the match? (that)We doubt _ she will be persuaded. (whether/if)小结:作名词:肯定句中doubt多接whether (一般不用if代替) 同位语从句。否定句中doubt多接that同位语从句。作及物动词:用于否定句或疑问句, 后接that引导的宾语从句。用于肯定句, 一般接whether 或if引导的宾语从句。 3.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase.Subscribe:vi 同意;捐赠;订阅 , vt(签署)文件;捐助

16、译例句总结:How much did you subscribe (to the disaster fund)? 捐赠Which journals do you subscribe to? 订阅I dont subscribe to such views.Subscribe your name at the end of the paper. 签名4. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of of extra.回顾旧知: large quantities of/ a large quantity of + 可数/不可数n 大量练练:-

17、Why does the lake smell terrible? -Because large quantities of water D .A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. has been polluted5.It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in. 看例句理解意思:Women tend to live longer than men. 往往会 ,常常会His views tend towards/to the extreme. t

18、end towards/to 朝向,趋向Doctors and nurses tended the injured. 照料;照管;护理= take care of/ook after 拓展:tendency n 趋向;趋势;倾向6. 区别:result in导致 /result from 由于; 由.引起练练:Acting before thinking always results _ failure. (in)The accident resulted _ the death of two people. (in)His sickness resulted _ eating too muc

19、h. (from)7. be opposed to.参见双语报B2版8. average 用法参见双语报B2版教学反思: . 教案三:Grammar内容回顾:由it 引导的强调句结构: It is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (who) + 句子其他部分运用此结构分别强调该句的主语,宾语和状语。练:My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.强调主语: It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.强调宾语: It w

20、as the experiment that my father did in the lab yesterday evening.强调时间: It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the lab.强调地点: It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening. 强调句型的一般疑问句式:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+句子的其余部分?Is it Professor Liu who/that teaches us

21、English this year?强调句型的特殊疑问句式:It is professor Liu that teaches us English this year.(对划线部分提问)Who is it that teaches us English this year?练:It is English that professor Liu teaches us this year. (对划线部分提问)What is it that Professor Liu teaches us this year? notuntil句型的强调句型He didnt leave until 11 o cloc

22、k.It was not until 11 oclock that he left.(强调not until时间状语)总结:当被强调的是notuntil句型时,应将not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句。练:I didnt know the truth until he told me.(强调时间状语)It was not until he told me that I knew the truth.教案四 Using languageTeaching Goals:1.To discuss and read about global warming.2.To learn to wri

23、te a poster.Skimming:Skim the letters and find who the writers are and what their purpose of writing the letters is. (The first letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his project global warming.The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He offers the

24、student some suggestions on what to do about global warming. )Scanning: Read the second letter, and answer the question:Does Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guangs opinion that individuals can have no effect?( No, Earth Care does not agree.)Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.What can we do

25、about global warming?1. Turn a(n) _electrical appliance off when youre not using it. 2. Put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.3. Walk or ride a bike instead of taking motor vehicles. 4. Recycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers.5. Buy things made from recycled materials . 6. Buy pr

26、oducts that are made to save energy.7. Plant trees in your garden or your school yard. 8. Talk with your family and friends about global warming.Language points:1.on behalf of/ on ones behalf 代表;作为的代言人 翻译句子:Im greatly honored to put on performance here on behalf of our school.My husband could not be

27、 here tonight,but I want to thank you on his behalf.2. so long as用法见双语报B2版Homework: WritingMake a poster.(Do the exercise2 on page31)Sample poster:Fight global warmingCut down on energy. Cut down on carbon dioxide.u If not using an electrical item, turn it off.u If you suddenly feel cold, dont turn

28、the heat up, put on a jacket instead.u Walk or ride a bike and save fossil fuels.u Recycle paper, cardboard and newspapers.u Buy products made from recycled materials.u Buy energy-saving products like low energy u light bulbs.u Plant trees to absorb CO2.u Tell your friends about global warming.Every effort counts! -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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